Sentences with phrase «one's monologue»

Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno took over for current host Jimmy Fallon during the opening monologue of Wednesday night's episode, where the 66 - year - old comedian poked fun at both Democrat and Republican presidential contenders Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Not only did Joan meet Adele, but she had a running inner monologue about the new mother's weight the entire time — which she shares with the audience.
Cameron: Yeah there are just so many things that you can do with internal monologue in books that either don't work or feel clunky in a film.
Robbed of her relentless inner monologue from the book, Lawrence has to embody a strong but compromised woman, and she has done that as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be pushed into an obscene death match for the glory of her district.
Movement is an ongoing internal monologue about which muscles to engage, where to look, how to breathe, etc..
Like a collection of monologues from characters that we never find a reason to care about.
At the same time, what makes games unique is interactivity - not long monologues on Ayn Rand.
Seriously, he is a comedic treasure here, serving up a number of great lines, but once again it is Hailee Steinfeld that is able to keep up and rapidly fire off a number of monologues with passion.
JL on SNL opening monologue by simonaka
«Hailed «The Vagina Monologues for birth», Birth is a documentary - style play based on over one hundred interviews playwright Karen Brody conducted with mothers across America.
The participants with autism, on the other hand, are animated but exhibit a distinct lack of social reciprocity: They do not ask their conversation partners many questions and instead tend to deliver monologues about their own personal interests.
The scenes of Hawke sitting in an insomniac trance, scrawling out his humble interior monologue as a longhand confession, are indebted to Robert Bresson's 1951 masterpiece Diary of a Country Priest, and Bresson's long, gloomy shadow hangs over this film as well as others in Schrader's ouvre.
He presents One Life Left, hosts marioke, teaches around the world and delivers monologues at conferences that have been described as «life - changing» and «a waste of time».
«Good evening ladies and remaining gentlemen,» Meyers addressed the crowd before throwing himself into a 15 - minute long monologue in which he directly mentioned disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein with one joke in particular drawing gasps from the audience.
In it, Val Kilmer sits playing the trumpet as an extended interior monologue about identity and questioning his role in the flashback to follow plays on the soundtrack and flames engulf the building around him.
And so tonight, get ready for a very special presentation of The Vagina Monologues on the steps of the Michigan Capitol building.
But both Garcia and Woods are still fielding questions about the contretemps, and Sergio once again launched into monologue on Monday and repeated his public critique of Woods.
Jimmy Kimmel hosted the ceremony kicking things off with a rather safe opening monologue which poked fun at Harvey Weinstein and Mike Pence.
In Semiramis, Shani presents twelve films of twelve characters, including The Woman on the Edge of Time, The Vampyre, The Medieval Mystic, Siren and Phantasmagoregasm, presented through performed monologues with an original score by Let's Eat Grandma.
Hailed as «the faultless painter» by his pupil Giorgio Vasari, d'Agnolo was also celebrated in a splendid dramatic monologue by Robert Browning that keys on the sense of his effortless perfection, the sprezzatura of the virtuoso.
From the opening monologue where our main character describes his family I eased back into my chair and knew this was a winner, and I was smitten with Tim, with his gangling, awkward moves.
Using a script written by Fraser, the actors presented twenty - minute monologues for anyone who came to see McCollum's work.
Ill be doing monologues and stories about my incompetence as a father, said Kissin.
So in the end, I am not opposed to preaching monologue sermons if you can explain why, in your situation, it is the best approach.
Daniel is sincere in his flattery, even if an extended monologue of what he would do to her if they got up and left a coffee shop together turns into something out of a cheap romance novel (i.e., long passages of time spent just exploring her body).
Directed a short performance piece featuring student - written monologues for talent and variety show.
Perhaps the centerpiece is a lengthy monologue from a partygoer played by Will Oldham about the inevitability of decay and the pointlessness of human existence.
Waterston, working in two slow - burning, aria - like monologues of affectionate calculation and uncertain, highly compartmentalized motives, turns a threadbare archetype into someone painfully real and poetically resonant.
The series is studded with lengthy voiceover monologues taken from Kaczynski's neo-luddite manifesto, which Paul Bettany performs with gusto.
If the word wrestling makes you think of leathery, muscle - bound men with bad haircuts delivering bad monologues before beating the tar out of each other with folding chairs, Kreidler wants you to know about a more honest version of the sport.
Supported by an intriguing narrative with multiple endings and the demon's own monologues as he attempts to comprehend the strange world that he has been summoned into, Qasir al - Wasat is much more than your garden variety stealth title and is worthy of inspection by both stealth fiends and genre newcomers alike.
So I was really gearing up for a good monologue about why the Doctor should be in charge or why he was worth trusting or even why they were doing this whole thing, but meh.
Transfers will be a sensitive thing for a while, I thought Wenger was reasonable and he did have some great monologue during the AGM.
Using monologues, poems, and time lines, these teachers show children that biographies can be fun as well as informative.
Three extended scenes, each of them featuring commentary by Lussier, do little to add to the sense of the film, although a long monologue featuring a red - faced Dracula screaming at a cheesy neon Jesus does inspire a good deal of satisfying howling derision.
And Lewis at one point has a character's internal monologue describe the «entire history of Wall Street» as the «story of scandals... linked together tail to trunk like circus elephants.»
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Most people just keep up a running monologue with God and never shut up and listen.
Now, in The Bones of Grace, Anam moves from a more traditional third person storytelling point of view into an intimate, somewhat neurotic, second person monologue style.
This is a slightly edited and condensed transcript of my inner monologue after Juventus 3 - 0 loss against Real Madrid.
As did Seth Myers in a way with a rather hilarious opening monologue joke about bringing all the trophies out as soon as he said the title — a joke that Spielberg & company had a big laugh about.
For example, on September 18, Haus am Waldsee will be opening Alicja Kwade's solo show Monologue from the 11th floor and the Preis der Nationalgalerie 2015 will be awarded to one of the four nominees Christian Falsnaes, Florian Hecker, Anne Imhof, and Slavs and Tatars (Exhibition of the nominees at Hamburger Bahnhof).
Chastain's monologue took the typical musical number conceit and tied it to something a touch more meaningful.
As with all insects in the Animal Crossing series, the Birdwing Butterfly can be donated to the Museum followed by a short monologue by Blathers, the curator.
It adds intrigue into this mysterious suicide circle and the individual stories, while the constant voice over monologues are probably the worst (as in self - indulgent and pretentious) part of the movie other than the length, at least seem to be hinting that they're all heading toward the same end.
Just like speed - dating is supposed to let you know if you want to go on a. Speed Dating Monologue YouTube.
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