Sentences with phrase «one's monthly contest»

What's more, there will also be monthly contests for those looking for some competitive fun.
They run monthly contests and it has generated traffic for me.
Created monthly contests to drive sales results, celebrated success, and inspired teammates to succeed in a competitive environment.
Other authors run monthly contests where they give away a free signed copy of their book or some nifty «swag» that they got at various conferences.
If you are interested in becoming a participant in future monthly contests please contact Evey @ Evey's Creations or Stacy @ Anastasia Vintage.
We offer monthly contests and cross promote each other in our personal newsletters, offering giveaways from our colleagues and sharing the entrants» information.
Some authors run monthly contests on their websites to entice readers to join their mailing lists.
Soap Expressions has an ongoing monthly contest for project ideas.
Value Investing News announced the August monthly contest.
Sponsorship of the Value Investing News monthly contest remains free, as long as valuable prizes are provided.
She markets primarily through Facebook with a link to her Messenger through «fun monthly contests
About 6 months after the Corporate Communications team at TIBCO launched their employee advocacy program, they launched a monthly contest.
Stay in the loop with our monthly contests and giveaways by following RentMoola on Facebook!
We also provide an online message board, monthly contests, exclusive member discounts and fun interaction with national brands.
All momstown mamas can enter the monthly contest draw once each day, so don't forget to visit our home page!
Monthly contest to reward the person that performs the most intense set of the month (ISOM) with proper form on a given exercise.
The Happy Home Challenge, a feature of the Happy Home Network in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, is a monthly contest available for all players from around the world to participate in by designing a fitting home to the monthly theme.
Submit an original lesson plan on Digital Wish to enter each monthly contest.
It's time for the monthly contest!
(Boston, Massachusetts)-- In a move designed to attract the attention of booksellers and librarians across the country, small publisher Peanut Butter and Jelly Press announced today the «I Love My Independent Bookstore Because...» and «I Love My Local Library Because...» monthly contests.
It's the awards, so, he does a monthly contest where authors can submit their covers and he critiques them and gives a gold star to the ones are the best submissions for the month and -LSB-...]
Those points can then be used to gain entry into the website's weekly and monthly contests.
Dubbed the BlackBerry Smartphone Fan League, the platform is set to host weekly and monthly contests, with new BlackBerry phones on offer from time to time.
And be sure to enter her monthly contest — be the featured blogger on MondayBlogs and Indie Book Promos for a full month at no cost to you!
We publish flash fiction, poetry, and artwork from winners of our monthly contests alongside guest writers.
Carly Phillips entices readers with a monthly contest to visit her website.
Hopefully this will encourage more voting on the site in addition to the monthly contest prizes.
Join our Facebook event here to stay up to date on the monthly contests for a chance to win amazing prizes!
Consider holding a monthly contest, with the winner receiving a free package of treats.
A new Pet Directory section has visitor pet images, monthly contests, and message boards and forums.
I'm not sure we would stand a chance in those monthly contests.
Just to remind you, this January TheExpeditioner started a flickr group allowing our readers to share their best travel photographs and a chance to have them considered for our monthly contest (are you a flickr member?
Stay in the loop with our monthly contests and giveaways by following RentMoola on Facebook!
The Happy Home Challenge, a feature of the Happy Home Network in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, is a monthly contest available for all players from around the world to participate in by designing a fitting home to the monthly theme.
There's no way around that, the monthly contest winner will always be the person most willing to spend money in an incredibly foolish manner.
Finally, Nintendo explains how the monthly contests will work.
(If you are a musician and would like to participate, click that link for more information about our monthly contests.)
On this episode the guys talk Nintendo Switch, PAX, Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda Breath of the Wild, 2Dark, Link Between Worlds, Super Mario 3D Land, Sega 3D Classics Collection, our monthly contest and more!
Answer that question in our monthly contest for the chance to win one of five FlexJobs memberships!
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