Sentences with phrase «one's monthly support»

She facilitates several monthly support groups for transgender adults, youth and parents.
Under normal circumstances, however, a court or the parties establish an amount to be paid on top of the regular monthly support payment.
Monthly support from friends like you enables us to help animals, whenever and wherever they're in need.
And one of the first things listed on a sugar baby's profile is their desired level of monthly support in dollars.
Each parent is responsible for his or her percentage share of the total monthly support amount.
We offer ongoing monthly support and maintenance with immediate contact information.
If you would like to become a member and provide monthly support to pets in need, please view our membership options and set up a monthly donation.
Often, the spouse who's had control over the finances wants to «make a deal» when it comes time to divide the marital property or decide on monthly support.
Beyond leading book discussions, the school librarians developed monthly supporting lessons for teachers, created videos, and established an art installation.
Should one spouse have to make monthly support payments to the other after the divorce, and if so, in what amount and for how long?
Monthly support groups: Support groups are held monthly with the goal of providing peer support and education on various topics of concern to participants.
The income of the non custodial parent is matched to the number of children; this determines the amount of monthly support, in first instance.
This article is an excerpt from Preparing for Divorce, a free monthly support call, sponsored by Main Line Family Law Center, in partnership with Divorce Essentials.
LBGTQ Support Group Free monthly support group addressing the needs of prospective and current LGBTQ adoptive families.
The wife was awarded sole legal and physical custody of the child and Husband was ordered to pay $ 1,050 in monthly support, plus $ 7,000 in arrears.
We offer monthly support groups lead by professional therapists in 6 California locations, summer camps, youth leadership training, bereavement workshops, and care packages sent nationwide to newly diagnosed families.
I am an active LLL leader and help lead monthly support group meetings.
The Calgary Veteran's Food Bank is the only one in Canada — monthly support includes a food and toiletries drive, employee charitable donations matched by Rogers Insurance Ltd., volunteering and innovative fund raising events.
A TBRI ® Practitioner will facilitate monthly support groups in each Phase 1 region.
Rather than charging Shallenberger separately for each new improvement, Etessami charges Rug World a low monthly support fee.
Spousal support is monthly support paid by one spouse to the other after a divorce or separation.
But he admitted paternity after a blood test and, before his rookie season with the Celtics, in 1979, agreed to set up an account from which monthly support checks could be drawn until Corrie turned 18.
Triangle Area API holds monthly support group meetings.
This will consist of monthly support seminars, including content - specific instruction offered by faculty in Harvard's Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Mathematics Department.
Indigenous Father Appeals Ruling Giving Ontario Courts Jurisdiction Over Mother's $ 117,000 Monthly Support Claim
Recently it was reported that Tracey Hejailan - Amon was granted $ 122,858 USD as temporary monthly support.
Baseline monthly support payments are set by Florida state courts.
Child support includes basic monthly support, health insurance and life insurance, unreimbursed medical and dental costs, child care, and may include «add - ons» like sports, music, tutoring, and college.
They also work with the family caregivers of those with dementia on implementing caregiver stress prevention strategies such as attending monthly support groups, creating crisis plans, taking regular weekly time off from caregiving tasks, and enhancing their self - management and problem solving capacity related to their loved one's dementia symptoms.
In addition to the Divorce Support Network, we also offer a free monthly support call - Preparing for Divorce - which covers many of the topics above.
Alimony, or spousal maintenance as it is called in Illinois, refers to monthly support from one spouse to the other following a divorce.
In a unanimous ruling on Jan. 29, the court upheld the $ 5,000 monthly support payments of Phoenix Suns forward Dennis Scott (who earns $ 3 million a year), less than half the $ 10,011 sought by the child's mother.
Families Need Fathers 0300 0300 363 (Monday to Friday, 6 pm to 10 pm) Offers monthly support groups across Scotland for parents to share their experiences of separation and divorce.
Free monthly support group addressing the needs of prospective and current LGBTQ adoptive families.
Finding that he had done so for «lifestyle reasons» related to his new wife and a fondness for golf and vacations (rather than for unexpected health reasons, for example), the court declined to reduce or terminate the $ 2,000 in monthly support he was obliged to pay his former first wife of 26 years, finding there was no «material change» in the circumstances.
The one fee CDGcommerce charges, besides transaction fees, is a $ 10 monthly support fee, which you wouldn't get charged with processors intended for true startups — like Square or PayPal.
For companies of all sizes who want better results from social media marketing and online business development, Mari Smith International offers a popular variety of online self - study training programs, live webinars and ongoing monthly support.
We're able to help animals wherever and whenever they're in need thanks to our strong base of Humane Heroes — animal lovers like you who provide monthly support.
The other parent then becomes «non-custodial,» and pays a certain amount of monthly support for expenses such as food and clothing for the child.
All our Surrogates are interviewed by a licensed psychologist and attend monthly support group meetings run by the same psychologist.
Pension For Life means that a 25 - year - old retired Corporal who is 100 % disabled would receive more than $ 5,800 in monthly support, a 50 - year - old retired major who is 100 % disabled, monthly support would be almost $ 9,000.
A friend of mine was such a missionary, getting an email from another church that could no longer send him monthly support (it was a substantial amount of his monthly income).
Finally in August 1995, a Baltimore County circuit court judge awarded Jeffress a monthly support order of $ 4,000.
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