Sentences with phrase «one's music choices»

You may as well turn all sound off and turn up your personal music choice in the background while you play.
Music choice as a sadness regulation strategy for resolved versus unresolved sad events.
Everything from the eclectic music choices to the chemistry between the characters works perfectly.
We will use different modalities to initiate movement and expression, through guided imagery, directed use of body mechanics, silence and carefully selected music choices.
This is a pretty cool feature, though it can get frustrating if and when power struggles arise over music choices.
Sound is also incredibly important and, whilst music choice is incredibly personal, the demand for high quality audio is shared.
Mixing arresting visuals with surprising music choices of some well - known pieces (Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Philip Glass, Mozart, Leonard Cohen!)
Your luxuriously appointed gondola with its» plush velvet interior and Venetian drapes comes with a gondolier in traditional Venetian costume and romantic Mandolin music or you may bring your own music choice on CD.
(He won't rule out a deal with Music Choice, either.)
They discuss what makes the film unique, from music choice to why they chose the subject, as well as what makes Justice Ginsburg worthy of her own documentary.
Complementing Adrian Johnston's John Carpenter - inspired score, these upbeat music choices make for a playful counterpoint to the carnage on display.
There are a lot of interesting music choices in the new season, like the Radiohead in «Shut Up and Dance», the 80s tunes of «San Junipero» and the Under the Skin - ish score of «Hated in the Nation».
The very technological changes wrought in the rest of society that have helped people become their own news media outlets, curate their own music choices, even create their own encyclopedias (and have crippled the traditional gatekeepers in those realms) is also reshaping the way families want to engage in shaping education.
The company's biggest competitor in the U.S. is New York — based Music Choice, which often makes multi-year deals with carriers.
You can even hear it in the in - store music choices, usually well - known songs remixed by obscure artists — another way to embrace pop while trying to maintain an indie edge.
So here are my top five music choices currently beinglistened to, as dictated by my children:
When Black Panther works, it's thrillingly alive, whether it's the dazzling colors of the vivid costumes by Ruth E. Carter («Selma»)... or the eclectic and vibrant music choices.
Aside from an interesting storyline or any real character development, Deadpool 2 delivers on what it promises — a butt - load of double entendres, mostly funny comic - book humor, effective music choices (including a new Celine Dion song — ha!)
Who's bright idea was it, by the way, to muck up the tone of this movie with all the absurdist pop music choices that forcefully lightened the tone in scenes where it wasn't needed?
Scored to Joan Jett's «Bad Reputation», it's also another example of the film's flawless music choices, which include superb use of Sparks» «This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us», and Gnarls Barkley's «Crazy».
From the look of this second, considerably revamped trailer — which is set to the film's score rather than the first trailer's original music choice of the Beastie Boys» «Sabotage» — I think this one is going to make more fans a lot happier.
Some of those personal touches include music choices, like Justin Timberlake's breakup anthem «Cry Me a River.»
Are customized coffees and music choices really personal?
Entune Audio ups its information game with apps like OpenTable for restaurant reservations and Pandora for additional music choices.
Merely a suggestion to anyone looking to see what other music choices they haven't considered.
Talk about bad tone changes and music choices o.o.
The customisation is quite extensive and offers things such as catch phrases, music choices during battle, and much more.
Small games often struggle from poor music choices because it is tough to be original at a lower cost, but once again Daedalic Entertainment has done a fantastic job at letting the music add atmosphere to the game.
Those numbers are astronomical and shouldn't be underestimated, but given the franchise» huge fanbase, the 7 - year wait, and the superb marketing (Dion's The Wanderer has to be up there with the best trailer music choice in recent times), Fallout 4's record - breaking figures were almost an inevitability.
First things first, let us get this new launch trailer full of story teases, new gameplay glimpses and somewhat odd music choices (not that I, a fan of the band Muse, object) out of the way:
And the potential here — that I would have a house - bound Siri that would always respond to me and play every questionable music choice without judgment — was enough to convince me to give it a shot.
This is good news for us Android users who will have more music choices than ever before, but it means Google needs to do more to win over music lovers.
I keep your site open on my computer to have the wonderful music choices you've made already playing in the background as I do my housework.
Even the small details like the closing credits and music choices of disco and ABBA are well thought out garnishes to compliment an already stunning movie.
Opening Montage — Interesting music choice... I think that's dubstep?
This is a bit of a bummer for families or people with roommates, since there's no way to set up multiple user accounts or tailor the music choices to each individual's Apple Music account.
«As an entire team, we're pretty diverse in our music choices.
Well, I guess that all depends on your music choice, right?
The occasional current hit: Me before children: «My children will listen to my music choices and they will learn to love them!»
Even without content — a government promise you should treat with a bucket of salt — it could put together detailed descriptions of your life by your online activity, the Google searches you do and the emails you send - from dating sites to music choices.
When researchers looked at how people's music choices and professions lined up, the results were intriguing.
However, there are also members who are looking to try something new, and come to find that I, or my music choices or teaching style, are not their cup of tea.
The weather may be getting colder but our music choices are still HOT!
(My music choices are questionable, I realize this.)
I like Rock music but can be considered eclectic with my music choices.
The music choices of this film are also really bizarre.
There are a couple of nice comic interludes, most notably John Cleese's dying Frog King routine, and the kids will be duly diverted, but it all smacks of a general downward spiral; there are no music choices as bold as the original's iconic «Hallelujah», and no puns as audacious as calling the villain «F**k wad» (OK, technically «Farquaad») and still getting a family - friendly rating.
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