Sentences with phrase «one's natural variation»

That's a random result of rolling the dice... or if you prefer, a random result of natural variations in weather.
In other words, the meltdown could be explained by natural variations in the weather, not long - term climate trends.
These studies are hampered by large natural variation from person to person, which makes it hard to align brain scans to reveal key differences in specific structures.
Researchers have discovered that protection from the most severe form of malaria is linked with natural variation in human red blood cell genes.
Using less data means you start to see more of the short term natural variation and less of the long term trend.
The structural issue I'm talking about is not natural variation.
I would like to know more about natural variations first.
Therefore, the null hypothesis (it is just natural variation) must be accepted.
Further experiments will address how female birds assess male wake - up times, and determine if there are relationships between natural variation of these rhythms and reproductive success, without manipulating melatonin.
But, a large proportion of natural variation doesn't result from natural selection.
One must always keep in mind that the models do not include the possibility of large natural variation.
The current research in the lab uses skeletal proportions in bird toes as a model for studying how natural variation is produced.
But natural variations mean that the increase isn't steady from year to year.
There is no guarantee that the range of natural variation without GHGs would be the same as with GHGs.
It is worth noting that even in a warming climate new record lows are still set, though fewer in number, due to natural variation even as the climate warms.
But in foods such as cheese, it can be used to produce natural variations in texture and flavor.
He points out, though, that it will always be difficult to rule out natural variation in climate.
These trends can not be explained by natural variation alone.
This is useful in experiments, as it reduces natural variation between subjects.
Nothing, other that their usefulness in determining the difference between natural variation cycles and human induced forcing and change.
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