Sentences with phrase «one's negotiating partners»

It shows how quickly their rhetoric falls apart in the face of a stronger negotiating partner.
In addition to assisting in the hunt for a new home, a REALTOR ® is an invaluable negotiating partner in the common situation where a buyer's new home purchase is contingent upon selling their property currently up for sale.»
Until they sort this out, they have zero credibility as an international negotiating partner
In addition to assisting in the hunt for a new home, a Realtor ® is an invaluable negotiating partner in the common situation where a buyer's new home purchase is contingent upon selling their property currently up for sale.»
Some even say the proposal is, in reality, a «poison pill» designed to cause talks to fail and allow the US to claim that Mexico and Canada were inflexible negotiating partners.
This might provide an incentive for the UK negotiators to delay an agreement, hoping, perhaps, for an easier negotiating partner.
Without Britain, the momentum could be lost and the EU would diverge further away from British political preferences, making it an ever more difficult negotiating partner.
And with it, the UK will sacrifice another bit of goodwill from its European negotiating partners.
«Our desired negotiating partners have their own priorities and would not necessarily move the UK to the front of the negotiating queue,» he will say.
With the experienced economists Vince Cable and Chris Huhne in their senior team, they were well equipped to use advanced mathematical theories about the conduct of auctions to help them extract the maximum price from their potential negotiating partners.
He will be a crucial negotiating partner with the next president, Republican or Democrat, in what will be a body closely divided between the two parties.
Options are dwindling for St. Vincent's Hospital, the financially - troubled medical center that's been facing possible closure since January, with a recent negotiating partner leaving...
It did not mention the name of Silver, who was the governor's closest negotiating partner in Albany, nor commit Cuomo to an agenda for reform.
A renegotiation of the draft agreement would be hardly realistic given the notable unwillingness of negotiating partners such as Russia or Switzerland.
As noted above, the basic premise is that Members should not take actions, even those consistent with the letter of the treaty, which might serve to undermine the reasonable expectations of negotiating partners.
Currently, at the negotiation table in Brussels, May could use her narrow parliamentary majority as a bargaining tool, telling her international negotiating partners that she could never get a deal through Parliament without preferential access to the single market.
Which means this uptick in Art of the Deal - style pushiness — if it's a real phenomenon — probably isn't a good thing for the men employing it, their negotiating partners, or their companies.
Comparing the results from lab tests she ran during early and late October with tests she ran the week after the election, she noticed a change she called «extremely stark:» On the whole, negotiating partners were more adversarial in their chat - based communication threads.
Indeed, previous studies have shown that women who adjust their level of assertiveness to match that of their negotiating partner during the process, rather than acting overly aggressive or passive throughout, will achieve better results for themselves.
But to conduct effective diplomacy, we must demonstrate an ability that is sorely lacking in Washington: a willingness to consider the interests of our negotiating partner and attempt to shape their thinking so they align more closely with ours.
The exercise was structured such that negotiating partners had to think collaboratively and make trade - offs to create a maximally profitable deal.
If you hear, «That will never work,» your next move should be to divert the focus of your negotiating partner to the solution.
Here's what you should say when your negotiating partner...
In a sign that Athens is keen to seek a new deal, Greece's combative finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, resigned, apparently under pressure from other euro zone finance ministers who did not want him as a negotiating partner.
In 2011, Canada announced its intention to join the TPP, and formally became a negotiating partner in 2012.
But initially at least Canada was seen as an additional complication to completion of the TPP, a «difficult» negotiating partner that brought its own baggage (such as a less than robust IPR regime, a traditional antipathy to the interests of the brand - name pharmaceutical manufacturers, a penchant for protecting so - called «cultural industries», and other trade issues that did not align with US interests) that might have resonated with some of the other TPP countries.
Some might consider it easier to do business in Monterrey as a result, but conversely you may find that your negotiating partner will be much more concerned with the bottom line and getting the best pricing and conditions possible.
Earlier this month, the US and its negotiating partners announced steps to move ahead on what is known as «adoption day,» intended to show readiness for sanctions relief for Iran.
It is the kind of demand we would expect from our negotiating partner to put us on the spot, not one we would inflict on ourselves.
And it is deeply shaming to think that European leaders would be looking at proposals like these and wondering whether they even have a negotiating partner who can be addressed on equal terms.
The idea is to send a message to Iran, but it might «undermine the legitimacy of the United States with its negotiating partners
I would not be surprised if both negotiating partners — the EU and the UK — fall apart as a result of Brexit.
On several occasions, they also lambasted the speaker's negotiating partners.
Every time, the government seems to prioritise satisfying the emotional needs of right - wing tabloid editors over nurturing goodwill with our negotiating partners.
The threat this announcement implicitly involves would damage us more than it does our negotiating partner, just like the threat of a no - deal outcome in general.
«The infighting between the tea party and the rest of the Republican Party — including the Republican leadership in Congress — is keeping our negotiating partner from the negotiating table.»
It gave New York's leaders some much - needed leverage with their negotiating partners: were the city to file for bankruptcy, it would default on its obligations, and everyone would lose.
Even that's becoming more difficult: Cuomo openly complained about his negotiating partners when the state budget was adopted later this year than any time since he took office.
Bolstering your negotiating partner's position ahead of talks is a curious strategy for the Brexit secretary to have adopted.
As is so common with Brexit rhetoric he takes the arguments he accepts and projects them onto his negotiating partner.
The Democratic governor's statements came as his negotiating partners in the State Assembly and Senate once again huddled with their rank - and - file colleagues to discuss a spending plan that will total more than $ 140 billion, raise the minimum wage and implement a system of paid family leave.
The US Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass a bill intended to give Congress a say in the emerging nuclear deal between Iran, the U.S. and its five negotiating partners.
Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos stopped short of calling on his negotiating partner to resign.
Doug Muzzio, a political scientist at Baruch College, countered that Silver probably has more power among Assembly Democrats than with his negotiating partners.
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