Sentences with phrase «one's nephew»

I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and enjoy that new nephew of yours!
I bought this as a gift for 13 year old nephew who is planning to be an up and coming bakery owner.
My other concern is my 2 year old nephew who is 39 inches tall, 40 lbs.
My brother and his wife bought the best baby jumper over six months ago for nephew, and he is still loving it.
My sister is expecting baby number 2 this fall, and we're so excited to have another little nephew in the family!
My sweet little nephew who is 5 was just diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor.
My seven - week - old nephew loves to sleep in the comfort of a parent's arms.
When my niece and nephew come over they love to watch them and my niece will go and retrieve eggs if she see's one or two!
I have a young nephew who needs to avoid gluten.
This would be great for my newest nephew and the one on the way as well — perfect for baby gifts.
I'm a single dad to my daughter and I am raising my niece and nephew as well.
She's says it gets out all the stains my 13 yr old nephew gets on all his clothes.
I look forward to the day I get to welcome my great nephew home.
The reader reported having recently found her 10 - year - old nephew doing push - ups.
I'll be following your tips as I teach my 13 year old nephew about food.
Save those for your teenage nephew or for texting.
My 3 year old nephew wanted me to save some for him to have another day!
My other nephew just got home from the middle east.
My niece and nephew made your pictures stand out so well.
My daughter thoroughly loves this toy, and my 2 year old nephew likes to pull it around the house as well.
She has taken in her twin niece and nephew so they can remain in a family environment.
I'm really excited to see my family and my new baby nephew!
Over mixing could absolutely have been the problem considering my two year old son & four year old nephew helped mix.
Last year, when my adorable nephew turned one, I made these beauties.
My 3 - year - old nephew asked me if he could play on my computer, and then proceeded to carefully spell out his own name.
Can my child / niece / nephew visit with the pet?
She opens her book by describing the first time she held her first nephew and feeling overwhelmed with love and devotion for him.
My 6 year old nephew even asked for the recipe.
I have a cute nephew who look adorable in a pair of these!
This is great for a new niece or nephew since children usually do not need access to such funds immediately.
I had a sweet nephew who died of leukemia at age 14 months.
This year my son and nephew joined us, too!
My amazing nephew put together a to - die - for breakfast bread that is still making me drool.
His mother's cousin's nephew once encountered a troll.
I bought a pair of these for my son and had to buy a second pair for my newborn nephew.
Let me first say that I have a beautiful nephew and niece that were born at birthing centers and home.
I discovered this while researching account options for my teen nephew who is about to travel abroad.
Need to cross your child, niece or nephew off your list?
So was my mother, father - in - law and my only nephew.
I actually made this with my niece and nephew last night and it was best at 1 - min at my brother's house.
And for the record, my seven - year - old nephew agrees with me.
We had our 4 - year old nephew sleep over last weekend, and I made him french toast for breakfast, which he totally loved with strawberries and maple syrup.
A distant relation of my aunt's second cousin's nephew twice removed.
As for my giant nephew I'll pass along the suggestions to my brother and cross my fingers my babies don't get the size traits from that branch of the family tree.
I know that many of you have exercising children, or maybe plan on having athletic kids in the future, or heck, perhaps you just have an active nephew or niece.
If this were to be a routine story, the medium no doubt would recruit someone to play the missing nephew, and they'd share the vast fortune.

Phrases with «one's nephew»

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