Sentences with phrase «one's neuromuscular system»

We develop computational models of neuromuscular systems such as the arm to test hypotheses about how the brain controls voluntary movement, and how motor learning is achieved.
Since you are training your body to apply strength fast, you are also training neuromuscular system to transmit signals more efficiently.
By training heavy enough to ensure high muscular tension, the nervous and neuromuscular systems fatigue long before we are able to push the boundaries of metabolic stress.
P.S. - If you are training for explosive power, its best to train with faster speed and condition your muscles and nervous system -LCB- neuromuscular system -RCB- to produce power faster as required in some sports activities like shot puts and sprinting.
We don't suggest that users do any intense cardio with the P.volve program until you have fully activating the glutes, opened up your hips, and created a balanced neuromuscular system.
It's the brain, and entire neuromuscular system, that dictates power.
Resistance training affects muscular, hormonal, and neuromuscular systems causing fatigue.
Because of your rapidly improving neuromuscular system, you'll be able to increase your training loads regularly.
The active ingredient of Revolution is Selamectin, a chemical specific for the insect neuromuscular system.
Stability in the body is defined as the ability to maintain control of joint movements or position by coordinating actions of surrounding tissues and the neuromuscular system.
Your neuromuscular system needs repetition so that you don't have to think before you move.
Strength training that trains a child's neuromuscular system can therefore be beneficial, so long as it is not too intense.
Innate athletic abilities, such as the neuromuscular system's ability to detect small internal and external changes in environment, are lessened, simply because they have not been stimulated for months.
Muscular Dystrophy Association Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) supports research aimed at developing treatments for the muscular dystrophies and related diseases of the neuromuscular system.
Now, the research team discovered that the disruption of the cellular proteins pICln and Tgs1, two chief players that help assemble the splicing machinery, causes the fruit flies» neuromuscular system to collapse in a similar manner to patients with SMA.
Exactly how the drugs extend life span in worms is mysterious, although they seem to stimulate the nematode's neuromuscular system (the neurons that control movement and muscles).
Because these drugs act on the neuromuscular systems of both humans and worms, the finding also hints at a direct link between the neuromuscular system and the aging process, says geneticist Catherine Wolkow of the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, Maryland.
«The neuromuscular system and larynx change and atrophy as we age, and this contributes to a lot of the deficits that we associate with the older voice, such as a weak, strained, or breathy voice,» Johnson said.
After 10 years of working as a professional singer in Chicago choruses, Johnson's passion for vocal performance stemmed into research to understand the voice and its neuromuscular system, with a particular interest in the aging voice.
«We are hopeful, though we have no evidence, that this hormone may embody some of the other benefits of exercise, perhaps in the neuromuscular system,» he says.
Teams of the INMG focus on three main research axes: (1) Physiology of the neuromuscular system, (2) Cellular and molecular neurobiology and (3) Nuclear dynamics.
INMG houses 14 research teams focusing on the physiology of the neuromuscular system, cellular and molecular neurobiology and nuclear dynamics.
Researchers will then develop a targeted, strategic intervention for the specific type of injury, evaluate its effects in treating balance dysfunction and measure the effects on the brain and neuromuscular system.
Fusani, L., Barske, J., Day, L. D., Fuxjager, M. J. & Schlinger, B. A. Physiological control of elaborate male courtship: female choice for neuromuscular systems.
In contrast, sponges possess several transcription factors involved in determination or differentiation of muscles and nerves despite lacking a neuromuscular system (PaxB, Lhx genes, SoxB, Msx, Mef2, Irx and bHLH neurogenic factors) 13,14,27.
An emphasis is placed on including realistic physiological, mechanical and neural properties of the neuromuscular system.
Kessler Foundation scientists have published a study showing that use of a foot drop stimulator during a task - specific movement for 4 weeks can retrain the neuromuscular system.
Continue to encourage free play to develop general physical literacy skills and fundamental movement patterns so your young athlete can build a neuromuscular system that is competitive.
Repetitive movements and holding postures at and beyond their anatomical limit for more than 15 seconds puts the neuromuscular system at risk for not responding as quickly, potentially resulting in injury.
Vitamin D helps regulate virtually your entire immune and neuromuscular system, helping reduce inflammation throughout your muscles and joints and fight off infection.
Eccentric overload does, indeed, provide the necessary pre-activation potentiation effect needed to induce a much more vigorous response of the neuromuscular system as a whole, resulting in a much more accentuated rate of force development.
The significance of the -LRB-...) findings centers on providing an improved understanding of the neuromuscular system through «elite aging» and provides support into the favorable value of long - term physical activity and exercise for protecting neural function.
Normal muscle function is the optimal state of the neuromuscular system.
The two main goals of the warmup are to increase blood flow and prepare your neuromuscular system for whatever it is you're about to do.
Unlike heart muscle, skeletal muscles work because the brain and nervous system control them; as such, it should be referred to as a neuromuscular system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, the muscles, and the nerves that connect them.
Power training provides a good stimulation of the neuromuscular system without being physically taxing; therefore, it is a good choice to perform before strength training.
Finnish and Norwegian sport scientists have demonstrated that eccentric training stimuli can be used periodically to improve or maintain the neuromuscular system's ability to generate fast force production.
AChE rapidly stops neurotransmission at cholinergic synapses like those found in the brain and at neuromuscular junctions, which are needed for speedy responses in the neuromuscular system.
This circuit will really challenge your neuromuscular system.
Clearly the neuromuscular system is a major network in the body and one that you wish to keep functioning optimally to stay fit and healthy, produce unlimited energy for physical and mental activities and provide support for the skeletal, nervous, circulatory and digestive systems.
As you push your neuromuscular system to new levels, it will have to respond by making you stronger.
Changing how athletes perform a power movement will change the body's natural inclination for that motion as the neuromuscular system adapts to the training stimulus.
The force that is needed to produce speed for sprinting trains your neuromuscular system to fire more quickly causing more intense forceful muscular contractions which is the very essence of plyometrics.
They really utilize your neuromuscular system to help sustain balance... you'll feel this the minute you use them.
The perks of firing up your neuromuscular system are many, not just because it teaches you to manage your daily physical activities better, but it also provides a good total caloric expenditure.
If may not seem like a big difference, but incorporating an authentic functional training program strengthens the neuromuscular system to react and perform at its best during movement.
Therefore, the more you practice heavy resistance training, the more adapted your neuromuscular system will be.
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