Sentences with phrase «one's new converts»

It is significant that the Bowery Corps has recognized the need of new converts for a fellowship group.
This approach will drive excellent customer service and a virtuous circle that retains McLaren customers and brings in new converts as the range expands.
But it is not always easy for new converts, who often face opposition from friends and family.
The church was, however, confronted with new converts from the Roman military who did fight wars for Rome.
But it's also won probably just as many new converts to the vegan lifestyle.
It occurs to me that had revival broken out in the early 60s, the Church was broadly rather cold and formal, hardly qualified to embrace numbers of new converts from a broken world.
The company wants to incentivize new converts by offering free streaming to both Verizon Wireless and Fios customers.
[6] During production of this work in mid-1829, Smith, his close associate Oliver Cowdery, and other early followers began baptizing new converts into a Christian primitivist church, formally organized in 1830 as the Church of Christ.
The Mormon Church's recent advertising campaign is aimed at attracting new converts - but why are we giving them charitable status?
The idea is compelling as wellness apps and fitness tracking devices gain new converts at a rapid rate.
Again at Mt. 28:16 - 20 we have a union of grace and demand within Jesus» command, since the imperative to teach new converts to obey all Jesus has taught is accompanied by his promise to be «with» them.
Is that the reason why you are asking for a second Council of Jerusalem, following the example of the first, which decided to stop imposing Jewish rituals on new converts?
He didn't walk new converts down the Romans Road or ask Peter to draft a doctrinal statement before giving him the keys to the kingdom.
As they praised God and as the apostles did many wonderful things, they at first found favor with all the people, and every day new converts were added to the church.
And why do we dunk new converts under water?
New archaeology has revealed what may be the cave where St. John baptized new converts to Christianity.
Granted, this was a self - selecting group that might have selected «Very important» before the workshop, but the fact is we didn't lose any believers, and most probably we may have made a few new converts for those who weren't sure before the workshop.
Grilled Swordfish and Eggplant with Fusilli and Tomatoes I'm a fairly new convert to the virtues of eggplant.
A traitor to the Assassins, the Crusader converts disbelievers to his faith — with violent force, often dispatching new converts immediately to heaven.
A traitor to the Assassins, the Crusader converts disbelievers to her faith — with violent force, often dispatching new converts immediately to heaven.
But preaching to the converted is not the same thing as wooing new converts.
From the decision at the Jerusalem Council to free new converts from Jewish Law, to the debates of the third of fourth century that led to the biblical cannon the Apostle's Creed, to the Protestant Reformation which resulted in increased availability of Scripture, to the Galilean controversy which opened and changed minds, the story of the Church is a story of constant adaptation and change.
For the shaky new convert the mission organization provides a closely knit «in - group» where he is both accepted and needed.
On the mission field, Protestantism's antisacramental stance was softened because of the need to provide new converts with local forms and idioms with which to express their new faith.
Toward the end of the following year, the second before the Hijrah, five of those men from Medina with seven new converts visited the Prophet and took an oath to abstain from any polytheistic cult, from all vices, and to observe strict discipline.
The level of knowledge they expect new converts to have is often totally unrealistic.»
But let us assume then that the «traditional» reading is right, and that Jesus was teaching to the apostles how new converts should be immersed under water as soon as possible, and that this baptism should be done in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The «Ecumenicals» are busy in welcoming new converts as well as church planting.
Women are so beautiful and I am a woman, it is so wonderful when you see a woman as an authority figure advising new converts, and our young mothers especially in areas where there is an abundance of our girls and ladies that are poor, untrained, grammar deficient, not knowing how to be ladies and keeping their homes etc. as the bible suggests.
They were ambassadors of the Shaker community seeking new converts.
In our multi-religious society it is therefore natural for people to brand the liberational message couched in Christian language as a covert effort to «sell» Christianity and to add new converts to the Church.
But if evangelism does occur, if new converts do come to Christ, it will have happened because of the witnessing of those individual Christians.
«New converts memorized scripture, took Bible classes, and were expected to emulate the lives of early Christians while rejecting mainstream denominational Christianity.»
I feel the things that it seems like new converts feel - something I have always craved as a lifelong believer.
For that part of the population still «unchurched» there was Billy Graham, who worked carefully with local church federations in an effort to channel new converts into a «church home.»
Hi Ella, I'm a very new convert, just trying out a few things.
New converting line for Cascades Candiac facility and updated converting lines in Kingsey Falls.
As it is true of Senator Okurounmu and his group, so it is of the avid new converts, of the South East / South - South, to «restructuring».
But about the most sensational new converts to «restructuring» are two political survivalists: IBB and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar.
He said he was told that undercover operatives in Europe used new converts as go - betweens, or «clean men,» who help link up people interested in carrying out attacks with operatives who can pass on instructions on everything from how to make a suicide vest to how to credit their violence to the Islamic State.
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