Sentences with phrase «one's next point»

They identify each student's next point of learning.
If I continue at 11 % (caveat in next point), my money will double in 7 years....
They're usually made with insane amounts of starch (see next point) and / or whole sweeteners (see the point after that).
If I continue at 11 % (caveat in next point), my money will double in 7 years....
Which leads me to next point about Alexis not having a Top dedicated backup.
Next point for the resume is «Area of Expertise» or «Summary of Qualification».
This research will enable you to do a better job of customizing your resume and cover letter (next point below).
If Nintendo can set it up so anyone can call a friend without video chat, and keep the call going while playing a game they will be set; they're already over half way to achieving that.The next point to cover is that their competitors that have been doing this, and basically perfected it the last console generation.
I tested this idea for an email I am working on about entrepreneurs» greatest fears (see next point).
Next point of call is potassium, which decreases sodium levels and increases urine output, helping to de-bloat, a study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases found.
Just like any filler word, «so» is used by speakers at points of uncertainty to stretch the time their brains have to think about the next point, response, or question.
The guys in Times Square are fantastic at listening to what people have to say and using it to get to the next point and the next point until they can get to their pitch.
And that takes us to my next point:
It's a common word filler that many of us use, but saying «so» too often ignites the feeling that you are being passive about making your next point or reaching a conclusion.
That brings us to our next point: if you spot something that could be turned into a viable business, but no one else has done anything about it yet... run with it.
Which leads to his next point:
Next point of consideration: Who's next in line to inherit?
If you lose your train of thought, you can easily refer back to it and move on to the next point.
When an interviewee has stopped talking, wait just a moment before you ask the next question or make the next point.
But even then, it's important to be realistic, which brings me to my next point.
And even if you could do that, it'd be hard to scale — which brings me to my next point.
«Until then, you only have a couple of data points, and if your next point is low, people are going to extrapolate a trend line.»
This may not make sense if you need to lower payments, but it will when you consider this next point.
This brings us to my next point.
Next you point out how the organization lacks the deep understanding required to connect with buyers in a meaningful way.
More on that later, right in the next point.
See next point.
This brings us to our next point.
Faceted search with filters also makes the customer's search experience a breeze, especially with vertical marketplaces, which brings us to our next point.
The next point I want to make is just because the universe is billions of years old and we have clearly evolved from «lower» organisms, does not exclude the existence of a God or, a «prime mover».
This supports the next point that for two powers to progress in the decision making process, one must be dominant and the other submissive.
My next point about showing you your words that a book is telling you to believe in something.
Rather than waiting around for a hypothetical and unlikely legal scenario to play out, our efforts would be better spent working to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies using the tools we already have... which brings me to my next point.
And that brings us to the next point.
Another modified form of this skill is the student who reads ahead in the professor's notes and asks a question from the upcoming notes so that they professor will say, «Excellent question, that is actually my next point
Next point, remember, Jesus was all over the place and his ministry was only for about three years.
Having accepted the principle of biblical infallibility, the next point to emphasize is exegetical excellence.
Which brings me to the next point.
My next point therefore will seem contestable to some.
And that leads to your next point.
Your next point seems to say that because heaven or hell is not a physical place in the sense of our physical world, three + dimensions, that it can't exist.
Again, your next point, why Mary?
This leads us to the next point.
Very provocatively, and Niebuhr is a Christian theologian making the next point, he says that the most common forms of Christianity basically do see reality as hostile and threatening.
Which brings Me to My next point about your nonsense: You act like I need you and your religions to stick up for Me or «win souls» for My Sake.
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