Sentences with phrase «one's normal voice»

[In normal voice] I would like to have the power to heal the sick.
The sound effects and normal voice acting are also pretty nice.
I think this man could have understood had the clerk sort of told him in a calm normal voice.
However, in recent years, researchers have noted occasional use of the creak in speakers with normal voice quality.
Researchers leveraged harmonics to transform recordings of normal voice commands into supersonic frequencies.
Back to normal voice level: Please update asap when you find out about an American release date other than «Sometime in 2013» which is all I got when I asked Nintendo myself about ACNL.
They took normal voice commands and converted them into ultrasonic frequencies too high for humans to hear, but still perfectly clear for microphones on voice assistants.
«The Incredibles», for instance, has quite a few «name» actors in its cast, but they all do a terrific job, and are perfectly cast for their roles — also, they're not in EVERY role; there's plenty of room for normal voice actors to do their job.
Possible reasons include providers misunderstanding or misapplying the guidelines, or patients being informed that total laryngectomy is the preferred treatment, but refusing it against medical advice and opting for chemoradiation due to concerns about quality of life and loss of normal voice function after total laryngectomy.
5) Even normal voices seem louder at night as city traffic declines and ambient noise drops.
Of course, a hacker with access to the SS7 system can also transparently control normal voice and SMS services to and from a mobile, intercepting calls, reading SMS messages, and tracking the phone's location.
The study's authors had 161 participants (who were almost exactly split between men and women) first read a passage in their normal voices to get baseline measures of their voices for things like loudness and pitch.
I woke up with my normal voice, which was a very good thing since I had nine calls scheduled for that day, including a recorded interview.
«Although, Facetime and iMessage can be bypassed with a normal voice call and text message not being able to access your music is something that users might really be unhappy with.
Some, like my daughter, are able to speak in a normal voice to peers in the schoolyard and an almost normal voice to peers in the classroom.
It could be a gentle tug on your ear, or you could put your fingers in your ears and smile — humor can help — to remind your child that you only listen to his normal voice.
Attention and praise will provide your child with positive reinforcement for using his normal voice.
Catch your child using his normal voice and provide praise.
Then, as soon as he uses his normal voice, pay attention and respond.
Dr. MacKenzie teaches that effective discipline starts by giving a «clear, firm message» that focuses on the behavior you are trying to control and not the child, is «specific and direct», is given in your «normal voice» and includes the «consequences for noncompliance.»
What I did back in the cave days when whining etc., became the thing to try, I would use a normal voice and say that I couldn't understand what they were trying to say but if they used a normal voice, I'd be able to help them.
Tell your child that you can't respond until she uses a normal voice.
And it is particularly a good idea if it is interspersed with normal, grammatically correct words and sentences spoken in a normal voice so that baby becomes used to both.
He immediately stops crying and answers in a normal voice.
Please use your normal voice and I'll be happy to listen to what you're saying.»
As important as responding consistently to a whine is acknowledging a switch in tone: When your child does use her normal voice, respond immediately so she learns that this is what works.
Get your toddler to whisper, shout, sing loud, sing soft, talk in a normal voice.
Therefore, in discipline situations, it may be more effective to use a normal voice.
They can change the tone from their normal voice to a man's voice, robot voice, and an echo effect.
Participants selected the speakers of the normal voices over 80 % of the time for all five judgments.
After listening to each pair of voices participants were asked to choose whether the person speaking in vocal fry or normal voice was the more educated, competent, trustworthy, and attractive of the pair.
If TSH is normal, all the pituitary has to do is speak in a normal voice: Keep up the good work.
haha, actually, I like your normal voice, I lost track totally in what you were saying, didn't have time to think of what you were saying: -LRB-.
Normally gyms these days are surrounded with loud speakers which make it hard for people to talk in a normal voice or hushed tones, but try to avoid it when the music is turned off or the intensity of the songs are low.
You see, when you're pregnant, people stop casually asking, in a normal voice, how you're doing.
But even underwritten or oddly accented (not sure why McAdams had to speak in anything but her normal voice), the performances are decent, as they should be as no one's being asked to play too far outside their wheelhouse.
As for her paramour, Ryan Gosling chose to play Jerry with a voice a half octave or so higher than his normal voice.
When the shooting is over, she drops back into her normal voice, vanishes.
«He said my normal voice gave him the tingles associated with ASMR,» MissFushi explained over Gchat.
With my normal voice now, The Blob is a B - feature with some good, bad and ugly, or should that be, some coolsome, some tiresome and some gruesome.
Are you teaching in your normal voice?
They'll have what we call paralinguistic features — changes in voice prosody, so the tone and the pitch of the voice will change from their normal voice.
Conversation in a normal voice was no problem at 80 mph.
Some tire noise from the 20 - inch rubber and wind noise penetrates the cabin, but conversations with my co-driver are still possible at a normal voice levels.
So when a grown man speaks to a girl in what he thinks is a normal voice, she may hear it as yelling.
Speak to your pet in a normal voice.
Do not use a baby - coddling voice, but in a normal voice, if she is quietly laying you can say «good girl», but that's all.
Talk to him in a normal voice, not a high, squeaky, whine - inducing tone.
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