Sentences with phrase «one's old bad habits»

It's a time of year where you can break old bad habits and establish new ones that will propel your business further than ever before.
The business never grows because it can't break free from it's old bad habits without a leader to guide it.
Insight about the origins of relationship mistakes can make it easier to pull up old bad habits from their roots and lay down new healthier patterns.
Instead, the proposal continues the decades - old bad habit of funding education through a maze of unconnected, arbitrary formulas and does not ensure that all of Connecticut's schools and districts have the resources they need to ensure equitable access to educational opportunities for all of our state's more than 500,000 students.
You also have a clear frame which pieces you going to have which number of, for example four pair of jeans, six tops and so on... I actually think, this way is a good place to start a capsule wardrobe journey, because there is less room for going back into old bad habits.
Also, if he has too much dairy then we see hints of old bad habits crop up.
A lack of accountability, confusion about which performance indicators matter, tolerance of «special anomalies» who behave in contradiction to your espoused values, entrenched attitudes, missed opportunities and not to mention plain old bad habits are just a few.
As someone who has been in states of exercise addiction and overtraining, it's really easy for me to fall into old bad habits, thinking more is better.
And even though I started off strong, I soon started missing days until I was back to my old bad habit of writing inconsistently.
It was an old bad habit: choosing a course of action, then stopping to question myself halfway through.
Again, as I said, probably just an old bad habit.
After he ate these he went pretty easily one day but he always seems to revert to his old bad habits of holding his poop in.
Once you reach your goals you don't go back to old bad habits.
The premise is that you can change your old bad habits by good habits if you know know.
You want to reinforce behaviors that inhibit the old bad habits — do something else, spend your time more productively,» he said.
The second biggest benefit is that it allows you to start breaking some of your old bad habits and planning to implement new ones as soon as the cleansing is over.
But you can gain that all back in a week after returning to your old bad habits.
Soon you will go back to your old bad habits and those extra pounds that you cut down will come back again.
Once you really dig deep and uproot the old bad habits, * then * you can handle a cheat (or in my case a glass of red wine) here and there.
Considering all my old bad habits, I don't think a cup of white rice a couple of times per week is a big deal.
Post relationship, a man is likely to slide (or nosedive) back into old bad habits, partly in an effort to «rediscover» his old single self, and in part to numb the negative feelings that naturally arise in the wake of a split.
Ultimately, you can learn to break your old bad habits and start making good choices for yourself.
Moreover, it makes a number of substantial narrative missteps, falling into some old bad habits and developing a few new ones.
Scripted by Tony Kushner («Angels in America»), Munich begins dazzlingly, like a more intense version of Catch Me If You Can (2002), but Spielberg's extreme caution in trying not to offend eventually cripples the movie; he falls back on many of his old bad habits and panders too often to too many people.
I live (all but mortgage) debt free now also but love (and need) to read stories like yours to remind me why it is so important I not fall back into my old bad habits.
One reason that coronary bypass surgery doesn't produce an increased life span that goes much beyond significant changes in lifestyle is this: Even after bypass surgery, a lot of patients lapse into their old bad habits, eventually loading up their arteries with plaque once more.
Therefore, mental health can help people understand unhealthy patterns and triggers, while giving them tools to keep from falling back into the old bad habits of substance abuse.
Work on replacing the old bad habit with a new good one.
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