Sentences with phrase «one's other responsibilities»

The guide also highlights many other responsibilities of scientists, including minimizing the risks of their research both within the lab and beyond and anticipating their work's potential impacts on society.
Other responsibilities included in - store sales specializing in jewelry and electronics, maintaining accurate inventory records, and general computer systems administrator work.
Indeed, nearly half (47 %) agreed with the statement that they had so many other responsibilities as coaches and so little time that they could not focus on injury prevention.
On one hand, you want your team to be focused on their «day job» — running sales, marketing and product, among other responsibilities.
This also allows you to make sure your bills are paid in a timely fashion along with other responsibilities such as debt and savings.
We are an all - volunteer organization, we all have jobs and families and other responsibilities in addition to our work with foster dogs.
I declined these requests because I was working on many other responsibilities for the transition.
If you are a principal who understands the importance of sharing power, then you know how important it is to share with others the responsibility for the growth of your school.
Even if you have performed the same function at multiple jobs, it is best to include it only once, and to focus on other responsibilities and roles elsewhere.
Apart from management they handle other responsibilities such as suggesting routes and affordable packages for the tourists.
Even if family members could get away from other responsibilities to be with them, they often can not afford to cover the travel and accommodation costs, she said.
A small office and Wi - Fi access are provided for guests who need to check in with work and other responsibilities while away.
You're probably already taxed to the max by other responsibilities.
I was over 50, with three children and other responsibilities so I knew it was a big lifestyle change and a risk.
A flight nurse must be experienced and know how to remain calm during pressure and high stress - situation and take charge of other responsibilities like check medical supplies on the plane.
Or maybe the extraordinary task of raising a family and balancing other responsibilities at work and at home has left little time for your once passionate relationship.
What other responsibilities do your caregivers already have besides the pup?
We know for instance that one of the key reasons teachers choose to work as a supply teacher is because doing so gives them more flexibility to balance other responsibilities and interests.
Work schedules, family commitments, and other responsibilities make many days a mere repetition of the day before.
Most young adults reduce heavy drinking as they learn their limits and begin to assume other responsibilities, such as work and parenting.
Over the last few years, she has added other responsibilities including transformational cost savings efforts and the company's packaging group.
Your partner may have other responsibilities during your birth that will not allow him / her to give you continuous support.
Consider making driving a privilege based on whether your teen keeps good grades or meets other responsibilities, like doing chores.
You will obviously need to work around other responsibilities such as your current job and your family duties.
As life goes on and work, kids and other responsibilities get in the way, couples may have less time to connect with each other.
When other responsibilities come calling, students can log out, and come back whenever they want.
This is often an excellent option for students with young families or those with other responsibilities which may make longer study away from home more difficult.
Do you have other responsibilities apart from work that could prevent you from performing particular job requirements, such as the need to travel?
Between 4 and 6 in the afternoon I will feed her whenever she gives a cue and ignore other responsibilities.
To answer your first question, I do work and have many other responsibilities outside the church.
It's easy to let countless other responsibilities push your social media maintenance to the back burner.
If I am too much in my head, or have concerns about other responsibilities and pressures in my life, even about painting, I can't paint.
Our writers very well understand that it is not easy for the students to complete their assignments in a short deadline with hundreds of several other responsibilities.
It's true, sometimes children put off chores, finishing homework or other responsibilities simply because they don't want to tackle them.
They're raising families, working part - time, and dealing with other responsibilities other than their studies.
That's quickly enough to pay an emergency bills, promptly settle up with the auto mechanic, or whatever other responsibilities you need to manage.
Stay - at - home mothers do not earn, but they do a whole lot of work - home chores, managing kids, and various other responsibilities.
If other responsibilities come calling, students can log out and come back when they have the time.
This includes communicating on behalf of the doctor the patient is there to see, taking vital information such as blood pressure and weight, and other responsibilities needed before they are seen.
They contribute to the healthcare of patients by assisting with exams and procedures, organizing and managing patient flow, and taking on other responsibilities based on the needs of the department.
My proven skills with sales, marketing and implementation makes me a valuable employee, capable of advancing into other responsibilities or positions, if called upon by the company.
They are doing research, teaching, advising and shoulder other responsibilities.
With an outpatient program, addiction therapy is offered in a series of sessions that could, in most cases, be spaced apart to accommodate other responsibilities.
In some states, escrow agents — typically an attorney or title company — handle all aspects of a closing; in others their responsibilities begin and end with the earnest money deposit.
Among other responsibilities, our interns get to work closely with our artists - in - residence.
Other responsibilities include making of a budget or a rough estimate and settling final sales agreement.
Other responsibilities of Meat Managers involve coordinating, managing and handling the activities of other employees of the company.
Furthermore, other responsibilities for this role are issuing periodic financial reports and mitigating financial risks.
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