Sentences with phrase «one's overall happiness»

Having a job you love goes a long way in overall happiness in your life.
In today's podcast episode we will be teaching on another topic that is crucial to the long term success, health and overall happiness of your marriage.
It would definitely increase overall happiness and well being in the universe on a per / capita basis, but the gross amount of happiness would decrease.
Healthy family relationships in which we feel close, connected and understood by each other is important for overall happiness.
How they conduct their marketing and day - to - day management skills has everything to do with their production and overall happiness as a professional real estate agent.
This means not only encouraging coping skills, but developing positive emotions and behaviors that can improve overall happiness, too.
I can't tell you what a difference access to breastfeeding help made in my stress level and overall happiness with my second baby.
The public's trust in its institutions and authorities, as well as each other, is a major factor in determining overall happiness and satisfaction levels.
With little to no capital investment, an employer can increase employee productivity, teamwork, and overall happiness while at work.
It isn't just about finding singles a date — it's about showing them how to bring overall happiness into their lives.
Studies show that people who have pets, have lower blood pressure, need fewer doctor visits and even experience more overall happiness than those who do not.
However, the dark clouds shouldn't totally mask the sun — meaning that you should still feel overall happiness in the relationship, even when life throws you a curve ball.
Focusing on the positive aspects of life help to calm anxiety and increase overall happiness and fulfillment.
But what's the key to overall happiness in the workplace?
To study the impact of different emotions on overall happiness, Tamir and her colleagues conducted interviews with 2,324 university students in eight countries, including the United States.
Please be advised that the above will take a bit of time to work, and requires simultaneously developing Parenting ideas such as raising the child's overall happiness level, and a regimen of Play Therapy, in order to be most effective.
What's more, skiing not only boosts overall happiness and well - being, but it is beneficial to an individual's physical and mental health, despite the frequency or duration of the activity.
Research actually tells us that couples with healthy relationships live longer, get sick less often, report higher overall happiness, and have better sex lives.
Married men and women tend to face lower risks of mortality and report better physical and mental health and greater overall happiness than those otherwise like them who are not married or partnered (Waite & Gallagher, 2001).
Limiting employees to working only in an open office floor plan or only in a private, cubicle - style floor plan can squash productivity and lead to less overall happiness.
Now a study of several thousand Americans born between 1885 and 1980 reveals that well - being indeed increases with age — but overall happiness depends on when a person was born.
Rather than measure your success by «how long,» look to measure it in part with data (financial and otherwise), overall happiness quotient, overall stress level, lifestyle behaviors and a sense of consistency between what you're doing and the values you hold dear in your life.
Cats have been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress, decrease depression and anxiety, extend life expectancies, and promote overall happiness.
On the other hand, in relationships where there were low levels of commitment or a lack of attention on non-physical qualities, attention on physical appearance resulted in lower overall happiness in the relationship.
But according to research, taking time to slow down and take care of ourselves is actually one of the best things we can do not only for overall happiness and well - being but when we want to get more done.
(Interestingly, eating more vegetables is linked to overall happiness as well.)
Also the fact that it satisfies a natural drive to hunt improves overall happiness and quality of life — less cats would urinate inappropriately — meaning less cats are euthanized for behavioral reasons.
THE SCIENCE A study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology showed that participants who listened to upbeat music while attempting to feel happier during regular sessions over two weeks reported better moods and higher overall happiness than those who listened to music alone.
Surveys of social science research in the past decade show a strong correlation between homeownership and greater health, community involvement, and political activism; better outcomes for children; and greater overall happiness.
Every new year millions of people vow to finally get it together and improve themselves — from health factors, to relationships, to overall happiness in life.
The researchers, Keith Wilcox of Columbia University and Andrew T. Stephen of the University of Pittsburgh, sought to find out if there were any negative effects of social media amid reports that social media made users feel more connected and also helped improve their self - esteem, boosting their overall happiness.
The small patterns you create on a daily basis not only increase your overall happiness but showcase skill and establish confidence.
He shared insights of the study with Joshua Wolf Shenk at The Atlantic on how men's social connections made a difference to their overall happiness:
Although most success is ultimately rewarded with a larger paycheck or promotion, the small patterns you create on a daily basis become part of your character and not only increase your overall happiness but showcase skill and establish confidence.
The survey, comprising 1,000 Americans aged 40 to 59, concluded that having more financial security was the No. 1 life change that respondents said would increase their overall happiness — exceeding, by far, alternative options like building stronger relationships, cultivating more meaning and purpose, and having more time in the day.
Between the cancelled flights, cold feet, wet coats and gray skies, it's easy to why many people feel that bad weather detracts from their overall happiness.
These are the people who make decisions regarding our promotions and pay raises, formally review our performances, and usually play a significant role in our overall happiness and success at work.
Skipping your twice weekly workout because you believe you are strapped for time leads to negative habits that impact your overall happiness and productivity.
Sure, external factors contribute to your overall happiness or lack thereof, and if your neighbors and community are happy there's a good chance...
We wanted to determine whether flexible work arrangements might impact specific things like the mental and physical health of workers, friendships, romantic relationships, and overall happiness.
This competition between the personal and the professional is often labeled, generally, as «work - life balance,» but it's clear from these survey results that flexible jobs have the ability to make specific impacts in areas like self - care, relationships, physical and mental health, and overall happiness.
I have been tracking my overall happiness index.
Healthiest, life expectancy, education, infant mortality, economic stability, overall happiness, etc..
Sweden also happens to have some of the best education, healthcare, and overall happiness in the WORLD!
To experiment with various practices and techniques, evaluate whether they improve my physical and mental health and overall happiness, and share the results with all of you folks so that you too can live your healthiest, happiest self!
A little piece of this bark a day may just be a great way to improve your overall happiness levels — just some food for thought!
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