Sentences with phrase «one's own ban»

They won't get their markets back, not unless they combine this with some sort of ban on buying e-books from foreign sources.
She is not banned from receiving this if she buys formula at the same time.
I seriously want ray bans in every single color.
It's not on any list of banned substances on any international sports organizations.
You know I'm still obsessed with my blue - mirrored ray bans so of course they were included.
The striker got a four matches ban by FA and had to pay a # 60,000 fine.
Black Sweater matched with black ray - ban sunglasses.
The impact of travel bans on the spread of flu is controversial.
No, kids are not banned from reading the bible in school.
According to him, regulators are not planning on banning cryptocurrencies but only «regulate [them] more» to make the entire process legal.
There has been widespread support for banning fracking in the state, where only six percent of voters think there is «no risk» to the practice.
I mean, what a fraud I am: I was one of the principal proponents of the no - smoking ban as mayor and supervisor.
With bans on hunting clearly not working, it's time, researchers say, to investigate alternative conservation plans.
By not creating the site, correctly will result in you not finding some people to chat to, or you might even get banned from the site, because you lied on it.
«I wouldn't want to see a belief in strict, causal connection here lead to a law banning smoking in films,» he explains.
But animal organizations say breed bans don't keep residents safe because they fail to target the real problem: irresponsible pet owners.
However, the effectiveness of smoking bans in reducing heart problems has continued to be a source of debate.
It might also ban ads for cryptocurrency exchanges, with some exceptions.
He's proposed banning assault weapons and requiring trigger locks, and has openly supported gun control legislation through his entire political career.
But the country's swift embrace of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has been met with an equally swift backlash by regulators, who have gone so far as to propose outright bans on trading.
An examination of the effects of concealed weapons laws and assault weapons bans on state - level murder rates.
More changes that have helped keep trading under control include banning cryptocurrency trading on exchanges.
Some Chinese PE firms found to be investing in banned ICOs.
At the time of the bid he was part way through a ten match ban for biting.
The chat groups now risk being shut down as a new development shows that after banning cryptocurrency exchanges, traders are still trading in the chat platforms.
Potential changes to the state's harassment policies include proposed bans on taxpayer money to settle complaints and an end to confidential settlements as long as the survivor's identity is protected.
The company is now under federal investigation while its founder deals with a two - year ban by regulators from operating a lab.
Musk said that he specifically requested inclusion of discussion of the travel ban at the closed meeting, as the issue had not been included on the agenda originally.
The current crop of youngsters they have is outstanding, and they can cope with transfer ban easily with their youth.
Such bans do not benefit animals or the pet owning public.
What you are doing by banning books is driving a wedge between you and your children and putting your ignorance on display for all to see.
A town has taken the unprecedented step of banning plastic water bottles.
The point is, the debate you raise is valid but should be more about reforming the system, not breaking it further by banning abortion.
There will not be a blanket ban against crypto.
Two decades of marketing on television and radio after decades of a self - imposed ban on such practices have also helped.
Several sports organizations support banning headers from soccer games played by younger athletes — those not yet in high school.
The short sale ban also ends on the day congress is supposed to be doing something.
Some Asian countries are even talking about banning bitcoin.
From time to time one reads of court orders banning people from using social media, usually in anticipation of trial but sometimes as part of a formal disposition.
The bill would also ban bump stocks that allow guns to mimic fully automatic fire and seek to improve communication between schools, law enforcement and state agencies.
While regulation is needed in the cryptocurrency space it is still uncertain if banning related ads will slow down the markets and the scams related to ICOs.
Certain publication bans are in effect by operation of statute and do not require an order of the court.
It seems like this movement is finally picking up momentum, as many large cities are now banning pet stores from selling puppies and dogs.
I should probably consider banning granola since I just ate a whole batch in 2 days....
The show does more than just counter our current environment of Muslim bans and government - sanctioned discrimination.
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