Sentences with phrase «one's own happy ending»

It is always wonderful to hear the stories of happy endings for dogs and cats who find a loving home.
If you're cautiously curious, we've got the details you need to guarantee a happy visit — not mention a healthy share of happy endings for you and your partner.
It's a minor spoiler to say but everyone pretty much gets some sort of happy ending in the end.
You should not lie about your personal ad because it will end up in a not happy ending.
Our goal is to find happy endings for dogs who may have known little, if any, love and caring in their lives.
I guess test audience must love happy ending better.
There weren't a whole lot of happy endings at that time, so I like to think that they should have made a future together.
This is one very happy ending for a very special dog!
Happy End does everything it can to not live up to its title.
We seem to have become a society that is set on happy endings, where everyone loves everyone equally.
-- without happy endings — to pay for school after his family kicked him out for being gay.
He didn't necessarily agree that he'd have been passed if the race had been a lap longer but was happy it ended when it did.
I loved reading your weaning stories — hope to post my own happy ending in the next couple of months!
We hope you will help us keep flying pets to safety and create even more happy endings in 2018!
If he's wearing a collar and tags, you might be able to give his story a quick and happy ending by returning him to his family.
I love hearing about happy endings for mill dogs.
With the help of the public, volunteers, and local rescue groups, we try to create happy endings for the animals in our care.
If only every one could have such happy endings.
Together, we work to provide happy endings for homeless and abandoned pets.
And the ending can range from happy endings to unfortunate outcomes.
Wherever you go, there's always a history, a reason, for why things appear the way they do and there aren't always happy endings.
I would not want to debate whether writing happy endings was selling out, or discuss the merits of literary fiction versus romance — all very interesting discussions.
All prospective homes are carefully screened to ensure happy endings.
They proved to be extremely loving, sweet cats and are both living in great homes — truly happy ending to a pretty awful story.
Tell a few happy ending stories without spending too much time on the sad story of how they got to you.
You may see yourself in these very real stories, and I wish you the same happy endings.
While a lot of people understandably want a more traditional happy ending I for one love the darker tone here.
The ending was pleasant, but not too pleasant (perfect happy endings are kinda boring), and had everything to do with the characters we had grown attached to through the game.
Some shelters and rescues are using the upcoming holidays as an opportunity to hold adoption events and give these animals happy endings.
But the film was light and breezy, with a killer ending that wasn't exactly upbeat: people were expecting happy ending but they didn't get that.
Let's hope for an American movie happy ending, soon, soon enough.
I am glad to say that this story has a relatively happy ending.
While there are mostly happy endings with the addition of a puppy of kitten over the holidays, there are also the not - so - happy ones.
I wish I could tell you this resulted in a big happy ending with a lucrative job offer, but I can't.
Oh, it looks like we're finally going to get our first happy ending of the summer!
Nevertheless to achieve the long waited happy end of this story man should invest much efforts and time to this process.
I've had such a story book happy ending that I felt I must share it with you!
However predictable, a good ol' fashioned happy ending is always welcome.
I don't have a problem with happy endings per se, but the one it provides really is too easy....
The creamy shakes come topped with a gingerbread cookie for an extra happy ending to your meal.
As the films progressed, the tendency has been to avoid happy endings.
It's a tribute to both author and director that they never allow their story a pure happy end.
But happy ending stories are few and far between.
Only one character gets even a moderately happy ending.
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