Sentences with phrase «one's own intellect»

So did his understanding of intellect as incapable of full truth unless grounded in divine revelation.
Education is important to me, so I'm a man with intellect.
We've already forgotten how to use our own intellect in crafting our stuff, even resumes.
The truth is that bully dogs have more athletic body and high intellect as compared to other breed of dogs.
Other experts think that women have a naturally slightly higher potential for intellect than men and have only recently been offered enough opportunity to invest in it.
To conclude that the superior intellect of moderately affluent people of European descent would cause them to naturally come to correct conclusions about their personal nutritional needs.
While I think that a lot of AP philosophy is based on what is «natural» a lot of it is also based on intellect and informed choice.
«By using intellect only, and not your innate wisdom, you are keeping yourself from the most powerful insights,» she says.
She is a genuine person with sharp intellect and a great sense of humor.
The rest of trust our own intellect and abilities and don't need rosy fairy tales to solve our problems.
The religious leaders saw this as an opportunity to not only educate the people, but also show of their great intellect and wisdom.
We are merely trying to establish as to whether or not a being of higher intellect that transcends all space and time exists.
Their keen intellect also makes them easy to train and eager to learn.
She talks about freeing her mind from intellect to receive inspiration.
My observations have led me to believe there is a balance between intellect and the physical.
He can be known through faith alone and intellect does not give one an advantage.
The best way to motivate people is not through intellect but through emotion.
Scientific research on the brain, he writes, tells us that character is not determined by reason and intellect alone.
Sexy, single wise one looking for one whose intellect and interests are comparable to mine own.
Strong voice / strong intellect... and bowls 200 +!
But I fully recognize that this is a belief based upon my own limited intellect.
One of the things that developed in the 20th century was an imbalance — authority and sometimes intellect became more important than the heart.
What stunning insights might such a towering intellect deliver?
At the time, the magazine stood out for speaking to a woman's intellect rather than her baking skills, as well as for its innovative creative direction.
I feel like a slightly above - average intellect who likes to draw and has a decent sense of humor.
I have creative and curious and have a deep intellect - I am always exploring and learning in Life.
All pits, no matter their nose coloring and look, are the same in temperament, have the same health problems and share the same vast intellect.
While the atheist scores better on some test, the believer is encountering reality on a depth beyond intellect.
I'm on a mission to bring intellect and truth - telling back to fashion.
To be an intellectual, you must proof that you have a highly developed intellect.
What makes a successful lawyer is if they can combine intellect with the ability to have the presence and profile to position themselves to be trusted advisers.
Alas, sometimes it seems that intellect just gets in the way of unconditional love and compassion.
You were truly a gentleman at all times, an outstanding intellect and family man.
The helmet progressively makes him smarter and his idea of intellect means he adapts a British accent.
I went into college thinking I'd get myself to where I want to be by pure intellect and communication skills — networking was a superficial thought in my mind.
Before us sat a giant intellect and a saint's heart, visibly shaken by my suggestion that the Christian faith could not be genuine apart from faith in life after death.
As human intellect evolved, revelations became more complex.
Do yourself a favor and take your opinion to a site that appeals to people of your equally low intellect.
The possibility of modern science is fundamentally grounded on the reality of an underlying creative intellect that makes the natural world what it is.
This effort will be valued by anyone who values intellect as a key consideration for choosing an on line dating partner.
Aside from his physical prowess, this mountain dog was also blessed with exceptional intellect.
There is a lot of intellect out there, but there doesn't seem to be enough input from the public in the present system.
Because the method uses positive reinforcement instead of force or punishment, all of the pet's vitality and intellect works «for» the owner, rather than against.
The story shows how intellect and strategy can be used to overcome obstacles like circumstance and poverty.
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