Sentences with phrase «one's own jargon»

We have a lot of jargon in investing, whether it is fixed income or equities.
As a technical person, it is accepted that you are use industry jargon in your resume.
There is a lot of legal jargon involved and the process can be confusing to those who are not familiar with the legal system.
That's a lot of technical jargon for much of the gear that runs in corporate data centers.
Avoid using jargon as it might not be familiar to all.
Medical bills and tests can be so filled with jargon it seems like a foreign language.
That's legal jargon for dying without a will.
Commercial lawyers can help you understand the legal jargon as well as terms and conditions mentioned in business agreement.
Avoid jargon in your resume, and opt instead for strong action words that show your strengths and achievements.
When working with insurance companies you might get frustrated because there is so much jargon in fine print that it's difficult to understand exactly what you are signing up for.
And I know from my own experience how many lawyer hours it takes to translate an expert's technical jargon into an explanation that can be absorbed by a judge.
The aim was to attract a wide audience, so whereas we got used to balancing the scientific jargon with ease of use, the subject matter we were dealing with grew in complexity.
For military personnel, it is important to translate complex military jargon into terms more commonly used in government organizations and corporations.
Let's not let insurance jargon confuse us anymore.
The problem with a lot of other sources of investment information is that they weigh the reader down with financial jargon and make it hard to reach and understand the valuable content they present.
The use of medical jargon might create confusion among a group of young nursing students.
A / B testing, also often called bucket testing or split testing, is merely marketing jargon for testing one thing against another.
You won't find any red - tape or legal jargon on our site, just the answers you need in an easy - to - understand format.
Avoid using jargon from your old industry and put your answer in simple terms that utilize terminology from the new industry to showcase how your skills can transition to something new.
Keywords are «buzz» words or industry specific jargon that communicates a message about your qualifications, accomplishments, credentials or responsibilities.
In a world filled with business jargon, sometimes it can be hard to understand precisely what someone is talking about.
As a pensions solicitor, it's important to be personable and able to explain complex law in easy terms without jargon.
They do that by turning confusing jargon into interesting pop culture or news related information.
You also need to be well - versed in how hotels operate on a day - to - day basis and what the industry jargon means.
How it should be used: Really, this one is a classic example of corporate jargon.
Let them use their own jargon and language to communicate with the kids.
Even where church is defined, such definitions tend to be full of complex ideas and theological jargon which require further explanation.
It has an easy to read format and is presented in a simple way, cutting through jargon to offer down to earth help and support.
Let your attorney handle the complicated legal jargon so you can focus on what's most important: recovering from your injuries.
In fact, it's widely accepted in the world of tech jargon that both carriers have data caps.
If they are specialists in a certain field, for example, include their professional jargon in the title.
Are you tired of reading and hearing the same technical jargon about blockchain, mining, and wallets?
Here are definitions of some of the more complex insurance jargon terms.
However, as you do so, make sure that you don't throw legal jargon at your learners.
An attorney will be able to see through complicated jargon and legal terms to what is really being said, and will catch illegal and unreasonable conditions.
I'm also expecting a lot of technical jargon such as system specifications before they tell us that all important battery life.
Don't be fooled by the scientific - sounding jargon.
There's a lot of redundant science jargon out there.
How much of this is due to education jargon getting in the way?
To use current jargon, we must break out of our professional bags.
Ask your insurance agent or broker for clarification if the legal jargon doesn't make sense to you.
It's OK to have a good time without having to explain it away with religious jargon.
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