Sentences with phrase «one's own locale»

The same four difficulty tiers returns, along with 12 missions across a wide variety of locales.
Many guitar makers source wood from pristine forests in exotic locales.
They tend to work at pilot sites in new locales for the same reasons.
For branches in major centres this often will take one or two banking days, and for branches in more remote locales as long a 8 - 10 calendar days.
I am writing this post from the ferry that is taking me from my home for the last year to exotic new locales.
The 123 board book concept is also available for a select number of other locales.
It should be noted that zip codes are created to serve distinct communities, as well as specific locales with a large amount of mail.
NOTE: Data are based on locales of school districts.
The company builds its restaurants in high - impact locales where customers are practically captive.
Conventional locales such as libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops aren't the only places you can host events.
These stages, however, are themed after suburban locales like a convenience store or a back porch, which is admittedly clever if not somewhat amusing.
The prints depict various locales around the area in the early 20th century.
That would have meant drivers would not only need a separate motorcycle license to drive it, but would have had to wear a helmet in many locales.
The clubs are prime dating locales for singles, like my friend, who love the nightlife.
Also, jobs that prefer local candidates may rather choose applicants from specific locales.
Because slash - and - burn is still rampant in tropical locales around the planet, she explains, deforestation may very well be changing the way carbon cycles through the world's oceans.
These resorts are also located in unique locales across the country and tend to be within close proximity to family - friendly area attractions.
Eventually, railroad companies would open hospitals close to the tracks in remote locales otherwise without medical facilities.
The natural beauty here is stuff for legend; there are a whole lot of beautiful locales here.
The art direction has no flaws, with a wide range of colors being employed to make the varying locales stand out from one another.
The exhibition is structured as three separate locales within the three rooms of the gallery.
The city itself, more white than black, is representative of other urban locales.
Certain doors across the world spontaneously become portals between diverse locales.
All of these private islands are similar in their casual style and stunning locales, but their focus and amenities vary.
And even if some geographic locales are associated with higher productivity and growth, that doesn't mean cluster success can be manufactured by government fiat.
Develop online dating locales make more develop grown - ups to the date scene yet again by giving them a chance to make new companions and build up new fellowships.
In the post she writes about her experiences with various programs offering to give founders from a break from the bleak winter months by organizing working trips to warmer locales.
Others could become terrified of a certain location (dungeons are separated by various unique locales with their own monsters and traps) and gain additional stress from being there.
For an even more authentic experience, travelers can trek from coast - to - coast, with an itinerary that offers exposure to off the beaten path rural locales and exciting cultural discoveries.
So, we have a talented director, some good players, and nice scenic locales as ingredients for which to set up the story.
You're constantly learning new things, developing the story, changing locales, and you are always moving forward and never backward.
As you wander through certain locales and see the message pop up at the bottom of you screen, it never failed to make me stop in my tracks and become legitimately scared.
You knew that, but you might not be aware of stress relief tactics — centuries - old practices, in some cases — that people in these foreign locales rely on.
The game is presented in a grid - like fashion with the different locales offering a somewhat unique theme.
Artists must connect and make a name for themselves in their own locales and territory.
One of the brightest aspects of the book is the constant incorporation of far off locales, as well as the highly educated approach to both the history and the characters of those locations.
That being said, considering there are only three circus - themed locales to play within, you don't get much variety when it comes to environments.
The next time you're trying to plan a relaxing vacation, consider one of these lesser - known locales for your trip.
There are many interesting locales and villains reminiscent to that of the comics that one can fight through.
Has travelled since childhood and has traveled to numerous locales, like.
At present, we don't have the capability to travel to those distant solar system locales or to go backwards in time.
Get all the information you will need to contact your financial institution from international locales in case of stolen or lost cards.
This pillar involves the creation of new tools and processes to speed up the development of new maps and locales using a combination of procedural generation and manual composition.
The trailer doesn't reveal much gameplay but instead takes us through a ride of the beautiful locales featured in the game.
They took inspiration from real - world locales and put a slight artistic spin on them to build the environments.
In very cold locales, pets with shorter hair will need blankets or some sort of sweater to keep warm.
Every issue is packed with award - winning photography, provocative interviews, and travel features to the world's most exotic surf locales.
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