Sentences with phrase «one's own particular situation»

It might also help your child develop coping strategies for particular situations and with transitions from one activity to the next.
Without this, we risk building our models of planet formation on a handful of observed compositions that may not be typical, or only occur in particular situations.
The one possible general answer is: according to the nature of particular situations.
It is very essential to create letters on particular situations.
Young children will at some time express themselves strongly physically or verbally, or feel worried or scared about particular situations.
The duty of care owed by one person to another in modern society also varies with particular situations.
The work presents a compelling case for concentrating agriculture through whatever hybrid mix of means — technological or traditional — that best fits particular situations, but also fostering moderation in consumption.
The material covers both the preventative and management aspects of dealing with challenging behaviour and can be adapted to suit particular situations.
Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.
I understand each client will react to and handle particular situations in a different way.
Thus, the activities are quite flexible based on the need of the student, educator, and particular situation at hand.
The final scenes seem earned rather than the result of a script forcing characters into particular situations.
Each trader needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.
Also look for people who may have gone through particular situations you have.
Using certain weapons to approach particular situations can make a difficult situation seem simple, so taking note of what weapons and ammo happen to be laying around certain areas will be of benefit.
The key is that a large portion of your land that is normally dry is underwater from one of several particular situations.
Other than that, we also have different Letter Template samples, which may be of help in the creation of the written transactions that you need to provide for particular situations.
But making molecules one at a time will be useful only in particular situations.
It is best to tailor your cover letter to each open position rather than relying on a standard document that never gets modified to fit particular situations.
The material covers both the preventative and management aspects of dealing with challenging behaviour and can be adapted to suit particular situations.
Each investor needs to review a security transaction for his or her own particular situation.
Immersion in particular situations does not encourage wrestling with global patterns or with the academic theories that support them.
It is easy to get upset about particular situations when working in the litigation support...
Each chapter is devoted to a specific challenge and concludes with a «parenting prescription,» or a brief outline summarizing specific actions to take and topics to discuss with adolescents when particular situations arise.
The decision of the CRSFN is final in the administrative sphere, except for very particular situations involving new facts, obscurity or corrections of material mistakes.
Sounds like a good thing, until you have to use those muscles in a very particular situation I like to call «reality.»
Sociology can help us uncover these vested interests, and, in the process of proclamation, preachers can become clearer about how particular passages in particular situations call for transformation, or maintain equilibrium.
However, this is not the case in this matter and the Tribunal did not identify any such particular situation.
The «if you can't measure it you can't manage it» style of management is useful only in particular situations found in business environments and is a disaster when applied outside those specific areas, ESPECIALLY when applied to managing relationships.
Furthermore, so far as the «voice» of this book is concerned, this background assumption means that I can hope to address «universally» all who are involved in theological schooling only by writing openly and explicitly out of my own concretely particular situation in theological schooling.
mistrusting generalizations and theoretical constructions, exploring particular situations revealed by close reading of specific texts in the light of all I could learn about social and cultural contexts.»
The basic idea is that expert problem solvers, like expert chess players, are able to recognize particular situations (ex.
The example above illustrates one situation that occurs frequently and does not have anything to do with aggression etc rather biting comes naturally to infants, particularly at the time of teething and the challenge here was to stop the baby biting in particular situations i.e. when feeding from Mum's breast!
Next to pure internal combustion Fusion variants, total cost of ownership for most people will be higher over five years, but again, this depends on particular situations.
The user should not act or rely on the information in this site without obtaining appropriate legal counsel, and should consult with legal counsel regarding the application of the law to the facts of particular situations.
Each style has its pros and cons that make them well suited for particular situations, but we zeroed in on Brawler for Kiryu and Slugger (complete with unbreakable baseball bat) for Majima.
Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses.
Worksheets often allow a student to apply the principles they've learned in the course to their own particular situation.
While that book had actually been successful, selling widely among the women it was written for, and their friends, and also through Easons, Ireland's largest book chain, it was a very particular situation.
However, every time you use this upgrade, you will receive only a small percentage of the gold you obtain the next time you enter the level, which makes this upgrade useful in particular situations such as finding a boss, but not in others.
«If following a «company rule» is obviously ridiculous in a particular situation, such that it would make for a great Dilbert cartoon, then the rule should change.»
Depending on your particular situation, these can all be sensible short - term techniques, but according to philosopher and author Alain de Botton, the right response to the Sunday blues is rarely ever mentioned — don't fight or mask your feelings, celebrate them.
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