Sentences with phrase «one's own petard»

Author Simek isn't active on any social media other than LinkedIn, largely because he is a professional testifying expert on IT and digital forensics topics — and he didn't want to risk being hung by his own petard because of something he had posted on other kinds of social media.
These outfits have been largely hoisted on their own financial petards and now they can't figure out a way to get their deals out the door and sell their story to the public suckers without the embarrassment of a downward valuation when the underwriters actually start writing the deal book; and (3) They're already a dead dog, living on borrowed time.
«Shattered Glass» (Lions Gate) Star New Republic reporter Stephen Glass was hoisted on his own petard when editors discovered he made up stories out of whole cloth.
The French used petard, - a loud discharge of intestinal gas, - for a kind of infernal engine for blasting through the gates of a city.
But here it seems the down - home - authenticity thing has hoisted Candidate Soft - Tough on his own folksy petard.
Bialy fills his book with direct quotes, allowing a number of the unsavory characters in this story to hoist themselves by their own inelegant petards.
Instead, he steps back and observes, letting the characters cheerfully hoist themselves on their own petard without embellishing the specifics.
Backers of an «official English» amendment to Colorado's constitution were hoist with their opponents» petard recently, when a federal judge ruled that petitions to place the measure on the November ballot should, in some cases, have been printed in Spanish.
Hoisted on their own petard one might say.
What is it, then, that elevates the nominally similar work of David Hammons (b. 1943)-- a MacArthur «genius grant» winner in 1991 — so far above the pack that it seems as if he's landed from another planet, equipped with X-ray vision and telepathy, hoisting our foibles about race and class with a variety of pithy petards?
They continue to fire broadsides of self destructing petards as their «good» ship — the lumbering zombiehulk the «SS Political - Indoctrination» sinks noisily under the (fantastically higher due to AGW) waves.
There is something almost comic and farcical to the way in which King and the Smith School now seem to be hoist by their own nuclear petard.
Can you say «hoisted by his own petard??!!»
His comments right afterwards about being a contrarian suggest that he's having fun and letting fly a small reason petard.
I had a blast with Angry Birds for a bit and then lost the lust for launching the anti-pig petards.
But Dent, whose 1986 New York Times wedding announcement boasted that he was the great - grandson of the business titan Alfred du Pont, may have been ultimately hoisted by his own financial petard.
With John Heard as the environmental specialist on the scene venting his moral outrage and Christopher Lloyd hoisted on his own petard as the industrial scapegoat, this is a showcase for the environmental devastation and ecological destructiveness of man's intervention with nature.
Hot on the heels of my genial mockery (fret not for my colleague, I get as good as I give) I quickly found myself hoist with my own petard when I noticed the nespresso - machine buzz in our small studio was increasingly focused on a new legally themed podcast called SERIAL.
A group of Twitter and Facebook developers working under the banner Focus On The User are attempting to hoist Google with its own petard by demonstrating just how skewed the new service is.
Now he is in danger of being hoisted on his own petard.
Meanwhile the lone private equity player in this Shakespearean drama has been hoisted with his own petard.
Hoist, I'd say, on her own petard.
Our sympathy declined, however, as we learned from news accounts the extent to which Pres. Lawrence built for others the pyre on which he now burns, the extent to which he has been hoist with his own petard, the extent to which he nursed the pinion that impelled the steel, the extent to which... (you get the idea; as they say on the streets: what goes around, comes around).
The punishments meted out to wrongdoers are often designed to mock them and to hoist them by their own petards
Very well then, they are hoist with their own petard: we demand and defend our Catholic schools in the name of the same cultural and personal freedoms, within a very «plural society».
As the late Joel Feinberg - another eminent liberal political philosopher - warned, any effort to found liberalism on the denial of truth or objectivity would leave liberals hoist on their own petard.
The problem, again, is that Intelligent Design denies being a religious movement and so is hoisted on its own petard.
Interestingly he does so by employing the historical - critical method, hoisting exegetes with their own petards.
Another kind of atheism also hoists Christianity on the petard of its own success..
It's just the Cards are extra special at being hoisted up by their own petard.
not quite a performative contradiction, but at least being hoist on my own petard
I also like «hoist on your own petard» I spent years thinking it was something to do with being stabbed with a sword, but it actually means being blown up by your own gunpowder.
still can't take responsibility for how she hoisted herself on her own petard
More mischievously, former senior advisers to the shadow cabinet were looking at ways they could quickly hang John McDonnell by his own petard, way before George Osborne, sensibly playing a longer game, could get his own dirty hands on him.
Hand it to Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (D - Queens) for hoisting Gov. Cuomo on his own «gender equity» petard.
The Parliamentary Labour Party has been hoist by its own petard.
My own view is that Labour have been hoist on their own petard.
There's too much weight that, despite an excellent beggining, it gets bogged down and ultimately hoisted by it's own petard.
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