Sentences with phrase «one's own pledge»

One of key pledges of the Conservative manifesto includes letting people to set up their own schools.
You can participate in exchange for a donation or by collecting pledges in advance.
There were also pledges by 20 major economies to double investment in renewable energy research and development.
[119] The governor also pledged $ 500 million in seed money to support the project.
Although many food and beverage companies have taken voluntary pledges not to target children under 12 years old with certain marketing, teens are not included.
They see coal as their cheapest path to development, and are therefore resistant of making pledges.
State and city lawmakers have also pledged $ 60 million to help the district avoid widespread layoffs.
Keep the signed pledges on file and refer to them when behavior doesn't reflect the pillars of character.
Third, I don't believe in pledges as an instrument to guide people's behaviour.
The projects that were most likely to fail were ones on the smallest end of the spectrum with pledges received at or below $ 1,000.
She collected $ 1,700 in pledges from clients, family and friends and helped to spread the word about a simple new blood test to detect prostate cancer.
It will become available as premium DLC, but — as previously promised — will be available for free to backers who pledged on a high enough tier.
Both vice presidential candidates pledged allegiance to clean coal, as have their running mates.
She told the crowd of a few hundred people that she is following through on her campaign pledges of nearly four years ago.
We never said there was a competition going on, but what we did say was that those who have the most pledges at any given time would be on our website.
Thanks to every single one of the 325 backers who pledged support, and to everyone who helped spread the word on social media, and to the partner organizations who supported the campaign!
This bill was a key Conservative manifesto pledge in the run - up to the general election.
If you have already pledged for the $ 35 / $ 40 - you just got two more copies!
When it comes to interpreting a climate pledge by richer countries to help poorer ones tackle the problem of climate change, about $ 60 billion last year.
The deal includes pledges to reduce emissions and funding for countries who need assistance to reach emission reduction goals.
Many of the existing trusts will also be occupied in opening new schools to meet that other core government pledge of 500 extra free schools by 2020.
If pledges are honored, this could be a game changer, but if they are not it could easily be a deal breaker.
Loans with pledged collateral are known as «secured loans,» and are often required for most consumer loans.
The developers have already raised $ 100,000 in pledged funds and they're seeking a total of only $ 700,000.
Five people have already pledged more than $ 1,100 to be interviewed and mentioned in the book.
He added that «everyone» knew that sharing the proceeds of growth would not work as an economic pledge during a recession.
The ability for politicians to dramatically change public opinion just by making election pledges has therefore reduced.
In exchange, the state pledged to adopt the Common Core standards, to align its tests with those guidelines and also to strengthen teacher evaluations.
The bottom line is that while most of our political leaders pretend to support the goal of 2 °C maximum warming, their actual emission reduction pledges don't come even close.
Despite a new pledge by tech firms to do better on this front, there is lots of work to do.
These rules were established to make country pledges comparable to some degree.
What, after all, should a national emissions pledge be compared to?
Join a movement of concerned citizens that are dedicated to finding practical and effective solutions to climate change — sign our climate pledge today!
Most such pledges don't go beyond 2030, and those from developing countries are mostly «conditional» — they'll proceed if wealthy countries pay the cost or otherwise help.
This is nice and fine in paper but if you look at the text, what has been pledged last week will take us to a more than 3 degrees warmer world.
Therefore, secured lenders charge higher interest rates when they can not verify the value of the underlying pledged asset.
They sent out pledge cards stating what a good join they did by finishing the year with a surplus.
Mom and dad pledge out loud that they will get along better and not place their sons in the middle again.
The game recently hit the $ 18 million mark, and continues to rack up an impressive pledge amount from backers.
Previous governments have made similar pledges before and failed to deliver.
A massive public - private partnership pledges over $ 1 billion to cut deforestation and mitigate climate change.
And apparently content with the budget that's been agreed to, he's now pledged to close it down.
Only education consultants and those have taken the corporate education reform pledge need apply.
If you've been approached face - to - face, ask to see some identification and a copy of the charity's pledge form.
More than $ 110 million of the total amount pledged comes from developing countries, and several developed countries may contribute a portion of the funds in the form of loans instead of grants.
Good collateral to be pledged against bank loans eventually gets exhausted.
I just pledged $ 25 (+ $ 6 shipping) i couldn't select the early bird collectors edition, what can I do?
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