Sentences with phrase «one's own police force»

94 This was not a case of excessive police force in the discharge of their duties.
In recent years research has made significant strides in understanding the manner in which procedural fairness practices can enhance the work of police forces by raising compliance levels.
A company that makes body cameras used by police forces across the country is weighing the benefits of adding facial recognition technology to the cameras.
The proponents of spending millions of dollars to arm local police forces with energy weapons make what seems, at first blush, a compelling case.
That's why you don't see them on police forces.
From police forces to school groups there is a wide range of organisations who support the day in many different ways.
We all know German Shepherds as guarding dogs we see with police forces.
Their retriever origin means that they have a keen sense of smell and are often used in police forces as detection dogs.
His management innovations and game - changing philosophy had been adopted at least in part by many other large police forces across the country.
The school district already has its own police force, and all high schools and middle schools have their own officers.
For example, income per capita actually rises as crime rises if the country spends more money to fight that rising crime — on a larger police force or improved intelligence technologies.
Many police forces do not believe a man can be a victim and the charity receives many complaints from men who have been turned away by them or end up being accused themselves.
Are there any examples of police forces who were explicitly authorized to prosecute offenses against social order that were technically not criminal?
Other recommendations include more active government support of collaboration between police forces and smarter attempts to tackle bureaucracy which address the causes of paperwork rather than simply trying to reduce it.
Many police forces around the world have their own breeding programs, and carefully breed pups with the physical characteristics and temperament they want.
And so this alcoholic failure reaches the conclusions other police forces can not reach.
He also called for a border police force, greater support for the armed forces and a national security approach that combines domestic and foreign security.
A new police force, a new factory manager replace the old ones.
One of the functions of the state police force is to protect and uphold the productive private property which is capital.
The goal is to demonstrate just how vulnerable drones currently in use by police forces around the world to execute critical missions are to hackers.
If the issue is compliance, why is the focus on enforcement by a private police force?
So even though you can legally defend yourself against excessive police force, these days you will almost certainly be unable to in practice.
I think for the most part it works, I am only guessing but I would be surprised if more than 5.0 % of our entire police force is involved in corruption.
Again, your address is used to get crime reports from local police forces so that the insurance company can assess the risk.
For eight years, we have been forced to deal with a shrinking police force while violent crime continues to climb.
They are utilized in the military and police force due to their high intelligence, ease of training, and calm manner.
Most police forces in the developed world use profiling, but it is not always as successful as the small screen would have us believe.
We do, after all, provide Canadian police forces more than $ 14 billion per year in funding.
Current cannabis laws are «a messy patchwork» which are not even enforced by many regional police forces.
These leather boots are used by police forces all around the world, both big and small.
His performance, as the face of everything that's wrong with the American police force, is the epitome of corruption.
It is part of a larger fight for a smaller police force and more community input in city activities.
In fact, many police forces now require verification before they respond, as part of their false alarm management policies.
This does not mean a bigger budget for the military: it means investing in a more effective police force and establishing systems that can generate and act upon security information.
Once your complaint has been submitted to the relevant police force, it will be investigated by them.
But insiders have warned that the shrinking police force could have a negative outcome for the city.
The solution doesn't lie in an armed police force but in a hard look at wider society.
Special Police Officers complete safety and security work for special police forces.
This was a kid like me, and this guy's already killed a dog and a whole police force!
In fact American urban police forces (and public schools) emerged initially only in conjunction with large - scale immigration.
In 2016 they are scheduled to be elected in 40 of the 43 territorial police forces.
In a futuristic society, the world's first robotic police force has been established with great success.
Figures it's collected from 15 police forces show they were handed out more than 3,000 times last year, which is more than double the figure in 2009.
His clients include several local authorities and a major Police force, as well as companies of all sizes.
One is the aggressive police force in many towns and cities, with officers who will gladly pull you over for barely exceeding the speed limit.
How do we ensure police forces are effective, efficient, robust, well - led and accountable to the people they serve?
Most police forces carry out those activities to some extent.
Even the data in the registry was to be destroyed, so no province or future federal government, not to mention police force, could make use of the information.
The unit has become a combination of an internal police force and an external police branch tasked with the export of terror abroad.
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