Sentences with phrase «one's own present»

Both clubs remain at present in that competition and have stated their desire to progress as far as possible.
Other arguments I've heard is to prevent a too large number of candidates to take part, but a requirement of presenting at a minimum number of signatures should sufficiently prevent that.
We accept the facts as presented by science... facts that can be backed by peer reviewed studies.
A political scientist says it's a bad sign for democracy when voters aren't presented with at least two options in a race.
I will be doing your orange chocolate clusters for presents as well, they are too good!
He has considerable experience in the classroom and in presenting on the use of technology in education.
My current project is crafting mother's day presents for many of the wonderful women and mothers in my life that my two year old can help with.
In present day on - line dating has become very popular with the development of cyber space and social networks.
Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only.
Findings of present study may help professionals with ideas about how to support parents whose children with ALL which in turn may improve parental quality of life and their children treatment management compliance.
The fair also presents works by modern masters and contemporary artists of note who may no longer be living.
I have more than fifteen years of experience in providing Computer Applications academic writing services and at present working with Instant Assignment Help.
The most important thing that is prevalent in higher studies in present time is the assignments writing.
The exhibition presented new work from the artists as well as some walls during their stay.
You need to learn the basics, but you also have to ask the right questions when presented with information.
When I was younger, I used to always see really cute jewelry being sold in little Japanese lifestyle shops and hope that one day I would receive them as presents from my boyfriend!
The art gallery presents professional exhibitions and serves as a vital artistic resource for our community.
Without their work, in some cases presented here for the first time, such a volume on process philosophy and Christian thought could not exist.
The main gallery is now entirely located on the ground floor with art presented in three distinct spaces.
If I put $ 100 or $ 1,000 in as present value, the internal rate of return is a guaranteed, tax - free, double digit number at age 100.
Furthermore, people often adopt favorite snacks enjoyed in front of the television or computer, which presents more feelings of security and warmth.
Baked goods always make for good presents when you have no idea what to get for friends.
This major exhibition brings together work by artists presenting more fluid and inclusive visions of identity.
Strong emotions, so often present during divorce, can interfere with the ability to think logically and clearly.
There is a lot of advice out there on writing a good profile but I want to give you a format to write something actually interesting and different while still presenting who you are.
Sometimes life presents situations where short - term coverage is needed.
Autumn is a beautiful season however it does present challenges when it comes to styling daily looks.
He will also present case study scenarios based on actual decisions at the company that yielded undesirable results.
These results with the results of present research are agreement.
Is there someone out there who, if presented with all those books, you could tell with a straight face «you'll like mine more»?
The entry fee is high for those interested in attending, but the opportunities present here for collaboration are endless.
For starters, always use present tense when referring to your current position, and use past tense when referring to positions you held previously.
This gap in time presents challenges for screening procedures because high predictive validity is much more difficult to obtain than high concurrent validity.
The majority of the people who present papers at the meeting petition for the opportunity by submitting an abstract, while a select few are invited to speak.
This paper presents results from a mixed method review of studies in low - and middle - income countries.
This is only present on newer phones, so don't worry if it's not in your factory images package.
Gallery artists present new work and unique pieces for the 2016 holiday season.
I thought it was the best game I'd ever seen on any of then present day platforms.
All three shows presented art from the museum's collection.
I'm particularly interested in how present day climate differs from climates in the past, and what may have caused climates to change.
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