Sentences with phrase «one's own proficiency»

The students in regional magnet schools showed the greatest growth in proficiency in reading and math.
These findings indicate a higher level of proficiency in students attending charter schools.
Computer proficiency with software packages would be a preferable attribute.
For instance, demonstrated computer proficiency in a previous position may give a prospective employer confidence that you can quickly master a new company's specific system.
The test is designed to provide information about language ability to speakers across a range of language proficiency levels.
By race / ethnicity, all groups saw increases in proficiency rates in math and science.
It also calls on teachers to use the standards in conjunction with language proficiency standards to support their English language development.
Background includes claims and loan processing, data entry receptionist, front and back office proficiency, t...
The sheer amount of technical proficiency on display in this game could probably power a small nation.
«The implication is that students of similar academic skills but residing in different states are being evaluated against different standards for proficiency in reading and mathematics,» the report concludes.
The scores used to determine whether students demonstrated proficiency on the test were set too low, resulting in unexpectedly high passing rates for the state's elementary and middle school students.
Clearly, the experts set an 8th - grade math proficiency standard at a level lower than the one set in reading.
The most recent statistics on these students indicate that there is a significant drop in reading proficiency levels in grades 7 - 12.
Students who do not qualify for free or reduced price lunches are twice as likely as their low wage peers to reach math proficiency by 8th grade.
Writing a technical resume needs extra skills as it is different than any other standard resume, because you have to add your technical proficiency of your respective field.
This is usually based on a combination of performance on an English language proficiency test, grades, standardized test scores and teacher recommendations.
Students pass a course as soon as they can demonstrate proficiency as measured by rigorous testing requirements delivered via an advanced assessment system.
As for participation and achievement, the addition of one sport increases the number of students at or above academic proficiency by 0.2 of a percentage point.
Historically, indicators including academic proficiency rates and graduation rates have widely varying performance from school to school, while indicators such as attendance rates typically have the same performance across all schools.
The 100 percent proficiency target set by No Child was an ambitious statement that all kids should get the education they need to write their own life stories.
Outstanding interpersonal skills with critical strengths in organization, detail, strategic thinking, with proficiency at developing and maintaining internal and external client relationships.
Only four of these schools, however, had more than half of their students pass state proficiency tests in math last spring.
• In 2009, New Leaders principals were twice as likely as other principals to oversee 20 plus point gains in student proficiency scores in their schools.
One + year related experience, exceptional customer service skills, computer proficiency required.
They are a great fit to push data that can help learners achieve mastery (short bites that can be used to practice and achieve higher proficiency levels).
The kids are behaving, learning, and achieving proficiency on state exams.
Among its 8th - grade students, only 12 percent reached proficiency in reading and 7 percent in math.
Goals for graduates include proficiency at clinical tasks, competency at medical office responsibilities, a background in general education, and a sense of professional ethics.
That is, what does an increased proficiency rate of roughly 20 points actually mean, and do the sacrifices that we make to achieve those gains outweigh the benefits?
The have been objections raised by teachers across the country based on concerns about the validity of using proficiency targets as indicators of individual teacher performance.
The tool also helps workers find open positions across business units and links them to resources for developing proficiency in required competencies.
Rather, good grades suggest that states are setting a high proficiency bar — that students must perform at a high level to be deemed proficient in a given subject at their grade level.
Self - motivated with relevant years of experience and related proficiency within the insurance industry.
The new report shows proficiency rates for blacks in reading and math improving in most areas cited in the report, but still far below the rates of white students.
About 70 % of male and female inmates score at the lowest proficiency level for reading.
There are a total of 10 decks to unlock, each with 16 hidden cards that can be inserted into corresponding decks as you gain proficiency with them.
A short, but similar, technology proficiency list should be included below the skills section.
The first step in achieving student writing proficiency begins with the teachers themselves.
Ability to excel in a team environment, strong proficiency in using technology and solid analytic skills are the basis of working as an operations analyst in any organization.
Is it truly a sign of excellence when 61 percent of our students can not demonstrate basic proficiency on this national assessment?
Understanding your employees is the key to unlocking their potential and improving proficiency.
If we're using the language proficiency exam, it tells how well they are speaking, listening, reading and writing.
When blacks can not pass a high school proficiency test as a condition of obtaining a diploma, let us throw out the test.
With this change, how well English learners do on language proficiency assessments has greater consequences than ever before.
They must also prove proficiency in math, reading and spelling.
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