Sentences with phrase «one's own prophecy»

I also think it is a self - fulfilling prophecy of sorts, because if you have more Swiss curators, you have more Swiss artists.
As research shows, interpersonal warmth explains the self - fulfilling prophecy of anticipated acceptance; study participants who expected to be accepted were perceived as more likable.
It's a self - fulfilling prophecy in which we are our own worst enemy.
What reason can one find to say this is prophecy about the end of this world?
It concerns the type of discourse that is always a work of a certain genre, i.e., a work produced as narration, as prophecy, as legislation, etc..
It is rare to find an individual so obviously ignorant of Biblical prophecy yet so willing to put forth a stupid opinion that is laughable to those that have actually read the text.
For this writer, as for other early Christian thinkers, the important thing is the correspondence of prophecy with the facts.
What, for instance, can he make of the phenomenon of prophecy on such an assumption, to say nothing of the resurrection?
Taking heavy inspirations from the A Link to the Past, the game likes you play as four wildly different characters who are destined to fulfill an ancient prophecy of some sorts.
We must consider how many texts involve a vision which is primarily a false prophecy in which the false prophet argues that his vision proves he is right.
That's an amazing fulfillment of prophecy which we can count as a gem.
It didn't help that he had another knock against him, having made a similar failed prophecy back in 1994.
We have diet books, relationship books, money - management books, and several crazy town end times prophecy books.
He takes pains to show that in every respect except the specific matter of prophecy belief they looked and behaved remarkably like anyone else occupying a similar position in the social system.
Cause if not you've gone a tad bit to far in that it looks like prophecy?
There is an element of self - fulfilling prophecy at work here as well.
This becomes a self fulfilling prophecy if we believe it ourselves.
I am loving the direction of your blogs posts recently on bible prophecy.
So, for me, the famous Mayan prophecy inspired an excellent story.
You are welcome to try with some other prophecy, but so far, you've been caught out in your bullshit.
I see prophecy as «speaking the truth in love».
If we have understood prophecy correctly, we are close.
His lips are moving like he's talking quietly to himself, which means he's probably receiving prophecy.
Many have described the stock as a bubble, a self - fulfilling prophecy where people are buying into the stock just because everyone else is.
If you fell behind and didn't listen to modern day prophecy, that's OK.
It's got an old prophecy predicting the return of «The One», and a villain obsessed with eternal youth.
If such well - engineered prophecy seems too perfect, then you may be right.
It is an apocalyptic prophecy of the near future disguised as a retrospective look at humanity and the earth.
As noted, over the years outsiders have routinely alleged that prophecy believers were «pessimistic,» too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good.
When young girls start to go missing, older followers fear a long - told prophecy while the younger members suspect abusive elders are killing them off.
And in doing so, he also could also fulfill his own prophecy of a $ 2.0 - trillion Bitcoin market cap.
How prevalent the phenomenon was in early prophecy we have little means of knowing.
The concept of self - fulfilling prophecy plays a huge role in teaching because teacher expectations often determine student outcomes.
Last week I defended his prophetic taste in mid-century modern furniture; this week his gift of prophecy shows its downside.
The future can only be know by divine prophecy.
Anybody with a negative prophecy against me and this state will fail.
It would be out of place here to discuss the scope and variation in interpretation of the relationship between the great prophets and the phenomenon of contagious prophecy.
This will create negative self - defeating prophecy in them.
Some, especially believers will do everything they can to bring about and fulfill their desired prophecy to prove themselves right.
As I've said before, activism beats prophecy every time.
I want to say some things about what I think prophecy might be in a progressive church and in a troubled world.
The main theme has to do with whether prophecy defines your life or if you can create your own destiny, or shape your destiny in your own way.
In this history prophecy will often (though not always) be the announcing of what will happen.
Yes, they confirmed prophecy, and that is a good point about being dead for 3 days.
A self - fulfilling prophecy occurs when expectations about an individual's behaviour cause that person to act in ways which confirm the expectations.
But a few need talked about when it comes to future update prophecy.
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