Sentences with phrase «one's own revenge»

Then, it's all about the sweet revenge of smashing the little pest right across the face!
My current novel is a mother's need for revenge for the accidental killing of her child and how that desire leads to her own redemption.
With no time to spare, he plans on getting revenge on those that are soon to kill him, but must do so without ever stopping the excitement for even a minute.
Who would have thought that a film about a man getting revenge for the murder of his beloved dog would be bad ass?
You then get your powers stripped from you and you head out to seek revenge on whoever set you up.
He asked us to write a story of revenge in about 1,000 words and this one came out pretty easily.
In The Blood is not the worst revenge thriller out there but it certainly has the words «straight to DVD» running through it like a stick of sea - side rock.
The story quickly becomes a tale of revenge against another racer who set up the main character.
How many times have defeated them, we should dominate them, we should conquer them and take revenge for the misery they gave us.
Yes, it's true, people do initiate rebounds to exact revenge on their ex.
Thank goodness she does not seek revenge by tearing things up, and doing her business on the floor.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we'll be getting a mob revenge story in the campaign this time around.
Wearing fabulous heels on a daily basis is a good dream, but by the end of the week your ankles would be plotting revenge against you!
Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross country race with revenge in mind.
So this does not provide a response in all cases of revenge porn.
What follows is a kind of revenge tale, but one that's really astute about relationships and desire.
She takes out all the guards and now wants revenge on the man who forced her into the situation.
Still, there is no lack of better revenge movies out there.
Sometimes you just want the story to make you feel good, it does not always have to be about revenge over a lost love one.
He's a Bond villain in the middle of what is supposed to be a serious revenge film with massive stakes.
This is not a radically different rape revenge drama on the surface, and it is still, at times, as unpleasant a watch as any of its fellows.
This made - for - TV movie is a dark, disturbing tale of revenge from beyond the grave.
All of this makes for the most innovative revenge movies I've seen in recent years.
Other than that, this action revenge flick looks sure to satisfy.
It's funny (sad, actually) how people focus so much on the money / property and getting revenge at the expense of their children during a divorce.
Some won't be so lucky, but in later games they can seek sweet revenge!
Or he just saw the claw holes and vowed revenge without any further info?
It took revenge upon itself and the temporal realm of becoming in the only way it could — through world creation and world valuation.
Or the sweet taste of revenge when you threw it right back at the class bully?
Consequently, as one begins to think clearly, one stops planning revenge.
This looks damn good, a moody revenge western with some real grit.
Later, in a throw away line, we learn he was gaining revenge on someone.
It's at that point where the story begins: almost every film in this genre, even the more plausible ones, feature a hero who immediately slips into revenge mode.
And of course, like revenge, cream pie is a dish best served cold.
Now, I'm not talking Revenge Body pounds here, but you'll certainly notice a difference.
This is inherently repetitive, though, and the added layer of familiarity as the war between the two parties begins to grow into a mission of personal revenge does not help.
Consumers will purchase song downloads from within Tap Tap Revenge.
Start by looking at what made revenge so bloody good.
The show's simple format made you feel good about violent revenge, even though you knew deep down it was probably wrong.
Generally, when a good revenge game or movie concludes, the targeted audience will feel relief and satisfaction knowing that the main character accomplished what he / she set out to do.
The play's basic framework remains, a cyclical revenge saga (minus the rape), though its characters are combined for an easier follow.
Best of all, the plot would get a satisfying ending — and become the ultimate revenge story.
Yes, I know it is hard not to get your own revenge back.
Some missions don't offer that much help in your quest for revenge so it's more of a distraction than helpful.
Instead, it's a simple revenge flick that gets increasingly graphic as it goes along.
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