Sentences with phrase «one's own skin in the game»

But in my opinion, the real answer is for employers to put more skin in the game.
Yes, I'm definitely happy to get the bonus, and I will match it to put skin in the game.
You think you've got skin in the game because there's a flag at reception.
Some clients are now asking firms to commit to alternatives that put the firm's skin in the game in order to align economic interests.
Putting a little skin in the game will go a long way towards helping you understand the long and short term potential of your investments!
You also strongly imply that your counterpart's client doesn't have as much skin in this game as your client does and lacks the backbone to simply walk away without a deal.
They also say they have their own skin in the game when it comes to making loans.
Let Your Child Have Skin in the Game If the money's there to pay all of your child's college expenses, it's all good.
And having collaborative counsel without skin in the game, but with skin in the process, is another one.
If you don't want this for reasons of your own you don't have enough skin in the game.
All lenders that I've met want skin in the game, which I presently don't have.
When you write an offer to buy a home, you typically need to show you have skin in the game right away.
It wasn't investigated by a neutral third party with no financial skin in the game.
People with skin in the game tend to pay attention.
I have a lot of money riding on a total market strategy in my tax - advantaged accounts i.e. there is sufficient skin in the game riding on a capital appreciation strategy.
But a lot of folks with skin in the game feel data like this is pretty important now that the indie publishing movement has a few years under its belt.
We need a consumption tax and everyone needs skin in the game.
The skin is extremely detailed and even evolves as the player levels up their character, something that no other skin in the game has done before.
And schools will have skin in the game relative to loan defaults — wow.
Although various skins in the game share an uncanny resemblance to famous characters.
Skin in the game implies you are investing in a venture like buying the lab equipment and renting the space out of your own pocket.
You probably need to have skin in the game along with investors!
The eldest had skin in the game due to a class sweep — she'd drawn the favourite.
Think of a champion as a mentor but with a little more skin in the game.
And I know you are because you've got skin in the game.
Seriously if you don't have a lot of skin in the game, port on all platforms.
Put skin in the game and be ready and willing to close.
I have skin in this game as I have taken extremely high doses of whole food antioxidants.
Thank you for being different and having your own skin in the game, and for your insightful reports and observations.
They charge alumni $ 100 / month to stay in the program to make sure they have real skin in the game.
Lenders will expect you to have skin in the game in the form of a down payment.
The first is when a hedge fund manager does not have enough skin in the game.
Hearing the views of someone with skin in the game and a long term track record of success is going to always offer more value than an analyst's perceptions.
My parents wanted to me to have a little skin in the game too, and our agreement was that the subsidized student loan ($ 2625 / year at the time) was my contribution amount I could take out the loan or work through the summer and pay the school.
«There was no element of skin in the game for the kids — they didn't know why they had to take the exam,» said Argo Community High School District 217 Superintendent Kevin O'Mara, president of the High School District Organization of Illinois.
Created as a part of Dodd - Frank, risk retention was enacted to ensure that issuers of a securitized transaction were «keeping skin in the game
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