Sentences with phrase «one's pale face»

This time of year, a good scarf keeps the chill away and brings some much needed color to my very pale face.
Also Bobby had observed the women who came filing out of the Peerless Shoe Company when the three o'clock whistle blew (he himself got out of school at two - thirty), women who all seemed way too skinny or way too fat, women with pale faces and fingers stained a dreadful old - blood color, women with downcast eyes who carried their work shoes and pants in Total Grocery shopping bags.
Adapted by Ayoade from the novel by Joe Dunthorne, it tells the story of fifteen year old Oliver Tate (Roberts), the sort of pale faced, pretentious youth who is routinely bullied at school.
I want a very pale face so needed a foundation to get this gothic look.
Her weird hair and pale face materialize behind his shoulder.
She had a wide pale face, full lips and short blond hair dyed the color of curry.
She had a round pale face, the usual exhausted face of the slum girl who is twenty - five and looks forty, thanks to miscarriages and drudgery; and it wore, for the second in which I saw it, the most desolate, hopeless expression I have ever - seen.
Self - portraits turned out wildly overexposed; believe us, this editor's pale face doesn't need any help in that department.
On the day I saw the piece, a statuesque female performer with pale face and long dark hair ended her song with a haunting cry that seemed to hover in the space for several minutes.
Robots took over the floor at the annual RoboBusiness conference in San Jose this week, including a small white one that bobbed its head and flashed its eyes in multiple colors while a smiling woman stared at its pale face.
And there was the pale face accented by darkened eyes and a chopped moustache, and a flexible cane that was itself a contradiction.
Nothing looks worse than a pale face with washed out blonde highlights to match!!
Symptoms include: extreme fatigue, pale face, unusual food cravings, a sore tongue, itchiness and ringing in your ears.
A Britain of bland food and pale faces.
Uncharismatic, heavyset, with a wide, pale face, he sat behind an oversized desk.
Einstein joked about it, describing himself for his young cousin, Elizabeth Ney, as a fellow with a «pale face, long hair, and a tiny start of a paunch.
But what distinguished Eric the most, besides his hair, was the look of distress on his pale face.
You may have some of the following symptoms: lack of energy, pale face, dizziness (especially upon standing), shortness of breath, sluggish bowel movement, bloating after eating, scanty period (one or two days), little or no milk production after labor.
Some of the symptoms are the same as a hangover — nausea, weakness, and a pale face — and your heart should be back to normal in 24 hours.
Excuse my pale face!
Even though the purple apparently reflects off of my pale face?
Make lighter shades please, not all of us pale faces want orange under eye circles.
At least Esther (Dorhout Mees) thought the dress looked good on me since I met her backstage after the show and she recognized the dress and complimented me ^ ^ And sorry for the pale face, I was still a bit sick that day.
Here's a perfect no - makeup look with a pale face and undone hair; isn't Mila Kunis looking fabulous here?
They often have black Gothic clothes, pale faces and a serious attitude.
Watching those around him with his giant glasses and pale face, Oldman's weary performance is subtle but immense.
In a way, my situation reminded me of a little girl I'd once seen exiting a roller coaster at a state fair, all wide eyes and pale face and shaky knees.
Wearing a black dress, a black veil over her pale face, her lips red with a thin line of lipstick, his friend, whom he'd always thought pretty, became, in her grief, hauntingly beautiful.
She's nibbled at tablets of arsenic to pale her face...
He couldn't see behind the silken white curtains that covered the window under the eaves a pale face staring out into the night, watching the puff of exhaust whip across the rear light, a wraith shielding its brightness until it was out of sight.
Hands move up to a pale face, elbows raised on either side, and I realize that he or she has lifted binoculars to curious eyes and is watching me.
Was that a pale face turning toward him?
Then again what an impossible task to summarize an experience such as this but I'll try my best... as luck (and fate) would have it one sunny day in July a pale faced British girl with a mere 7 dives stepped tentatively into Croatia Divers.
Weâ $ ™ d need you to come along already dressed as a zombie (ripped clothes, pale faces, crazy hairâ $ ¦) ready to take part in a few short videos from 11 am â $ «2 pm. Weâ $ ™ ll give you a credit in the app too, just in case your friends and family donâ $ ™ t recognise you! Weâ $ ™ ll also reward the best zombie - like outfit with 4200 Microsoft Points for you to spend on Zune or on Xbox Live and we may have a few other things to give away.
Dressed in a grey tracksuits with pale faces they present themselves as the the parliamentary embodiment of the needs of the 10,000 artists living in Berlin, demanding more structural funding and support for them, and stating that this year would be the last of the city - wide art event.
And this Spike now prepared to do, despite the pale face and trembling hands of the terrified tourist (moi) beside him.
I combine typical onryou shock imagery — long dark hair, pale face, white clothing — with the noppera - bou, a faceless trickster spirit that likes to frighten humans.
As I sat there looking at her pale face with tears streaming down her cheeks, I thought of all of the other cases in which people waited so long to seek help.
As the daylight hours become shorter and the periods of darkness longer, many of us shuffle around listlessly with our knuckles dragging on the ground and a dejected expression on our pale faces.
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