Sentences with phrase «one's panellists»

Other panellists at the event mentioned above talked about how firms distinguish themselves to clients.
Lots of publishers were very nervous about GBS, and Google, with the help of panellists from Berg, Springer and the Cambridge University Press, did a very good job of reassuring them.
Inspiring Interns have appeared as expert panellists on Guardian careers talks; written their own internship manifesto for the 2010 General Election which was praised by Theresa May MP (now Home Secretary); and advised the CIPD on their report «Interns: to pay or not to pay».
My thanks to the Freedom Zone for allowing us to use their room, and to my fellow panellists for taking part and publicising the event: JP Floru, John Flack, Stuart Wheeler, Teresa Coffey and Zehra Zaidi.
Cultural, gender, geographic, and cognitive biases were also addressed by various panellists in the fascinating discussion.
He made this plea alongside other panellists including Winne Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam; Lindiwe Mazibuko, Former Leader of the Opposition, Parliament of South Africa; and Rich Lesser, Global CEO / President Boston Consulting Group (BCG), emphasizing that «SMEs — not big corporates — grow economies.»
Sophie chaired a panel at CONTEC, Frankfurt Book Fair on the future of bookselling with panellists from Tumblr and mvB.
I will, no doubt, be interrupted, shouted down, slandered, put on the spot, and subjected to a scrutiny that would be a thousand times more intense than anything directed at other panellists.
Fellow panellists included senior representatives from Norway's Statoil and the UK's Which?
A panel discussion took place after the premiere, and guests were so enthused by panellists Kenner, Schlosser, Stonyfield Farm chairman Gary Hirshberg and Soil Association (SA) director Patrick Holden, that they donated more than # 1,500 to the SA.
Mj, would you like to introduce yourself as well as The Virtual Panellists Program please?
With panellists from a diverse range of professional and academic backgrounds, Kingston Blockchainers and Queen's Blockchain Innovation Community is excited to foster exciting conversations catered to a multi-disciplinary audience.
At a Westminster Education Forum seminar on Thursday, panellists said it was «essential» that teachers be given proper training to run sex and relationships lessons «with accuracy and confidence».
Panellists also advised companies to keep an eye on analyst reports that may provide fodder for activists to seize upon.
For the second panel discussion, titled «Arduous journey of idea to reality,» panellists shared their experiences of the dedication and perseverance required to execute their startup ideas.
At PAX AUS panellists gave advice to junior gaming journalists.
MJ, we have a virtual panellist who wants to share some information?
The Canada Reads 2018 panellist speaks on how the YA novel The Marrow Thieves kickstarts a conversation all Canadians should take part in.
To help our jobseekers improve their job interview performance ran a FREE 60 - minute live online video event on Thursday 12th June 2014 including Q&A sessions with a group of expert panellists.
We will post on our social media — Facebook and Twitter the same questions that we ask our in studio panellists while we're recording the show live.
Another panel considered the way in which South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and Uganda approach international arbitration, with panellists representing the judiciaries of those countries reporting a generally positive outlook, in line with their status as signatories of the New York Convention, although differences of interpretation remain.
He was among panellists discussing whether Mahama has the wherewithal to become the NDC flagbearer again.
The poll done for CIBC was based on an online survey of 1,501 panellists done on Feb. 9 and 10.
The online survey was conducted Aug. 13 - 17 among 1,001 Canadian parents who are Angus Reid Forum panellists.
Mel B is joining the line - up as a guest panellist for three consecutive shows next week.
Well thanks so much to everyone who's joined us today and for more information about helping stimulate development for your twins or more information about any of our speakers and panellists visit the episode page on our website.
Yet the format of this election special diverged from the standard Question Time set - up: while the programme usually features panellists answering questions from the audience together, the three party leaders appeared separately, in 28 - minute time slots.
In the first of four videos from the InHouse e-discovery roundtable, sponsored by Applied Discovery and moderated by editorial director Gail Cohen, our expert panellists focus on the issue of proportionality and when it should begin to play a part in e-discovery proceedings.
, is being launched on 8 July at an ALCS debate at the House of Commons, where panellists including the novelist Joanne Harris and the poet Wendy Cope will take part in a debate entitled: «Are We All on The Same Page?
This provided ammunition for the anti-Arsenal panel to criticize everything Wenger with one panellist suggesting that he believed that this was Wenger's last season at Arsenal and he would be promoted to the board.
10.35 BBC Question Time comes from Oldham, with panellists Caroline Spelman, Chris Bryant, Lord Oakeshott, Peter Oborne and Mary Beard
«Panellists tell us how they intend to vote, but they may change their minds and we do not attempt to quantify this uncertainty.
«If my kids are riding on a school bus and the school bus needs brakes and I have the money to fix that, I'm gonna fix it,» responded Dietl, to a question from debate panellist Gloria Pazmino, a Politico New York reporter, about whether the candidates would fund half the MTA emergency action plan and support a potential congestion pricing proposal.
Loose Women panellist Stacey Solomon spoke out about colleague Andrea McLean's wedding to Nick Feeney and how it made her depressed — find out why here Marital conflict caused by a depressed spouse The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together.
Loose Women panellist Stacey Solomon spoke out about colleague Andrea McLean's wedding to Nick Feeney and how it made her depressed — find out why here Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which
On Day Three, the Canada Reads 2018 panellist talks about her parents» accounts of surviving the Holocaust.
In the summer of 1993 Professor Peter Bedford contacted the Breed Health Monitor, as, over the period of a year or so several panellists had saw the occasional Flatcoat with Glaucoma.
If and when the Eye Panellist makes decisions, then the legal implications also have to be gone into.
Scottish economist Duncan MacLennan will be one of the international panellists participating in the City of Vancouver's re: address conference on housing affordability later this month.
We recently hosted a live Google + Hangout on Air with six inspirational panellists with one simple objective: to help you consider opportunities open to you and specifically options for pursuing PhD and Research Opportunities in Denmark.
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