Sentences with phrase «one's particular breed»

Some insurance carriers don't like particular breeds of dogs and won't write the policy or will charge more for it.
It offers some specific foods for particular breeds, which can be very helpful.
Some are most commonly seen in old dogs, others in females, others in males and some in particular breeds depending on different circumstances.
Before you adopt, check for restrictions on dog ownership such as bans on particular breeds or leash requirements.
Besides being fun to know, owners can better understand the personality of their dogs and screen for potential diseases associated with particular breeds.
Before selecting your dog, be honest with yourself about your experience with dogs and the likelihood of you being able to deal effectively with the challenges presented by particular breeds.
I have many friends who have at least one other breed in their home, along with their own particular breed.
Some insurance carriers don't like particular breeds of dogs and won't write the policy or will charge more for it.
You can definitely still consider particular breeds of dogs when you're thinking of adopting from a shelter.
Please send us photos of your pets, letting us know a little about them and what particular breed they are.
This is the organization that recognizes particular breeds and also sets breed standards.
Your Dog Active particular breed or Take your pet to Your dog doesn't on.
You may learn that one particular breed fits best in your family or you may opt for a mixed breed with her own distinct features.
These studies influence public opinion and policy regarding particular breeds.
The usage of dog foods varies from one particular breed of dog to the other.
There are some special cuts that are meant only for particular breeds.
Keeping a breed pure results in a very small genetic pool to choose from, and this can lead to a higher rate of certain health issues in particular breeds.
He doesn't say «no», he says that he has another instructor who shows more success with particular breeds.
There is a long line of shampoo treatments for dogs and a professional groomer learns which ones work best on particular breeds.
Often, potential adopters — including Mary — have misperceptions about particular breeds.
In contrast, modern dog breeds are particular breed standards, sharing a common set of heritable characteristics, determined by the kennel club that recognizes the breed.
Many of the dogs that end up in animal shelters are dropped off by owners who did not do their research before bringing their new pet home so did not realize the amount of work that particular breed needed to be happy.
The Australian Veterinary Association (AWA), which has launched a new strategy to deal with dog bites, says the latest research shows banning particular breeds does nothing to address aggression in dogs, and nothing to increase public safety.
Calgary does not discriminate against particular breeds of dogs but focuses on protecting the public from all aggressive dogs regardless of breed.
Laws that ban particular breeds of dogs do not achieve these aims and instead create the illusion, but not the reality, of enhanced public safety.
The high portion of males as victims in reported bites also would indicate that bites are very much a human factor... To minimize dog bites the issue has to be addressed to all dog owners, not just particular breeds.
Notably, there are no statewide laws that discriminate based on dog breed, and 18 states have taken the proactive step of expressly banning laws that single out particular breeds for disparate legal treatment.
Affecting particular breeds and pets that have access to the outdoors, parasites and worms can cause small ailments like stomach upset, up to extreme cases of death.
Based on previous studies of the life - history, physical and ecological aspects of fecundity, Dr Pincheira - Donoso's work also concludes that the theory should distinguish between fertility during an animal's lifetime and during one particular breeding season, rather than grouping all time periods together.
«Policy responses to dog bites have increasingly turned to banning or controlling particular breeds of dogs (breed - specific legislation or BSL).
The first is that it is nearly impossible to determine how many of one particular breed exist within the United States or within any given geographic area of the United States.
Over time, this has produced an incredible diversity of recognizable dog breeds, but it has also inadvertently left particular breeds especially prone to many forms of cancer and other genetic diseases, both common and rare.
Essentially, it would take 12 to 15 years to study all of the dogs in one particular breeding line just to make a determination as to whether or not there is a predisposition for the disease.
My goddaughter and I wrote the city council and only one of the members wrote us back about our concerns of how BSL unfairly targets particular breeds instead of focusing on individual cases and proper ownership.
Addison's disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the hormone - producing adrenal glands, occurs more frequently among several particular breeds, including the Bearded Collie, Portuguese Water Dog, and Standard Poodles.
@Steve Babiak, you stated that some insurance doesn't cover particular breeds like GSD.
Gastric dilatation volvulus (bloat), associated with particular breeds and also with large mixed - breed dogs [24], was restricted to only a few purebred subsets suggesting a common ancestry or a morphological component representing selection for similar phenotypic characteristics of breed standards to the expression of the condition.
The reason for the cropped ears is often due to the American Kennel Club (AKC)'s breed standard for particular breeds.
In the past, AKC registration relied on the honor system, and all it would have taken is a misrepresentation or two about particular breedings, the actual parents listed, to introduce unknown color genes from some other breed of dog.
The list of partners includes Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Atlanta Pet Rescue, and lots of rescue organizations that focus on particular breeds, such as Boston terriers and beagles.
Once that is done, they then go on to select the one dog in the show that best fits the Official Breed Standard for their own particular breed.
The story highlighted a lot of elements, including irresponsible dog ownership, an animal controll department that knew the dogs were a problem and failed to do their jobs and highlighted how stories by particular breeds of dogs are covered more by the media than others.
Breed bans single out particular breeds of dogs, usually pit - bull - type dogs, and ban or restrict them.
The federation says the amendment will prohibit laws thats discriminate against particular breeds of dogs.
Affecting particular breeds and pets that have access to the outdoors.

Phrases with «one's particular breed»

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