Sentences with phrase «one's particular form»

This screening test is intended to be fun and educational, and may help increase your awareness of particular experiences or of particular forms of psychological distress.
Young children in particular form attachments to your potential life partners and, if new relationships break up, loss after loss may lead to depression and lack of trust in children.
Going further, some states specify targets for particular forms of renewable power.
All human societies have been shaped by religion, leading psychologists to wonder how it arose, and whether particular forms of belief have affected other aspects of evolved social structure.
Some jobs require particular forms of consultancy work which are of higher value to the employer.
Additional research is needed to investigate the link between particular forms or combinations of forms of teacher leader practice on student outcomes.
The artists explore these through poetry, symbolism, and metaphor or by exploring particular forms of artistic practice associated with rupture or bearing witness as a form of social protest.
Young children in particular form attachments to your potential life partners and, if new relationships break up, loss after loss may lead to depression and lack of trust in children.
Humans also have bacteria in their mouths, but cats can pass on particular forms of bacteria — including one that causes «Cat - Scratch Disease,» an infection that generally does not cause serious symptoms in healthy adults.
A few years ago, predictions regarding the future of smartphone design were commonly skewed towards one particular form factor: the curved screen.
From that time on, the city, the nation and even a whole civilization have manifested themselves as particular forms of tribalism, and each has to some degree retained the loyalties and sense of social identity that constitute tribalism.
No formal requests as in traditional discovery (see Discovery) where the party seeking information must draft and serve specific requests for information and documents using particular forms following court rules.
Assessments of what is likely to produce interesting or useful knowledge are inevitably alloyed with the desires of those who control the money to develop particular forms of knowledge and with them new resources of power.
Materials are typically studied in the powder or particular form including wires, foils gauzes, monoliths and single crystals can be accommodated as well.
This will probably please horror aficionados, who will quickly figure out and relish what's coming, as long as they don't mind their ick served up like a series of perverse fragrance ads, one of which could double as a plug for a very particular form of indigestion.
I think there is within American Protestantism a growing awareness that God sets the agenda in our worship — not by prescribing particular forms but by creating the content of these forms.
Also, I fully realize that no one questions that every instance of pratitya samutpada has an absolutely particular form and that close attention to this particularity is characteristic of Buddhism.
To understand life in general, including the many particular forms of it within the biosphere, we must study it holistically.
In addition to the main exhibitor contact, now any individual within the organization can review the manual, print out necessary forms they would like to review and even forward particular forms to others on their team.
Publishers approach each edition as something that demands a unique design, custom editing, and detailed work to adapt the title's content to that editions particular form.
People passionately latch onto whatever particular form of energy they like, and then, of course, all the other ones are terrible.
Through these materials, the artists explore their affinities for particular forms and arrangements.
It may also be possible to understand in this way what many young people and believers from different cultural backgrounds are experiencing when confronted with particular forms or expressions of religious beliefs with which they can not identify.
As itinerant preachers and founders of monastic communities, these men contributed their own particular forms of teaching and meditation.
Moreover, one would have to consider whether particular forms of limitation and regulation might enable polygamy to be practiced without some or all of the bad social effects Rauch cites.
Unlike other methods that require particular form and technique, sandbags are incredibly simple tools that can be used by almost anyone as long as you know how to pick up a weight properly (i.e. straight back, core tight, knees tracking over your toes, etc.).
I was reminded earlier this week of the sage advice of one of my early mentors on the topic of «file avoidance,» a very particular form of procrastination that tends to attach itself to specific tasks on specific files....
Atkinson says SumAll's particular form of democracy gets enthusiastic support from employees.
He said that it's impossible to not feel positive effects from practicing a particular form of meditation: one focused on compassion.
miles thinks its a particular form of the old - keynesian investment accelerator in real interest rate space linked back to nominal space via full employment.
But that difference takes a particular form: «overvalued, overbought, overbullish» syndromes have been less reliable than in other market cycles across history.
Following the U.S. Supreme Court's Mayo and Alice decisions, the USPTO adopted a divergent eligibility analysis framework as it relates to particular forms of subject matter.
(this is re Alberta's particular form of corporatism.
This particular form of insurance provides protection for the actual individual officers and directors and the entity and the company pays the premium and is listed as the insured.
I believe in redemption, but something about the particular form that Walt's redemption took felt off.
Also, this particular form of evangelism hurts more people than it helps.
The Passion of Christ is the particular form and symbol of the passion of modern alienated man.
Indeed, the exigencies of England in the early Enlightenment meant that this toleration was itself selective: It was intended to protect Protestant dissenters and Jews but to offer less protection to Catholics, and this aim meant that toleration quickly took on a particular form with troublesome implications for our own situation.
More important than the mere fact that Whitehead too could not understand the world apart from God, is the particular form that his doctrine of God takes.
Joachim was too intent on giving the Holy Spirit a particular form that would identify it too closely with historical processes.
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