Sentences with phrase «one's partner feeling»

Individuals who experienced a spike in passion from one day to the next also reported greater intimacy, but having sex did not seem to make partners feel more intimate.
How do new partners feel about their path to promotion, their readiness for the job and their future career prospects?
The researchers argue that it's because travelling in the same direction makes romantic partners feel like they are pursuing common goals.
By keeping your relationship patterns as predictable as possible and helping the anxious partner feel safe with your routines, your relationship can be very fulfilling for both of you.
But it's still important to not forget about the humanity and understanding of the whole situation which will make future partner feel more comfortable and confident.
The injured partner feels heard, understood and supported.
You help partners feel understood, and your approach promotes positivity and empathy.
When partners feel secure with each other, the are less likely to feel bad about themselves and to lose their sense of worth or esteem in moments when they feel disconnected.
Ultimately, partners feel better understood and more connected.
And, having defined roles can go a long way in helping partners feel equal in their monetary contributions, as well as other skills they may bring to the table.
Many partners feel as though having a sexually fulfilled life is the outcome of the effort they put into the relationship.
Only when partners feel comfortable opening up about sexual issues will there be resolution.
It's common to see criticism or contempt in a relationship where partners feel disconnected and misunderstood.
This scale measures the degree to which partners feel supported by their partner in the fulfillment of their basic psychological needs.
This can make interacting with your former partner feel less personal.
Other partners feel abandoned if their partner leaves the discussion to take a time out.
One of the things that happens when couples get into distress, when one partner feels attacked, they get defensive.
While this serves to protect you from immediate pain, it also leaves both partners feeling alone and disconnected.
This way, the researchers could tell if one partner was accurately estimating how the other partner felt at that particular moment.
Making partners feel valued and their team - teaching experience enjoyable keeps them coming back.
Due to the constant interaction with the dangers in the sea, the surfers become mentally and emotionally very powerful, which makes their dating partners feel secure in their company.
Better yet, a healthy sex life enhances the quality of a relationship, helping both partners feel closer, happier, and more secure.
At various times, partners feel angry at, out of sorts with, or cut off from each other.
One partner may be unaware of how certain behaviors make the other partner feel rejected, and therapy can help uncover the underlying reasons for the behavior.
There are no particular issue but rather the common theme is where one partner feels frustrated and not understood and the other feels criticized and taken for granted.
One reason that constructive communication is associated with positive relational outcomes such as marital satisfaction is because partners feel more satisfied with the interaction when they engage in constructive communication.
What drives the desire to make one's partner feel wanted?
When partners feel emotionally connected with one another again, I find that sex and intimacy quickly follow suit.
Too many «must be» s makes a potential partner feel inadequate.
The dissatisfied partner feels helpless, hopeless, and unable to get the partner's attention or the change they desire.
It is only when both female and male partners feel equally valued and rewarded that law firms will keep their best talent regardless of gender.
Many couples are repeatedly frustrated by short sessions where neither partner feels fully heard and the therapist does not have time to launch interventions to completion.
So there's no surprise that studies have shown that romantic partners feel pressure to present their relationship positively online, even if that relationship is really troubled.
Research shows that relationships where the female partner feels that she can influence her partner are the most successful.
The hurt partner feels abandoned and betrayed, and he / she begins to question everything about the relationship, their mate, and wonder whether the entire relationship was a lie.
Once partners feel more relaxed and more connected with each other their sex life will often improve as well.
Any attachment injury that leaves one partner feeling vulnerable and unsafe needs immediate and ongoing attention.
For example, adult romantic partners feel safe in the presence of their romantic partner and are more likely to explore the environment if the romantic partner is perceived as available.
In a respectful and equal relationship, both partners feel free to state their opinions, to make their own decisions, to be themselves, and to say no to sex.
One of the biggest reasons this happens is due to the listening partner feeling responsible for making their partner happy.
If one partner feels taken advantage of, can become resentment and bitterness that will eventually emerge and affect the relationship.
Many partners feel threatened by the perfect bodies so often portrayed on - screen.
Here are just a few of the many ways that grown - ass men can make their pregnant partner feel totally supported when they're in public.
Or oral sex may make one partner feel under the other partner's control.
In high functioning relationships partners feel responsible to protect and promote certain principles.
Sometimes, one partner feels hopeless that recovery can be real, or can't imagine being able to conquer the addiction.
That's because good behavior often goes out the window when partners feel anxious, afraid, ashamed or angry.
Isn't it possible that, when partners feel especially passionate about one another, it fosters feelings of intimacy?
This often makes the other partner feel isolated in the relationship.
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