Sentences with phrase «one's party manifesto»

She committed in a local manifesto (against her own party manifesto) to membership of the single market.
The first quote comes from her conference speech of 1978 and the rest from the Conservative Party manifesto of 1979.
More details on policies and information regarding education reforms are expected to be released in party manifestos.
This sent me searching the timelines for release of party manifestoes in an election year.
He became close to Harold Wilson after Wilson had been elected as party leader, and was the main author of the Labour Party manifesto for the 1964 general election.
Having read and re-read the Conservative Party manifesto for 2010, I can say that there was not one single mention of this policy.
Behaving like a grown - up politician herself, she refused to be drawn on final costings until the Green party manifesto for the general election is published.
The Tory party manifesto promises more cuts to benefits which are likely to have a particularly negative effect on women.
It's similar in content to the manifestos and documents of Corbyn's two leadership campaigns — but compared with party manifestos in the 1970s or the time of Tony Benn, it's more moderate and social democratic.
A quick look at the main party manifestos shows that the Conservatives suggest that the way forward on teacher recruitment is to support teachers by reducing the time they spend on paperwork, introducing bursaries for the most in - demand subjects, and paying good teachers more.
Dismissing David Cameron's Conservative party manifesto as one «of style over substance», Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said he was determined to offer «something different» to the British people.
The Labour party manifesto includes some good environmental commitments but Labour is still too supportive of fossil fuels.
Tory platform says no Brexit deal better than bad one UK prime minister Theresa May unveiled the Conservative Party manifesto on Thursday, setting the stage for the general election on 8 June.
Self - employed people face a rise in national insurance contributions, from 9 % to 10 % in April 2018, and to 11 % in April 2019 — in breach of a 2015 Conservative Party manifesto promise not to raise the tax.
The 2017 Conservative Party manifesto does include a promise to build a «new generation of social housing», a pledge partly maintained at the Conservative conference in 2017.
The Conservative Party manifesto launched an all - out attack on pensioner incomes, with three major new burdens placed on older people:
The Labour Party manifesto makes no mention of getting rid of them but does state: «There should be no selection by ability or religion - schools should be secular and serve all children.»
«Any Labour party manifesto ahead of the next general election must have an immigration policy which does two things — recognises the benefits but understands the concerns.
They do not rule with political party manifestos and lip promises.
Annabel Mullin questions the democratic legitimacy of effectively outsourcing one's vote to an algorithm, and argues that detailed party manifestos have a deadening effect on political debate.
Where do the actions of Eric Pickles and Conservative party manifesto proposals back tracking on renewables, fit into the commitment you gave us all on environmental issues?
We will also move beyond party manifestos, - admittedly the least emotional collection of texts -, and analyse public debates, leadership speeches, media content, and public documents.
Nominations opened on Tuesday, with other possible runners including party manifesto writer Steve Webb and backbencher John Hemming.
The central pledge of the UK Independence Party manifesto is, of course, the withdrawal of Britain from the EU.
The Green Party manifesto commits the party to reducing VAT on tourism to 5 % «putting the UK on a level playing field with the rest of our international competitors».
Former President John Kufuor has opened the New Patriotic Party manifesto highlight program with an assurance that the NPP will return Ghana onto a path of stability and development if elected into office in 2016.
Anotehr thing, may I ask why it was in the Labour Party manifesto if you are so vehemently against it?
Over on the TaxPayers» Alliance EU blog we've been looking at the various party manifestos and where they stand on Brussels.
But for the first time in decades, taxing the rich, renationalising utilities, and creating traditional state - run universal services are in a mainstream party manifesto and across the evening news.
The Labour party manifesto mentions the Conservative Party a full 68 times.
It has been a massively frustrating campaign with an interesting and comprehensive Labour Party manifesto combined with remarkable incompetence in making presentations about it.
David Cameron launched the Conservative party manifesto today with pledges on tax, childcare and housing.
My decision to join BETTER OFF OUT was prompted by a realisation during recent campaigning that in almost all important areas of our self - governance the European Union is utterly dominant, making our deliberations over party manifestos virtually pointless.
The left's further insistence upon the right of the Lords to block changes to tax credits as these were not included in the Conservative Party manifesto demonstrates little appreciation for the role of manifestos in general elections.
The Conservative Party manifesto at the 2017 general election proposed repealing the Fixed - term Parliaments Act 2011.
We may also see a renewed focus on early years, given the Conservative Party manifesto pledge to introduce a new capital fund to help primary schools develop nurseries where they do not currently have one.
Something that caught my attention back in April was the fact that the Green Party manifesto downplayed the environment and climate change, as Myles Allen also picked up on in the Guardian, remarking that you had to wait until page 33 to read about the environment.
And the growing public distrust in party manifestos was what enabled the tactical voting sites to thrive.
«Page 47 of the Tory party manifesto says and I quote: «We will stop the forced closure of A&E and maternity services...» How's that going prime minister?»
Indeed, elected representatives, who are under the same obligations to ensure the enactment of party manifestos as governments, are in a very bad position to represent the unmediated views of the people.
Judge for yourself if the authors of each main party manifesto - Ed Miliband, Oliver Letwin and Danny Alexander - are likely to succeed in their interviews with Amber Elliott on p20.
The AV vote is a Labour Party manifesto commitment, and despite popular belief I make it a point to vote in line with my party's manifesto.
The Conservative Party manifesto for the 2010 general election included a commitment to introduce the idea of «English votes on English laws» and the party had previously explored this issue through a taskforce led by Kenneth Clarke.
He adds that the Conservative Party manifesto said that the balance of power in Europe isn't right and there needs some rebalancing for member states.
The Conservative Party manifesto makes the following commitments in the area of school - age education:
The introduction of metro mayors, on the other hand, was part of the Conservative Party manifesto ahead of the 2015 general election, and part of their wider plan to devolve more powers from national government to city regions.
Here he outlines a different research project on the topic of exploring the affective norms of political party manifestoes:
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