Sentences with phrase «one's passion for»

Competitive drive combined with passion for developing strong client relationships resulting in producing impressive sales / market growth and increased brand recognition.
Each of us bonded by a shared passion for helping others understand the true power of travel as a force for change in the world.
The charity was founded in 2006 with a true passion for helping animals.
She's also a writer of all things scientific with a lot of passion for animal sciences and psychology, trying to make these topics easily understandable and accessible for everybody.
Thank you for providing such a soul - satisfying connection to my hometown via our shared passion for food.
With such passion for travel and adventure she's created one of the best travel blogs around today.
I will admit that I love doing research, but I do not have a great passion for teaching.
Self educated, hard worker, spiritual man, with passion for life, when life kicks me in the face, I am able to reinvent myself, over and over.
The unique perspectives that our people bring to the firm and their shared passion for working on projects of great global, economic and social significance, help drive progress and create results.
She brings a lot of passion for learning, growth, and healing to her work.
While the feedback is important, just meeting with other people who have the same passion for writing as I do is vital to having an active «writing life».
But are students in this setting developing a real passion for learning?
I'm just looking to build an honest relationship with a women who shares the same passion for art that I do.
Our trainers are highly experienced and have a deep passion for driving.
I have a strong passion for fashion and hope to be a designer 1 day.
This free school, like all the others, is born of a real passion for education — a belief in its power to change lives.
They quickly became good friends over their shared passion for real estate.
I have a huge passion for cooking food with wholesome, healthy and local ingredients and wanted an outlet to share my recipes.
Well - rounded, experienced and energetic marketing and business development executive with passion for creating and growing business in technology and telecom sectors.
Bringing a great passion for making people feel special and a proven ability to think and act fast.
Employers want candidates with passion for what they do and ambitions to achieve new heights.
In junior high and high school, adolescents develop passions for causes and ideals greater than themselves.
I went to school for radio broadcasting so I have a life long passion for music.
After graduating high school, with a growing passion for photography and cars, I began to really concentrate on my imagery, using up the photography program at my local junior college.
Work that matters, fueled by passion for pets!
If you are one of the many people who have a great passion for health protection or health maintenance, then you best fit in healthcare jobs.
I have a very strong passion for helping others and developing staff and would be a great addition to your Company.
The Norwegian game industry might not be huge, but there are so many friendly people around who all have a great passion for creating games and expanding the medium.
The agency was born from a shared passion for design strategies applied to luxury brands.
Newly discovered passion for activism and speaking out against hate!
At a time when educators could turn children's curiosity into a lifelong passion for science, instruction is often narrowly focused on mathematics and reading.
To keep children engaged, we need to bring passion for learning back into the classroom.
However, the game has accomplished a big result: it is not a plain racing game, it's a game about passion for racing.
We all share a deep passion for travel, a respect for the environment and old cultures.
«It was a personal project that let me combine passions for print design and photography,» he says.
Therefore the wildlife photographer resume objective must illustrate the skill - sets as well as passion for the work of photography in this particular field.
She had a true passion for working with the elderly, but the years of lifting had taken its toll on her body.
Your keen eye for detail and risk management experience will allow you to achieve exceptional quality in all aspects of game production, driven by your genuine passion for games and games development.
It's that their lack of passion for reading leads to a whole host of terrible consequences later in life.
Great candidates are law students with a demonstrated passion for social justice who bring an entrepreneurial approach to recognizing needs, solving problems, anticipating issues, and developing solutions.
There, I had a lovely conversation with my oldest sister, who recently discovered a new passion for fitness.
A deep passion for providing low income and working class children equal education opportunities.
I have a new found passion for making homemade guacamole!
The occasion marked a special time of change for the school and was a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the school staff passion for improving children's mental health and wellbeing.
It develops in the individuals who demonstrate a true passion for building something great from nothing and they are willing to push themselves to the limits to achieve big goals.
The club has been defined by a shared passion for sporting excellence, a loyalty to fellow members, as well as a drive for personal improvement and community outreach.
Lately though, I've discovered a new - found passion for running, and I've been implementing heart rate training with great success.

Phrases with «one's passion for»

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