Sentences with phrase «one's patience level»

They fail to adequately take into account all of the different skill levels and patience levels of players.
But honestly if you have the time to do it with a good patience level, you will be fine!!
As our attention and patience levels continue to dwindle, retailers are turning to chatbots to enhance the customer experience.
Maybe it's just me but I find it nearly impossible to stop and smell the roses (or in this case, stop and admire the wine barrels) when my kids are running around and thoughts of their hunger, safety, napping, bathroom breaks, noise level and patience level crowd my mind.
Also, I have a very limited patience level; so if something doesn't work quickly (within a few days or a couple of weeks), I move on.
Nintendo has done some good things regarding this disparity in skill and patience levels among players.
Gauging the enjoyment level of a stealth - action game can be hard to do, as it most often depends on a particular gamers patience level and willingness to replay through certain scenarios while avoiding that one critical mistake they made on their previous attempt.
To understand your patience level, test your own attention span.
Tech encourages the habit of «instant gratification,» which assists us when in the context of productivity, but also diminishes our patience level for the deeper thinking required to be truly creative.
I'm curious about the patience level from Lakers Nation... including Jeanie Buss.
And if not, then it is only our patience levels that are different.
What tricks have you found that helped to curb the EXTREME moments that truly test your patience level?
What is your current threshold for nurturing, your patience level, and your own level of exhaustion.
Start establishing a little distance NOW, when you can do it gently and kindly, before your patience level plummets.
You are an amazing seamstress as well as creative DIYer My patience level for sewing is very very low, lol.
The Book of Gardening Projects for Kids is full of ideas and projects for plots (or patience levels) of any size.
In other words, as competition in markets has dramatically increased over the years, time horizons and patience levels have significantly decreased.
You can do this at any age, but depending on the age of the cat, the type of furniture you have, and your patience level will depend on how successful you are.
House training is the number one issue with this breed so please consider your patience level and how much time you can devote to house training your new pet.
- those hairs will be flying around, getting on the carpet, and testing your patience levels.
What was your patience level with reading through an article?
Along with this, waiting for a video to buffer can surely trigger your patience level.
High understanding and patience levels that help to ease out the patient's worries and anxieties
Remember that hiring managers have to go through a lot of resumes in a day, and their patience levels are low.
Keep up the tone of the cover letter in a pleasing manner and it should convey well your patience levels to a good extent as this quality is very much essential for this job.
I can measure the difference in my patience level and my creative ability on days when I take a moment to deep breathe versus days when I don't.
«The patience level in the market is not what it once was,» he says.
This helps to reset my patience level, my creativity for time with my kids, how peaceful my attitude and therefore home is, etc..
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