Sentences with phrase «one's perception of time»

Possible solutions for improving impaired perceptions of time in the older adults could come from training using video games or brain stimulation.
The sense of perception of time would always be based in one direction.
Or does a person's perception of time truly slow down enough to absorb extra information?
Dogs and cats alike may not have the same perception of time that we do, but the return of a loved family member is certainly a high point in a pet's life.
Adrián Villar Rojas» artistic production exists in an imaginary dimension where men face their obsolescence and eventual extinction, playing with perceptions of time and its representation in human culture.
Her work investigates the uncanny overlaps of virtual and lived realities, and the physical and psychological effects of technologies on perception of time and space, behavior, and identity.
mild climate presents breakfast lunch & dinner, a group exhibition framed by perceptions of time.
Janaye Brown's video work explores perception of time and fragmented narratives.
With human perception of time and environmental change in mind, I hope you'll read the invaluable essay on «Existential Risks» contributed by Martin J. Rees, the Cambridge University cosmologist and Astronomer Royal of England, at the 2014 Vatican meeting that built much of the foundation for Pope Francis's encyclical on humans and the environment.
The idea was to see if the difficulty of the task affected perception of time, either stretching or compressing it.
Yntema's visual language is inspired by how light, perceived through pigment, creates space in combination with how perceptions of time can be retained through colour.
Our diverse practice invokes processes and ideas from art, science, and technology, to question perceptions of time, place, and the self in the networked era.
Through the use of photography, Singaporean photographer Victor Gui manipulates perception of time and space in his work titled Passing (2015).
For shorter durations — a week, a month, even a year — the subjects» perception of time did not appear to increase with age.
Physical processes such as rubbing, layering, building, wearing away and, on occasion, obliterating, combine to offer an alternative to the traditional painter's mark, altering perception of time and presence.
R.H. Quaytman hosts Dawn Kasper (whose show is now up at Lewis), Laurie Weeks, Sadie Benning and Rachel Haidu in a discussion «addressing perceptions of time within artistic practice.»
Resembling spiraling ribbons, Resonance reiterates the sense of the infinite, challenging perceptions of time, space, and presence.
The differentia specifica of millennial movements is «the apocalyptic perception of time,» in contrast to «the Augustinian perception of normal time.»
Let's start with five easy things for a teeny tiny budget and my current perception of time being that I have none to spare:
CHILDREN with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder might appear rowdy and indisciplined, but they are actually trying to cope with a faulty perception of time.
Drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine alter the brain by flooding it with dopamine, and studies have shown that they also change the second - to - second perception of time.
While we may think of time as a constant, metronomic beat against which the events of the universe play out, that is an illusion borne out of our own imprecise perception of time.
Where Denis Villeneuve's 2016 sci - fi thriller «Arrival» succeeded in capturing our often - skewed perception of time, raw grief, the existence of a higher power and the expansive depths of the universe, Garland's («Ex Machina») equally heady Annihilation compresses human emotion into lichen and mutating cells.
In our hyper - connected and instantly gratified world today, has our cultural perception of time and history become hindered in any way?
The spirit of Yu Hong's creation most often arises from her personal life and the surroundings of quotidian existence, constructing a world which ingeniously fuses together perceptions of time and memories, as well as adeptly seizing the sporadic emotional evolution of human experience.
East - West reflected the audience position in relation to architecture, the everyday rhythm and function of the hall itself, as well as objective and subjective perceptions of time.
Through pacing, sequencing, looping, layering, and mirroring, diverse perceptions of time are both embodied and expressed.
Patterns, which on the rear side are regular and grid - based, are sometimes reiterated onto these objects in disconnected fragments, reflecting a shift from regular intervals to an irregular perception of time, where minutes can flow and alternately collide at varying perceptual speeds.
Several recent projects have engaged with alternative perceptions of time, «We Could Have Been Anything We Wanted to Be» for the Folkestone Triennial 2011 and «Back to the Fields» at Camden Arts Centre 2015 which brought to life the French Republican Calendar and decimal clock.
Time has been the key preoccupation for many artists commissioned over the last 50 years at Modern Art Oxford, and this will be a recurring theme in KALEIDOSCOPE, from long - term thinking, to slower and multiple perceptions of time.
This is a show that bends perceptions of time, maturity and femininity, as much as it does the art space.
I am in search of the timeliness imbedded in computer - generated visuals and how this might affect common perceptions of time.
In Korten's perspective the differences between the two come down to differences of perception of time, relationships and place.
Award - winning poet Mary Jo Bang explores perceptions of time, tragedy and the human experience in her latest collection, The Last Two Seconds.
The multi-layered interpretations emphasize human perceptions of time and the temporal nature of the present, which is constantly emerging from and turning into the past.
seem to be based on different perceptions of Time of Observation Bias (TOB), and TOB adjustments, than mine.
According to a study from the University of California, Berkeley, being in a position of power influences your perception of time — namely that you have more of it.
Once participants were primed, they were asked to fill out surveys that revealed their perceptions of time availability.
,» the American Marketing Association concluded that a good smell — no particular one — can literally alter a customer's perception of time, which can lead to more time spent in the store, and more sales for the store owner.
[Another] consequence... has been my perception of time.
«Many late people tend to be both optimistic and unrealistic, she said, and this affects their perception of time.
«Color can also influence the perception of time,» Korkki explains.
SaenNJ Eternity is being in the full presence of God which may or may not (we are not told) include some shift in time or perception of time.
It amounts to the acquirement by the human mind of a new faculty, the perception of Time; or more precisely the perception of what I would call «the conic curvature of Time.
I did agree with your notion that God's time and perception of time is very different from our own.
This explanation constitutes the category system appropriate to the perception of time.
The perception of time remains subject indeed to the first - mentioned, most obvious kind of explanation to the extent either that one is dealing with limited, unknown aspects of it, or that one loses one's feel for time, so that its perception can no longer rank as what is best known.
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