Sentences with phrase «one's persecution»

Anyway this article presents both sides of the issue and is in no way biased, and the consistent persecution complex from the right wing is annoying.
We feel the hurts of our neighbors suffering from persecution or injustice or hunger.
We also hear a woman screaming from behind a closed door about persecution by demons.
In a world where anyone who struggles with anything will sometimes face persecution because of their struggle, you have a unique opportunity to teach your children compassion.
By definition, refugees are fleeing persecution in their countries of origin.
He points out that since colonial times political persecution under the guise of criminal prosecution has been common.
So my well rounded author, is that not persecution enough for you?
Our founding fathers created this country to escape persecution and be able to freely express their thoughts!
How can a whole country through the support of the media back a needless political persecution of one person with our own state resources when we can't even pay salaries of civil servants?
Past cases show that private criminal activity — distinguished from state - sponsored crime — can be persecution when the government is unable to unwilling to stop it, the brief notes.
Not that we are under severe persecution and are operating underground.
Jewish people will like this story, because they feel that they have a corner on the market of real persecution.
They went on to speak of a disturbing pattern in the direction of persecution because of one's religion.
Out of millions who have suffered such persecution, I would be surprised if there were not any.
No group faces greater persecution, yet can be screened to pose us no risk.
The case is the latest example of how immigration boards often deny refugees claiming persecution for not knowing enough about their religion — and how courts continue to reverse such rulings.
If persecution does not exist and interference does exist that does not imply equality.
In some lands it was under the cross enduring persecution.
... or about their continued persecution of all manner of groups to this day.
Religious freedom, as I imagine you understand it, includes freedom to practice one's beliefs without persecution and without being threatened.
These stories powerfully explore themes including persecution, separation and alienation and seek to inform young audiences about some of the hardships they face.
Far too often, misguided ideas about felines have led to the violent persecution of both cats and the people who cared for them.
There is no comparison — there is a difference between persecution and directed genocide.
Once we approve this list, please show how all «came back stronger» after persecution.
Actually, there's a whole lot more persecution flowing from the christian community, especially in the direction of gays, than flows the other way these days.
However on the earthly governmental plane, the early church did not defend itself against government persecution but they did defend against robbery and murder.
Evidence must be presented that establishes you were the victim of actual persecution in your country of origin, not just discrimination.
The resistance of those who benefit from existing structures is what tradition calls persecution.
She is playing the religious persecution card, despite the fact that this has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with contractual obligations.
No one is denying persecution happened, just not to the extent christians claimed or necessarily for the reasons claimed.
He basically just made it legal... ending persecution.
She thinks persecution means they hung everyone on crosses.
I agree; Christian persecution exists to this day.
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