Sentences with phrase «one's perspective on something»

Get a new perspective on yourself with the help of this 2000 year - old guideline and fundamental source text.
Each story I hear, whether read or told, opens a window into a new domain of different perspectives on myself and others.
Evolution can be an emotionally charged topic in education, given a wide range of perspectives on it.
So get a fresh perspective on yourself from friends and family and keep a mental note of the compliments you receive.
Bring up something one or both of you brought up when introducing yourselves, ask them why they're at the networking event, or for their unique perspective on something given their background.
I don't know the answer, in fact I'm guessing by how and what you write that you might have a better perspective on it than I do.
I wasn't looking for advice to clear up a case of it, just his professional Attachment Parenting perspective on it.
It can be so different for everyone so it is nice to get several perspectives on it.
You'll gain a renewed perspective on yourself, and the followers you have left will get a much better version of you.
«I don't really have perspective on myself in that way,» she said when I spoke to her a few months ago.
The author offers a new perspective on something central to every being: language.
First is that you just want to run your idea by as many people as possible, and women may very well have a different perspective on it than men.
But, seeing the area's tropical rainforests from above gives you a whole new perspective on it's beauty!
Share interesting news, articles, and videos — and your unique perspective on them — to become your network's go - to resource.
Learn about the issue and the range of perspectives on it.
Be sure to check out «13 Fun Things to Do in Raleigh - Durham Over Thanksgiving,» participate in a community art project celebrating thankfulness in Raleigh, make some unique crafts out of recycled materials at The Scrap Exchange in Durham, catch an»80s movie and get the scientific perspective on it at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, and tour a historic park in Durham.
If someone were to focus on the concepts of Bowen Family Systems Coaching as outlined in your article and the three step process as you've described it, they would certainly gain perspective on themselves and their family... they would also learn some new things about what contributes to functioning well and what gets them stuck in life.
«Keeping regular work diaries, which took no more than ten minutes a day, gave many of our research participants a new perspective on themselves as professionals and what they needed to improve,» they conclude.
They should be able to get perspective on themselves through participation in Word and Sacrament.
Now and then, we have these moments of reckoning, these brief windows where we're gifted perspective on ourselves and our circumstances, and given the opportunity to change them.
I think one of my favorite perspectives on it, from someone who knows copywriting better than anyone, comes from Copyblogger's Demian Farnworth.His take: Copywriting is the most productive way to get your writing done.
Now that Pope Francis seems to have become aware of the importance of the Church's institutional component in fighting this battle, perspectives on his pontificate will obviously broaden.
As it turns out, people have been wrestling with this text and its implications for centuries and there are many fascinating, helpful perspectives on it.
He has had some bad TO's this game, but he's playing very solid D. Keep full perspective on him.
(I did not speak to CPS after this meeting and therefore can't offer the district's perspective on it here.)
So many of us are held back with body issues; everyone deserves to feel unique and special, and I never would have dreamed that diet and exercise would change my whole perspective on myself and life.
This is definitely, from a historical perspective on them, a Rogers and Astaire must - see.
It takes nerve for a writer - director to put those words into the mouth of a character with so little perspective on himself as artist or man, but on the strength of The Meyerowitz Stories, Baumbach might be able to size himself up accordingly, and unironically.
Possibly all that happened is that the authors and their advisors and supervisors have been so close to the K - 12 education system for so long that they've lost perspective on it and its players.
This comment made my damn day, taking a comment about video game and putting a real world perspective on it without a hint of sarcasm or irony (or the obligatory / s that needs to be put on any comment that MIGHT be taken wrong) is pretty hilarious, And the overall feel of the comment that the princess is the Mario Games is a total authoritarian pretty much running an oligarchy.
«What's interesting is this idea that an experience isn't complete until you've shared your own perspective on it or engaged other people in a conversation about it in media,» Collins adds.
Now that we have a twenty - year perspective on them, perhaps we can better understand the principal role they played in Marden's transition from the more minimal work of the 1960s and 70s to the calligraphic work of the late 1980s through the present.
Most lawyers do appreciate the business side of their practice, if dimly, and can be led to a more illuminated perspective on it with time and patience.
Many business analyst are employed by consultancies or professional services firms, which are hired by organisations who want the outside perspective on them, but there are some internal vacancies within companies, too.
it's nice to see a peaceful, collected perspective on it all
Many family members and friends were interviewed to gain different perspectives on the
It's just learning to breathe for a minute and be with my family, and be with the ones I love, and see my friends once in a while, and not... I used to have hobbies now my hobbies are reading about AdWords, and so that's... You got to take a minute and really put perspective on it.
«Ray Donovan excels is having a fluidity of time; past and present meld together, and either one can change the other (or one's perspective on it at least).»
Being in its namesake town may just give you a fresh perspective on it; take it in from on high at Promenade Hill park, or from the Henry Hudson Riverfront park.
Maybe all of us should just board a plane and come visit you for a few weeks, you know, to really get a good perspective on it.
And the fact that you acknowledge that you don't have a high pain tolerance when most say they do and then try the natural way — gives a total new perspective on it.
We do get perspective on ourselves and the world, and we do become motivated to address its wrongs.
These branding statements convey your value to a prospective employer along with offering a unique perspective on them.
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