Sentences with phrase «one's perspective on the matter»

The conference's afternoon session is conceived as a forum to present current artistic production and new perspectives on these matters.
Your child will slowly start to rebuild his or her self - esteem and gain a better perspective on the matter.
FAIR Canada focuses its educational efforts on informing the public, governments and regulators of the investor perspective on matters relating to capital markets.
As a registered charity, FAIR Canada's objects are dedicated to informing and educating the public, governments and regulators about the investor perspective on matters relating to capital markets.
His many years of experience helping companies shape and implement strategy provide Zillow Group's board of directors with unique perspectives on matters such as risk management, corporate governance, talent selection and leadership development.
Rather, the statements seem to be based on a selection of negative personal experiences, which one would generally expect to provide a very narrow and imperfect perspective on the matter as a whole.
It certainly may try, and even if it hits on the truth of the matter, since the human is a Mystery unto Itself (and set within the context of Ultimate Mystery), are we not left with a great many perspectives on the matter, which might indicate that a more tentative approach may be the best way to go regarding the question of the OP, so as to make room for those who are just as caught up in the Mystery as we ourselves are?
(Incidentally, since Azumah has singled out the PC (USA), I would point to the various statements that the denomination has made about the problematic ways that sexuality is treated in contemporary society to remind him that there is no more a single «Western perspective» on matters of sexuality than there is a single African perspective on matters of homosexuality.)
The predictable result is that they conclude there's something limited and parochial about their own tradition, and never see its rich, complex internal dynamics, or its systematic perspectives on matters outside what they're accustomed to thinking of as «church.»
In both films, old - school order must bow in resignation to the new state of capitalist - inflected criminal affairs, but unlike the Coens» postmodern western, Cut Bank never offers a pointed directorial perspective on these matters, and indeed never really develops a committed focus in any particular aesthetic or thematic direction.
Nevertheless, Jones goes on to say — and with Andrew Lownie's practiced perspective on the matter, we agree --» Nicola Solomon is right to raise the questions; publishers could do worse than provide some answers,» as Andrew Franklin has done.
On the other hand, indie - success Mark Dawson upholds an optimistic perspective on the matter because Amazon knows that in order to succeed, they need to keep their authors (and readers) happy:
Dale says he has «a unique and distinct perspective on the matters at issue in the application, as well as specialized knowledge and expertise» to assist the tribunal, as well as «direct knowledge of the relationship between CREA and its member boards, such as TREB, and the operations as far as CREA exercising control over how the member boards operate their MLS systems.»
This is such a different perspective on the matter!!
WHY: For as many times as the JFK assassination has been covered in cinema, it's refreshing to see a film that offers a unique perspective on the matter, much in the same way that Emilio Estevez did with «Bobby.»
However, Yogscast have a slightly different perspective on matters.
Even if you aren't seeking an answer to your solution straight away, we can provide a space for you to express your concerns with an impartial and trained professional, potentially allowing you to gain a new perspective on the matter.
FAIR Canada focuses its educational efforts on informing the public, governments and regulators of the investor perspective on matters relating to capital markets.
Raising venture capital — $ 400 million in total now — has not changed Smith's perspective on the matter.
Of course, since Gras starts from the presupposition that Christians are called upon to preserve social order and to govern others (two things that neither Christ nor the apostles enjoined), he evidently does not grasp quite how anarchically unworldly my perspective on the matter really is.
Now it is understandable in my opinion to think that perhaps Wenger's reasoning is that Lucas may not entirely be ready to take the Premier League by storm, given that player do need time to adapt, however the subs used in the Chelsea game changed my perspective on the matter.
I think we all (obviously) would've enjoyed their perspectives on this matter.
Someone who has a different perspective on matters, however, is Miramax head Daniel Battsek.
Ed.magazine's editors asked school administrators, teachers, policy analysts, and researchers to offer their perspectives on this matter.
Hope this comment is of assistance and helps to give some perspective on the matter!
A «growing consensus» necessarily implies at least two perspectives on a matter.
Regardless of Kaje's perspective on the matter or the fact that they did not mention climate change.
But the best lawyers to have a perspective on the matters are the lawyers who twitter and blog.
It's OK to be clear on what you believe, share your perspective on a matter, and to be honest about it.
Ellen and Mark were both willing to learn the simple «mirroring» steps of emptying their minds of their own thoughts; listening to their partner's words (said in small enough chunks to be remembered); repeating what he / she said, using the same words as much as possible; validating their partner's perspective on the matter; and empathizing with what their partner might be feeling.
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