Sentences with phrase «one's phone conversation»

It looks as though there were no responses because our customer care team was in phone conversations with you regarding the cancellation of your account right after your original emails.
Some airlines have said they don't believe passengers want to hear their fellow travelers engage in phone conversations during flights, although airlines in some other countries allow video chat.
A solid understanding of what happens during phone conversations is fundamental for reaching marketing or departmental goals.
Many phones with this feature also let you record parts of phone conversations in progress.
A clever way to send and receive both sides of a smart phone conversation on a single frequency could double wireless network capacity.
I love how by the end of our first phone conversation with them, it felt as if we had known them our entire lives.
It's important to have a way to monitor employee interactions, whether through recorded phone conversations or management supervision.
Sometimes that means an hours long phone conversation about how you're doing your best.
Try avoiding cell phone conversations while in public just hang up the phone.
Though not a perfect example, this cold email resulted in a 30 - minute phone conversation with a senior editor at a Cell - Science - Nature journal.
Students need to be encouraged to write e-mails, letters, arrange for phone conversations if available, and / or use current technology like instant messaging to their advantage.
I prefer to have a brief phone conversation with one or both partners to ensure there is a good fit.
Contact me and we'll have an initial phone conversation about the possibility of working together.
Through phone conversation and emails, she provided me insight on a different job market and provided useful information on beginning a small business.
After a long phone conversation with the publisher, I was convinced her company was the best home for my book.
We'd have two, three - hour phone conversations going through it all.
Get to know someone via email before talking on the phone, and have a few phone conversations before arranging to.
Students are definitely not allowed to handle phone conversation as the class progresses.
This may explain why dipping your mental soda straw into an active phone conversation while driving is equivalent to dipping it into a stiff shot of whiskey.
After our lengthy phone conversation, I felt this was the way to go.
Have a few phone conversations, not just text messages.
At the end of the day, you're just talking to a credit analyst in private phone conversation so there's really no need to be nervous.
Their first phone conversation lasted for over two hours.
# 3 is a big step, meeting face to face, and I think most of the people who make it to phone conversations make it to face to face meetings.
The last time we talked was four days ago — a mobile phone conversation that lasted precisely 12 minutes and 32 seconds before the line unexpectedly dropped out.
You and your cover letter expert will have in - depth phone conversation to learn more about your career objectives and to expand on the online questionnaire you completed.
I've had a number of additional private email and phone conversations today with people thanking me for writing on this subject.
Call us for a free phone conversation — we'll connect you the right way!
After a few good phone conversations, we agreed to meet for afternoon coffee.
This information should be accessible via your school's website or via a short phone conversation with your school's acting administration.
Phone conversations came through clearly as well, providing limited background noise.
On the safety of their clients, the site states that one must have had several phone conversations before planning on meeting their match.
Under previous legislation, investigators could tap into a suspect's SMS communications and regular phone conversations, providing that the alleged crime was severe enough.
We may monitor and record communications with you (including phone conversations and emails) for quality assurance, legal, compliance and training purposes.
According men's personal request the dating service can arrange live phone conversation with the girl of his choice.
When you are ready, move to phone conversations providing only your first name and cell phone number.
Phone conversation allow you for comfortable with that someone before meet first date.
They make it possible for members to enjoy fun phone conversations for those who want dates or for those who are looking for something deeper.
Today, the counter offer was back with signature said «per phone conversation with seller», signed by seller's agent.
In the online dating world I find phone conversations very telling.
You better limit phone conversations to 1 - 3, through this you will keep you from those endless nights of conversation that just go nowhere.
The reality is that successful sales processes must involve phone conversations, even if those conversations can be uncomfortable.
You definitely will start with emails, then phone conversations before you eventually meet up with your sugar daddy.
We keep phone conversation every week, sometimes every day.
Part of the responsibilities of these representatives includes maintaining customer's accounts by updating contact information and documenting phone conversations.
Most phone conversations are straightforward and business - as - usual.
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