Sentences with phrase «one's physical changes»

In other words, those experts and others believe that behavior can be a result of physical changes in the brain.
This feels true for my son, who seemed to shut down socially during puberty — perhaps because of physical changes in his body and new challenges in his peer relationships.
Aside from a lot of hormonal changes taking place during pregnancy, there are also a variety of physical changes as well.
Along with physical changes, a dog typically begins behaving differently as the birth approaches.
Even if you're not seeing physical changes in your cat, there may be metabolic changes that can be addressed with food for senior cats.
I always thought I needed to give up cheese in order to make physical changes but this isn't the case.
Dogs may begin to experience physical changes between seven and 12 years of age.
Don't just look for physical changes, such as slower movements or weight loss.
Not only do hormones cause physical changes in your body, they can also affect how you feel.
This is often a time in children's lives when they are going through many physical changes.
Other physical changes experienced by a mom - to - be have been pinned as gender predictors.
While aging and an array of physical transformations go hand in hand for all, menopause has a significant influence on physical changes in women.
Pregnancy and birth come with numerous physical changes such as rapid weight gain.
When we think of evolution, we often think about physical changes, like a plant developing broader leaves to collect more solar energy.
Teens are coping with hormonal and physical changes which can impact mood fluctuations not to mention the stresses of peer relationships.
When you get older you will notice physical changes that makes you turn your head to look if there is any vehicle coming behind and even driving at night would be more challenging.
The myriad academic, social and physical changes during adolescence can be stressful for even the most adaptive teenager.
The world's biggest physical changes in the past few years are mostly seen nearest the poles where climate change has been most extreme.
Many cats begin to encounter age - related physical changes between seven and ten years of age, and most do so by the time they are 12.
But they are finding that the expected physical changes don't always occur.
During puberty in boys, testosterone is one of the main drivers of physical changes like increased muscle, deeper voice and hair growth.
While most physical changes occur in the mother, partners are often known to have sympathy pains, and both partners will experience the need to emotionally adjust to many changes.
Many, unlike you, have experienced real physical changes to the brain as a result of trauma.
The signs parents need to look out for generally involve changes in mood or behavior, or even physical changes, that suddenly show up and persist in your teen's life.
Physical changes after birth may bring about differences in sexual needs and wants.
Other cat pregnancy signs include physical changes and changes in personality.
Most of us experience physical changes when we are angry or are about to become angry.
In some cases, particularly in conjunction with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine, using them can bring about positive physical change.
Besides the amazing physical changes, I just feel so at peace once I get to the studio each day; it's my happy place.
It's a conditioning method, which safely, naturally, and effectively stimulates physical changes within your body.
It's long been known that adolescence is a period of extreme physical change, psychological growth and social adaptation.
She will be undergoing a lot of physical changes due to puberty stage.
Participants also reported physical changes in terms of management of their chronic diseases.
They're usually linked to the normal physical changes your body goes through as it gears up for carrying your baby.
After all, for most women pregnancy is a time of drastic physical change and, inevitably, weight gain.
There was a far deeper inner growth than outward physical change.
You want to use physical change to cure your problems and your sadness.
It's the best way to create permanent physical change.
Certain physical changes may also occur, such an increase * in body fat, with the abdominal area being especially prone to accumulating excess fat.
Not only will you have dramatic physical changes that are hard to ignore, your mind will also start to operate a little differently.
Very few physical changes occur until the fifth week of pregnancy.
If you look at the above paragraph, nothing physical changed.
Early clinical trials indicate that restricting calorie intake seems to trigger similarly promising physical changes in people, which is why it's sometimes discussed as a potential anti-aging intervention.
It actually enhances it by exploring the vast ability of life to adapt to the immense and wonderful physical changes in our planet.
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