Sentences with phrase «one's physical exertion»

I recall switching to Sex and the City 2 at this point — and making it to end, surely a feat of physical exertion unmatched by any living human being, at least one at 40,000 feet in the air.
It was developed to support the body's muscle recovery after physical exertion like biking, running, sports competition and gym workouts.
Following digestion, BCAAs are circulated in the body and used as a quick source of energy during physical exertion.
I see his limbs shake slightly from the ongoing physical exertion as sweat beads on his forehead, and his eyes focus on the task in front of him.
If you are someone who is sedentary (someone working a desk job, for example) and not doing anything requiring much physical exertion aside from the gym, it's best to go with the lower end of 12.
The reason why is unknown, but it is believed that brain recovery requires some degree of energy expenditure, and if energy is being used elsewhere, such as with physical exertion, this may delay brain recovery.
A little discomfort from physical exertion is okay, but actual pain is not okay.
In the new trial they wanted to verify those results in a bigger group as well as to find out how yoga compared with a different kind of exercise of similar physical exertion for reducing low back pain.
For sedentary individuals who want to start exercising, but don't know where to start, the very idea of the strenuous physical exertion involved in the currently popular fitness programs is probably enough to send them straight back to the couch.
For instance, those who have lost a limb may find their ability to work is more difficult — if not impossible (especially those whose career requires intense physical exertion such as construction and other types of manual labor).
«[69] requires very little physical exertion while both partners are pleasured,» Alba says.
The investigation found that Davis died Feb. 7 of an acute asthma attack exacerbated by physical exertion from when he struggled with the officers.
Grunting, rude as it may sound, has been commonplace in gyms for as long as weights have been lifted, as it's a natural expression of great physical exertion and it's common for almost all types of athletes.
That's especially true of electric bikes that can be dropped off anywhere because it offers the convenience of a door - to - door service that does not require much more physical exertion for a typically much cheaper price.
In addition endorphins, which are natural opiate - like substances, dull the pain as a result of which the discomfort of intense physical exertion is better tolerated.
Strenuous physical exertion which involves a lot of core engagement is crucial for core strength and stabilization and spin protection.
Although dieting and exercise are not needed for this process to occur, altering lifestyle habits by eating healthier food choices and increasing physical exertion through exercise will significantly improve the results.
Avoid alcohol and physical exertion while acclimatizing and drink as much water or tea as you can stand to help your body slowly adjust to the thinner air.
For example, marital issues, problems at work, arguments with children, and sleep deprivation are all serious stressors, but do not result in vigorous physical exertion afterwards to lower blood glucose.
RELATED: The # 1 Reason We Fail to Meet Our Goals One way to do this is to reduce physical exertion.
Working and performance dogs have higher physical exertion demands, increased risk for injury, and greater exposure to hazardous substances and environments than their companion pet counterparts.
I recognize that yoga requires physical exertion which may be strenuous and may cause physical injury, and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved.
Reporting their research in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, the researchers also discovered no solid connection between physical exertion at work and a reduction in high blood pressure risk.
He did however focus his efforts on smaller format works that required less physical exertion.
These help meals last longer, increase physical exertion needed to obtain food, and provide a fun «brain - teaser» for your cat!
Not so long ago, it was thought that children and teens were especially susceptible to dehydration, but according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), «youth do not have less effective thermoregulatory ability, insufficient cardiovascular capacity, or lower physical exertion tolerance compared with adults during exercise in the heat when adequate hydration is maintained.»
But due to hormonal and other biological factors, male bones generally undergo faster and more beneficial shape changes in response to regular physical exertion than female bones do.
Not all hypertrophy is pathological; for example, during pregnancy or high physical exertion, the muscle of the heart grows but myocardial function remains normal.
For one, I am probably preaching to the choir, but we know that our muscles need rest in order to repair and therefore get stronger following physical exertion.
Sniffers» brains responded to sweat made during an anxious period differently from sweat produced through physical exertion.
● Old age ● Over physical exertion ● Surgery ● Pollution ● Toxic substance exposure / ingestion ● Extreme climates ● Environmental Toxins — items like BPA, BT Toxin (found in GMO corn), and Glyphosate (AKA Round - Up).
Visitors seeking to avoid physical exertion or prolonged exposure to the sun may wish to bypass some areas of the complex.
The work requires regular and recurring physical exertion such as standing or walking for prolonged periods of time; frequent bending, reaching, stooping, crouching and stretching required during the normal course of the day.
I highly recommend it though, as it's very eye - opening to see the difference between what is physical exertion compared to what is mental exertion.
The team says that physical exertion drains attentional resources, forcing a person to focus on what is necessary for survival, often to the exclusion of details vital to the courts.
Yoga is about finding the relationship between opposites — strong physical exertion supporting a spacious, clear mind.
Freedom from necessary physical exertion has become a cardinal objective of the good life.
So I completely diverged from the dessert idea and tried to think - up some sort of appetizer that would both suit the occasion and not require any extra physical exertion from the act of cutting something.
Pitta heat is responsible for digestion and transformation of food, thoughts and physical exertion into energy.
The annual race requires competitors to paddle portions of the Great Lakes, eight rivers, the Erie Canal and the Atlantic Ocean for a $ 25,000 first prize and the challenge of testing the limits of human physical exertion.
Acute Phase: In the initial period after your child sustains a concussion and is still experiencing post-concussion symptoms (which in youth is often longer than one week), it is very important that he not only get as much sleep as possible and limit physical exertion in activities of daily living, but limit scholastic and other cognitive activities (such as reading, studying and visual processing) to allow the brain time to heal and restore its biochemical balance.
Interestingly, uninjured athletes are almost always faster at reading the numbers during games or practices, because physical exertion sharpens the kind of visual performance being tested.
You should only really start exercising when you feel capable of physical exertion again.
As one starts to age, the propensity to go slack on physical exertion becomes a regular phenomenon.
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