Sentences with phrase «one's physical similarities»

The research revealed fascinating physical similarities, and differences, in the patterns of gene expression across disorders including autism and schizophrenia.
Both are medium - sized, sturdy breeds of dog whose origins lie in working with livestock, and they possess a number of striking physical similarities.
And sharing emotions means that we also share the same facial expressions, which may be the real key to increased physical similarity.
The only clue we had that Volgin might be back was from a few physical similarities between the two characters but other than that it wasn't clear.
In the mind of the general public, the image of twinship is based on physical similarity.
Michael Fassbender may not be the first person you'd think of to play the Apple co-founder (Christian Bale was originally attached to the project before dropping out), but he's an incredible actor who will undoubtedly make up for his lack of physical similarity with yet another top - notch performance.
Head of Animal Welfare at the Charity, Shelley Wooding said: «Sadly in recent years, the Staffies» perceived physical similarities with Pit Bulls mean people are often wrongly frightened of Staffies.
The only clue we had that Volgin might be back was from a few physical similarities between the two characters but other than that it wasn't clear.
Had I not been acting irrationally though, I'd have realized physical similarity doesn't equate to matching personalities.
Although we share strong superficial physical similarities, we have been able to use our incredible mental abilities to construct civilisations and manipulate our environment to our will, allowing us to take over our planet and walk on the moon while the chimps grub around in a few remaining African forests.
Linebreeding is similar to breeding like to like only instead of collecting physical similarities, you are collecting the genes of a particular dog.
Humans began selecting dogs with the traits they desired most and began breeding these dogs until physical similarities began to emerge.
Physical similarities aside, there were several improvements making the Droid Turbo 2 better than the original.
The Sima hominins were assumed to be Neanderthal ancestors based on physical similarities and the hominins» location in Europe, where Neanderthals most likely later evolved.
Though dingoes were illegal to keep as pets, physical similarities between the dingo and the Australian Kelpie suggests that the two were crossed at some point in the past.
Two other names, «Yogurt Plant» and «Yogurt Mushroom», point to kefir's physical similarity with yogurt.
There are physical similarities but we are totally different players,» the former Toffees striker explained.
Michael Fish reminds me of Michael Foot sometimes - they have some physical similarities.
Based on the Sima hominins» physical similarities and the site's European location, some researchers assumed they were the branch that gave rise to Neanderthals.
Matthew Botvinick and Jonathan Cohen, then at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, who reported the so - called rubber - hand illusion in 1998, have suggested that the physical similarity between your real hand and the model is sufficient to fool the brain into attributing the touch sensations to the phony fingers.
In the Linnaean system, groups of organisms are nested within each other based on their physical similarity.
Yet it is physical similarity, in the end, that may allow humans to respond to robots in kind.
Although previous experiments showed that humans deliberately and consciously judge kinship based on physical similarities, Burnstein says most psychologists would be skeptical that humans automatically and unconsciously act on these resemblances.
«We think it is sort of a real emulation, rather than simulation because they have the physical similarity,» Yang says.
When one tyke looks like the physical similarity of the favored race, the family may tend to support that tyke over the other who may have physical properties of the other race.
Besides utilising clever editing, giving the two men the same name (Athos Magnani), emphasising their physical similarity and having a single actor play both parts, the director achieves this effect most brilliantly with the introduction of Alida Valli's character, Draifa, the murdered man's former mistress; mentally unbalanced, forever trapped in 1936, the year her lover died, she is unable to separate the past from the present, the father from the son.
Riley is excellent as Curtis, and not just because of his physical similarities to the icon.
Just as how interactions and showdowns were invented to fit the chronology of the film without undermining its power, lead Michael Fassbender's lack of a physical similarity to Jobs doesn't take away from his performance.
The physical similarities end there, however.
It is a broad grouping indeed, and in most cases, the only thing these dogs bear in common is one or two physical similarities, but even then, their qualities really aren't alike at all.
If the bill stands as written, any pit bulls — a vaguely defined breed label attached to any number of dogs with physical similarities to American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bulldogs, and other mixes of any of those breeds — not registered with the city by January 1, 2018 will not be allowed to legally live within city limits.
With their upright ears, short fur, and balanced, athletic body, the Blue Heeler bears a physical similarity to the Australian Dingo however their bodies tend to be more muscular.
While the dogs share some physical similarities, temperamentally they are as different as the men for whom they are named.
Yes, the engine's still a twin - turbo flat - six and the Porsche 911 is used as a base to work on, but that's where most of the physical similarities end.
Harris's fascination with Pollock matched his physical similarity, and his devotion assured a work of singular integrity, honoring the artist's achievement in abstract expressionism while acknowledging that Pollock was a tormented, manic - depressive alcoholic whose death at 44 (in a possibly suicidal car crash) also claimed the life of an innocent woman.
Pagel's «juice» and the «electric mud» of this volume's title refer to paint and clay, which are examined here for their physical similarities and fluid boundaries.
Lorraine O'Grady's «Sisters I - IV,» is four sets of side - by - side portraits that show the physical similarities between ancient African queens and contemporary African - American women.
The forms in the photographs immediately read as live human bodies; however, because of their hidden faces and physical similarity, they also appear strangely formal and impersonal.
Opponents include numerous law enforcement agencies, the state's police chiefs organization and Drug Watch International, which point to interference with law enforcement capabilities because of the physical similarities of hemp with marijuana.
88 128 These comments were echoed in the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision in R. v. M.A.L. 89 There, it was held that the cumulative effect of a number of otherwise unremarkable circumstances, including proximity to the scene of the crime, a physical similarity to descriptions given by victims, suspicious behaviour, and a prior conviction for the same offence, constituted reasonable grounds to arrest the accused for carjacking offences.
The physical similarities between the S4 and the S4 Mini carry over to Android as well.
But aside from that, the physical similarities are few and far between.
Curiously, the product bears a resemblance to the S9 mining product from China - based hardware maker Bitmain, with some commentators highlighting the physical similarities on social media.
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