Sentences with phrase «one's poker face»

Even an interviewer with a good poker face won't outright ignore a direct question.
So why can some people put on a winning poker face while others can't help giving themselves away?
Putting on a convincing poker face might not depend on skill alone; it could also be down to the wiring of your brain.
No matter how well you answered a question, the responses you get is, at best, a blank poker face.
You need coaching to craft a concise script and answer this with your best poker face.
Even the fan favourite, Auron, sort of bored me, with his too - cool - to - be-alive poker face on all the time.
«It's like taking a string and bending it,» he says, pulling a third finger across the center of this imaginary line, «It creates a kind of poker face of absurdity to the artwork that negates meaning.
Does it have to do with Poker face attitudes or with the alchemy of changing lies into truth or fake into real?
Fans awaiting an upgrade from Casino Games were very much over the moon with the introduction of Poker Face Paul.
And job interviews can make the most stoic poker faces turn into sweaty messes.
Even after a lot of anticipation regarding the game, the critical reviews for Poker Face Paul faced much flak from expert gamers Like GamePro who reviewed it as a series containing not so good graphics and a disappointing background score asking other gamers to opt for a deck of cards instead of the game.
Poker face Author and card player James McManus» Cowboys Full: The Story of Poker is an erudite, well - researched and fully referenced history of the French parlor game that morphed into an American obsession in the mid-19th century.
as they say in france, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, something something poker face, something something amen.
Wenger Is in Poker Face Mode, he's dealing out his plan B, C & D's.
Played with a riveting poker face by Philip Baker Hall (the Richard Nixon of Robert Altman's Secret Honor), he hovers over the action like a pouchy - eyed Mephistopheles: all - seeing, all - controlling, all - mysterious.
The script by Jonathan Perera plays everything close to the vest, and Chastain's ice - cold poker face gives very little away.
There's a lot bluffs and poker faces going on with the Sanchez saga.
im glad we are cloak and dagger but I wish he gave something away that poker faced Son Of a Witch in terms of, yes we are looking for «Messi» to sign for us (along those lines).
I steel myself for what is likely to become a test of my parenting moxie and has already challenged my parental poker face.
In the subsequent months and weeks as I made plans with her and my husband for birthing at home, I maintained a fairly solid poker face of confidence while inside doubt and fear of the choice permeated my being.
2008, back when she released her hit single Poker Face.
soon i hope 2 be a part of poker face productions, which is a movie production compa
Right up to an ending designed to crack the sternest critical poker face, this is gourmet popcorn of the highest order.
Jennifer Lawrence plays Dominika with a placid poker face to preserve her secrets and the script's — we never know when she's being sincere and with whom, and it's all in service of keeping the twists and turns in place.
The concept behind Brick sounds just as ridiculous as the «children as gangsters» idea from Alan Parker's Bugsy Malone, but Johnson's film plays out almost entirely poker faced.
In contrast, Strathairn gives a tour - de-force performance, incessantly smoking and fighting with these film clips without ever dropping his famed poker face.
Mendelsohn is perfectly cast (his terrific poker face makes it difficult for those he encounters to tell if his character is being straight with them) and he plays the character memorably (reeking of desperation and totally convinced his next bet will be the one that will make up for all of the others), which is why it's not surprising that he landed a best actor Spirit Award nom — and why one can't rule out the possibility that he will be a surprise Oscar nominee, as well.
To be fair to the girl, Miranda Frost's key feature is her steely poker face, her cold composure that is frostier than both her name and the Ice Palace.
At their poker table of daring heroines with complex agendas, you find no less than: 45 Years» shatter - glass Kate Mercer holding a royal flush (which she'll soon discover is actually just an Ace high); Maria Enders and Valentine of Clouds of Sils Maria bluffing one another under the table; and the ultimate in unpredictable poker faces, Phoenix's Nelly.
Cates's poker face line read of the story of her father being untimely demise in the chimney dressed as Santa Clause remains one of the strangest movie monologues in history.
Before it gets too Teorema on us, a mid-film reveal about military experiments will either tickle your fancy or slide you off into distraction, though it's presented with such poker faced seriousness that Lance Reddik's over-the-top performance feels every bit at home here as similar twists in blockbuster fanfare like something from the ongoing Bourne films (as well as a distant echo of The Manchurian Candidate).
On the same exact road, the Golf wears a stony, unflappable poker face while the Focus roared and screeched in delight.
We joked because no matter what we did to or with him, ranging from dressing him up like a Santa's Elf, howling in unison on a video, or throwing him steaming chunks of turkey, his beautiful «Ol' Poker Face» would never, ever change expression (although his tail would give him away when he got excited; it never beat really fast, but rather like a conductor's baton with the slowest beat imaginable).
Among the suites are the poker - themed Poker Face Suite and the yoga - themed Serenity Suite.
Perhaps the most pitiful of these was the universally - mocked Poker Face Paul.
They putting they re poker face on
The story meanders along, mildly patronising and with a naïve doggy poker face that can't hope to conceal any of the plot's twists and turns, though the animal cast makes it an enjoyable enough ride all the same.
It's shorter than it deserves to be and could stand a better poker face before revealing
The room became very quiet and as I glanced around the table, I saw a dozen perfect poker faces.
Bribes are offered, clever ploys are enacted by people with poker faces to rival brick walls, hoping to lure an unsuspecting Sheriff into conducting a search.
He just had a really good poker face and he was playing on the fact that we were able to develop stealth bombers in secret.
This was released for SEGA Genesis and Game Gear in 1993 and was a touch more inventive than Poker Face Paul by introducing narrative themes that saw you leaving the casino in a limo, taxi or bus depending upon your success at blackjack, slots, roulette, video poker or even keno!
Selected group exhibitions include: IMAGINE BRAZIL, Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo & Musee D'Art Contemporain de Lyon, France, 2014; Correspondências, Centro Cultural dos Correios, Rio de Janeiro, 2013; Time Space Poker Face, Be-Part, Waregem, Belgium, 2013; Rumos Artes Visuais, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, 2012; MYTHOLOGIES, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, 2011; Programa Anual de Exposições, Centro Cultural São Paulo, 2010.
I generally don't have any sort of poker face, so no doubt I've worn a bit of a smirk on my face most of the day.
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