Sentences with phrase «one's policy efforts»

Every education policy effort going forward must be focused on creating the opportunity for innovation.
Users can also vary the level of climate policy effort and global energy demand in each scenario to understand their role.
While the report concludes that the proportion of renewable energy will likely increase even without enabling policies, past experience has shown that the largest increases come with concerted policy efforts.
And finally, progress in renewable growth in the heat and transport sectors remains slow and needs significantly stronger policy efforts.
Findings like this demonstrate the need to keep race and past and present racial discrimination an explicit part of conversations and policy efforts related to schools, transportation, health, and housing.
The findings of the study... add to an ongoing debate over policy efforts to increase daily school breakfast consumption.
I conclude that educational progress is real, but stalled, and that we may need new and sustained policy efforts to resume the gains we saw in the 1990s and 2000s.
Policy efforts often focus on elementary and middle schools, such as federal annual testing requirements that apply to grades 3 - 8 but only one grade in high school.
But, without further policy efforts, these benefits are unlikely to be realised as less than a third of global final energy demand is covered by efficiency standards today.
Only after you connect with people this way, at the personal and local level, can you then get people participating in a dialogue about bigger policy efforts.
Its work includes ensuring a coherent K - 12 accountability system is adopted to promote college and career readiness while integrating education policy efforts.
So, what does this grim situation say about our current climate policy efforts?
Despite concerted policy efforts, legal paternity is not established in a significant number of cases.
Maryland Hunger Solutions leads advocacy and public policy efforts in Maryland in support of efforts to fight hunger by strengthening the federal nutrition programs.
GVBOT intends to focus its public policy efforts on improving and enhancing Greater Vancouver's performance in certain aspects of the Scorecard, and have identified the following areas for our immediate attention:
Establish a mutual understanding between the two parties regarding an appropriate valuation for their respective currencies, and a prohibition of policy efforts aimed at attaining a competitive advantage through deviation of the exchange rate from its underlying fair value.
The text - based chat followed the release last month of Quality Counts at 10: A Decade of Standards - Based Reform, the 10th annual Education Week report on state policy efforts for improving education (Jan. 5, 2006).
According to Boring, the idea for the Global Blockchain Forum was conceived as the need for coordinating policy efforts among members of the association arose.
In fact, approximately 3 out of 4 individuals support efforts to add body weight as a protected class under Civil Rights laws, and the majority of those surveyed (at least 60 %) are supportive of other policy efforts to address weight discrimination across the nation.
This is after decades of continued policy efforts by successive Commonwealth, state and territory governments to ameliorate Indigenous education disadvantage.
«New global policy effort to tackle crisis of plastic litter in oceans urged.»
... We believe that a primary aim of new policy efforts should be to reinforce these pathways to lower CO2 emissions.»
Stay tuned for action alerts that will ask you to support our ongoing policy efforts in Sacramento.
The measures are part of Argentina's ongoing policy efforts aimed at preparing the country to secure a share of the international biofuels market (earlier post).
Cuomo, too, has been at odds with the New York State United Teachers over education policy efforts as well his support for charter schools.
We're hopeful that identifying these trends in support of action to end weight discrimination can provide backing for current and future policy efforts
This means that the next president and congress (as well as governors and state legislatures) have the opportunity to use education for bipartisan policy efforts that will unify, rather than fracture, diverse groups.
Holding hundreds of conversations with thousands of teachers and other stakeholders across the country which helped form the basis of the Department's RESPECT project (Recognizing Educational Success, Professional Excellence and Collaborative Teaching) to transform the teaching profession and inform policy efforts to support great teachers and leaders;
When you look at real economics (as opposed to fantasy visions that deep cuts are possible just with a few mouse clicks) and real geopolitics you have a problem that is structured to fail — it requires near - term policy efforts that are costly with uncertain future benefits, it depends on sustained action when the reality is that governments waver as issues come and go, and it requires international collective action.
Recent policy efforts in states such as California require remedial education to be eliminated quickly, and faculty charged with implementing these reforms may understandably want additional time to design the best system.
Policy fellows sometimes choose not to endorse high - profile policy efforts championed by philanthropies, Ms. Coggins noted.
«Although these trends do not seem to be worsening, there are few signs — despite tremendous policy efforts — of any meaningful turnaround,» said Fernandez.
By focusing on the tweets and the way that Trump has undermined his own policy efforts, a primary challenger might just be able to drive a wedge between the president and his base.
Cohn's exit is, in its way, normal: He passed his signature policy effort, he didn't get the promotion to Federal Reserve chair, he was losing influence internally, he was burnt out, and so he is leaving.
Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, the top 50 global central banks have cut interest rates 673 times, and negative interest - rate policy efforts haven't worked.
Landfill remaining the main destination for municipal waste disposal (46 percent of total waste is landfilled on average according to environmental NGOs) despite considerable policy effort by EU authorities to increase waste separation and deter waste production at the source.
If cities in upstate New York want to see tangible economic solutions, New Yorkers should consider DeFrancisco's tax policy efforts when they enter the voting booths in November.
Recently, the Center for Data Innovation included New York as one of the eight top - scoring states in its ranking of state open data policy efforts.
Richard Brodsky, a former Democratic assemblyman from Westchester County who led the opposition to a congestion zone in 2008, said that just as before, it failed because its supporters were tone - deaf to the financial realities of working - class and middle - class drivers, and made no serious policy effort — no traffic studies, no public hearings — to assess the causes of congestion and the impact of the new fees.
But in 1976, the U.S. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research — the country's first bioethics policy effort — issued a report that effectively brought human challenge experiments in prisons to a halt.
More than just a single program, the failure of SIG represents the Obama administration crapping out on a central policy effort — one that Duncan called arguably the administration's «biggest bet» just days before leaving office in 2016.
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