Sentences with phrase «one's political culture»

I'll argue that in at least one way, this election cycle introduced something truly new into political culture in this country.
They are already generating a new political culture based on spiritual and cultural visions of tradition.
What resulted provided a grim assessment of state government as «a pay - to - play political culture driven by large checks».
They undoubtedly have a very strong resonance in British political culture.
How can something as complex as political culture be explained by just one environmental factor?
Canadian political culture, in my humble view ladies and gentlemen, has now fundamentally changed.
And that's the problem with our local political culture.
Such concerns have a stronger effect than do concerns about political culture differences between the two countries.
In other cases, there are different political cultures pushing them towards different positions.
Evidence suggests that institutional structures properly representing the diversity of Indigenous political culture would be more sustainable.
He argues that «liberal» and «conservative» voices in the church tend to mimic the groups that share those labels in the wider political culture.
So is the general political culture — our most persuasive teacher to our most alienated students.
They share, though, a common political culture that is stronger in its effects on the mutual interactions between them.
This difference is thought to express the basic division in public political culture.
Political culture helps to explain the party's support for the coalition.
The lackluster turnout here is a sign of how stagnant our city political culture has gotten.
People, in this weird political culture, are merely objects to be managed lest they cause an environmental disaster.
Most of us will fall naturally on one side of the dispute or the other depending on our particular economic / political culture backgrounds.
Despite all this, it's still too early to worry about a distinct shift towards religion in the British political culture.
Trying to distinguish their clients from the broader political culture of Albany has been a challenge for defense lawyers in corruption trials.
And I want the kind of political culture which dynamically responds to groundswells of popular demand, which again requires the ability to vote someone out and vote others in.
«There is, I believe, a deeply corrupt political culture in New York, an acceptance of the idea that you go into politics to get favors and do favors and a deep, deep, deep cynicism in Albany and culture,» said Teachout, who is teaching a course this semester on political corruption in the state.
The problem is with political culture and dominant political discourses, not with «the Labour blogosphere» (whatever that is).
«Finding ways of encouraging young people to engage with politics isn't just about making it easier to vote, it's about changing political culture too,» Professor Henn added.
That idiosyncratic and enduring quality related to the general degree to which Canadian political culture remained ideologically open.
It might be a very significant impact on political culture in the USA, as a backlash to Trump.
«The idea that we would have 45 states take two assessments, and both highly similar, that is probably not going to happen given the nature of federalism and the diversity of state political cultures,» Kirst said.
against the current political culture — but still be transformationists, hoping eventually to change it.
Setting that aside, here's the thing: If we are ultimately to make no distinction between genders, then the Kantian imperatives of our contemporary political culture mean that we must ultimately start screening all soldiers (male and female) for pregnancy, for to require only those with female anatomy to undergo such would seem to me to be a sign of cissexism, transphobia, etc., etc., etc..
We must rebuild American political culture so that, at its presidential apex, it is far less likely to produce such a mortifying choice as the one created by this election cycle.
It's something of a truism — and an overstatement — that every generation gets the Lincoln it needs, but there's no escaping that Spielberg's Lincoln seems ideally suited to help contemporary audiences put their present political culture in context.
Unlike traditional cultures, our modern political cultures don't have the excuse of our hunter - gatherer ancestors.
The exhaustion of Western political culture and the devolution of ground - level politics in the North Atlantic world into a shouting match between the forces of political correctness and the forces of a new «populism» make us singularly vulnerable to this cooler Cold War.
A further philosophical issue, also of deep concern to many, appertains to the rationality of religious commitment within the context of modern democratic political culture.
But he lamented a modern political culture that he described as filled with vitriol and devoid of compassion.
Whereas Conservative MPs have seldom baulked at ridding themselves of leaders who proved to be liabilities, Labour's more collectivist political culture meant it was averse to defenestration.
Even the Commission's one watered down report stated that state government is «a pay - to - play political culture driven by large checks.»
It's the most vicious aggressive political culture both at the candidate level, that Trump is now finding out.
Our deeply wounded political culture has produced two impossible options in the 2016 Republican and Democratic tickets.
The liberal political cultures of the West must recognize that their commitment to individual autonomy and equality of opportunity expresses a homegrown maximalist morality of justice, and should not be imperially imposed upon all peoples.
The fact is that almost the entire political culture recoiled in aversion from a half - baked proposal to socialize an additional 15 percent of the economy, thus making it impossible to discuss health care reform for years, if not decades, to come.
Remarkably, the argument that Rhodes put forward not only served his own financial interests (in the African colony that was soon to bear his name); it also served the interests of a broader political culture saturated with the exploitational values of finance capitalism.
The tendency to immediate gratification and on - demand viewing mitigates against a deliberative political culture.
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