Sentences with phrase «one's political environment»

It is sensible to reconsider these questions in the light of the election result, and in the new political environment in which we find ourselves.
However, the current political environment adds a layer of complexity to it.
Candidates are prepared to view LCD learners and their communities within the context of the social political environment of local communities, schools, and the global society.
The hostile political environment for Common Core may not be the main reason for the decrease in support among teachers, however.
We can focus on something that's of very great importance and we can see it through, notwithstanding the rapidly changing political environment.
The global political environment certainly makes daily life interesting and may from time to time play a role in increased market volatility.
The new research focuses on how labels impact acceptance of climate - science in a now more charged political environment.
You don't have to be very old to remember a completely different political environment.
Or does today's political environment make that impossible?
Build and maintain outside support for the administration's commitment to meeting the climate and clean energy challenge despite an increasingly difficult political environment to pass legislation.
She also warns against the embrace of a toxic political environment and explains why morals shouldn't be compromised for power.
Great leaders must learn how to operate in highly political environments.
Her character's ability to command respect as a leading government assassin in the turbulent political environment in the late 1980s further proves the cause for implementing more female protagonists in action movies.
And in an uncertain political environment, candidates may be taking longer to test the waters.
However, with an election looming next year, a policy that has the potential to improve the domestic political environment will be welcomed.
This demonstrates that despite a highly - conservative political environment in many rural states, there is no local push to create school voucher programs in many places given the fiscal and logistical challenges.
And scientific societies are starting to do more to help their members deal with the poisonous political environment around climate change.
If the business depends on overseas clients or suppliers, for example, examine the short - and long - term political environment of the countries involved.
Some of you are deeply involved in your local or state political environment.
Together, these tools and trainings offer a starting place for securing social movements in an increasingly frightening political environment.
Still, due to the extraordinary political environment in which we find ourselves, investors remain more skeptical and bearish than normal.
Some investors are thinking that an uncertain domestic and global economic and political environment puts the question of a rate hike off the table.
We also touched on the dynamics of campaigns — and the kinds of candidates who'll thrive — in a digital - dominated political environment.
Especially in today's irrational political environment, social - science studies aren't designed to reveal new information.
These are complex challenges that the current divisive political environment seems unable or unwilling to resolve.
In the end, agility will be key for companies to succeed in the tense political environment.
There was a strong mandate from across the ideological spectrum and partisan divide, something that is rare in the current political environment.
In this changing political environment, the central and divisive issue is almost always the role and future of the nation.
This is likely the first shot of many the two conferences will take this year, a highly charged political environment that includes redistricting and the possibility of a Democratic takeover of the chamber.
Now, in a different political environment, we are again grappling with the morality of American military power.
In this new political environment, our work has become more important than ever.
But he says teachers will not be affected because they have gotten used to navigating the difficult political environment the controversy has created over the years.
It is a challenging and demanding job field as the dynamics of the social, cultural and political environment make an impact on marketing tasks.
Despite a somewhat unpredictable political environment both internationally and locally, general and local economic conditions suggest continued buyer / investor confidence.
Speaking on Adom FM's Personality Profile Programme on Monday morning, Mr Mensah maintained that in advanced political environments where individuals» rights and liberties, dignity and integrity are cherished, such claims of corruption are investigated quietly and brought to the public domain only when sufficient evidence of impropriety has been established and charges are preferred.
4) Do the impacts of the national political environment on student experiences differ depending on the demographics of the high schools they attend?
He believes it is «not likely many American scientists will take up the offer,» but says the invitation offers a «sharp contrast to an increasingly hostile U.S. political environment for science.»
Reaching bipartisan agreement on policy change is especially challenging in the current polarized political environment
Bonacic announced his plans to retire from the Senate last week, part of a series of Republican lawmakers announcing their plans this month to not run for re-election ahead of what is expected to be a challenging political environment for the party.
The main reason why Morocco has become a prime choice for a base in the Maghreb, he says, is that the country provides possibly the most stable political environment of the region.
As an aside, I hope the current World political environment doesn't affect the high performance car market.
While Tisch wouldn't say explicitly who resisted the plan, she cited the failed attempt as an illustration of the contentious political environment surrounding public education, which has worsened in recent months as Governor Andrew Cuomo has battled the state's teachers» unions.
Morgan Stanley's final reason for the upgrade revolves around a «surprisingly supportive political environment» and the «strategic relationship between Tesla leadership and the new administration.»
The contentious political environment in the US did not affect the broader economy.
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