Sentences with phrase «one's poor state»

And unfortunately, average is a rather poor state of health for most of our companions.
He was in a very poor state when he arrived and needed some vet attention.
Why do you think the most religious and poor states do so bad academically?
This might be an option if your dog's mouth is in a particularly poor state.
I was not okay to spend the rest of my life like this, not to mention my health was in a very poor state.
I feel the need to be harsher and more critical of games being launched in poor states because it's something that frustrates me hugely about the industry at the moment.
Otherwise it was an impressively problem free experience, and the first game in quite some time where I didn't need to download a day - 1 patch and didn't spend a lot of my time cursing how games were getting kicked out of the door in such poor states Here's hoping Battlefield 5 manages to do the same, although it's clearly Battlefront's tighter focus and simpler design philosophy that has enable DICE to polish it up so well.
Dairy farmers have insisted that their sector remains in a chronic poor state because the Common Agricultural Policy lacks a mechanism to prevent damaging market breakdowns.
Watching members of Congress from poor states like Mississippi vote against health care funding was «shocking,» he says.
IN SPITE of the current high butter prices, European dairy farmers insist that their sector remains in a chronic poor state because the Common Agricultural Policy lacks a mechanism to prevent damaging market breakdowns.
Following the current poor state of Nigeria's economy, the Speaker of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Hon. Onofiok Luke has charged lawyers and activists...
In an effort to explain the decline, State Superintendent White has raised the question of whether the shift to computer - based testing in the most recent NAEP assessment could have negatively impacted scores, especially in poorer states like Louisiana where many children have limited access to technology.
Since poor state test scores, poor SAT or ACT scores, are kept only in students» records in perpetuity, he is the one who truly is held accountable.
Poor stated amenable Fight against the exact madness this was the interior of my current dental problems.
«No doubt, times are hard because of the pervading poor state of the economy.
Federal tax monies are constantly redistributed from wealthy to poorer states through various mechanisms.
Massey regularly criticizes Mayor de Blasio for the infamously poor state of his relationship with Cuomo and pledges to be «supportive» and «work cooperatively» with Cuomo.
The sheikh reportedly suffered a stroke earlier this month aggravating an already poor state of...
As cash - poor state governments slash budgets, colleges are capping or cutting enrollment despite a surge in applications from high school seniors, community college students and unemployed workers returning to school.
Low rankings on school funding fairness correlate to poor state performance on key resource indicators, including less access to early childhood education, noncompetitive wages for teachers, and higher teacher ‐ to ‐ pupil ratios.
Many families may not have the tools to assess which voucher options are improvements over public schools, versus those that are simply online schools with poor state oversight, like some of the poor - performing charter schools in Ohio.
* Could the ESEA / ESSA's pooling of the different disabilities into one sub-group explain the historically poor state standards test results — where students with disabilities significantly underperform their same - grade peers?
But in light of Corvette's abysmal sales and tremendous financial loses over the years (2nd only to Cadillac) and GM's overall poor state of financial health..
According to the Myanmar government, the Chin State is the second poorest state in Myanmar.
Interestingly enough, while 22Cans have been dealing with the current and ongoing poor state of Godus, according to a couple of ex-22Cans employees, this game actually became the developers main focus, which will surely piss off a lot of Godus supporters even more.
«Even making allowances for its extremely poor state of preservation, it is a curiously unimpressive composition and it is hard to believe that Leonardo himself was responsible for anything so dull,» wrote Charles Hope, an emeritus professor at the Warburg Institute at the University of London, in his 2012 review of a National Gallery exhibition that included the «Salvator Mundi.»
The American Legislative Exchange Council just released its 8th annual Rich State, Poor State index.
In that climate of fear about the future, ALEC's Rich States, Poor States offers an elixir that purports to cure what ails you — like snake oil salesmen in days of yore.
Ok, I was being hyperbolic, but also echoing the sentiment of the Apple supporter when talking about their perceived poor state of Android OEMs.
North Carolina, a conservative and relatively poor state, made that investment over the last 25 years, and continues to invest so the state can have a fully degreed ECE workforce.
This is yet another example of the poor poor state of the REALTOR brand because Seller Net sheets have been carefully avoided by CREA and MLS associations for over 30 years.
The troubled PC Port of Arkham Knight led to it being pulled from stores and Steam, which leads to a bigger question: Why are these games being released in such poor states?
In poorer states, more people are religious.
Williams, whose marriage was in a very poor state by this point, was deeply moved to hear that, when she was alone in the little apartment, and the bombs were falling, Michal would sit reading his poems.
State governors have declared their intention to approach the World Bank in a bid to salvage their states from the current poor state of the economy which has made it difficult for many of them to pay salaries.
Underneath her dirty and matted coat, she had a number of infected abscesses that required treatment, and was in a very poor state of health in general.
As an appropriator from a poor state, McConnell for years had used his earmarks to demonstrate that he was delivering for Kentucky.
Dropping a simple, ubiquitous, decades - old standard for a proprietary audio connector on the next iPhone speaks to the poor state of tech innovation today
And foreign firms are needed to exploit deeper deposits thanks to the poor state of Egypt's mining industry.
(A handful of states, including Alabama, Arkansas and Minnesota, mandate even less than the federal minimum wage, which was established as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and contained exemptions for some poorer states.)
Delaware doesn't even rank among the 35 poorest states in the country, but it's the poorest on this list according to median income.
America's millionaires are not evenly distributed across the country, but the poorest states in the country don't always have fewer of them, and the richest states don't always have more.
Many come from the poor state of Bihar in the north - eastern part of India.
When queried as to whether or not the Fed has a choice in introducing another round of quantitative easing, given the poor state of the economy, he said, «the Fed obviously has a choice, but it wants to be seen as doing something.
In subsequent tweets on Wednesday, Trump bemoaned the poor state of relations between Washington and Moscow, something he's vowed to fix as president.
Whereas with a franchise model, they can be very one dimensional and can be severely affected when the economy is in a poor state.
While recent retail sales figures point to continuing growth in consumption in the near term, the poor state of the labour market and low levels of consumer confidence are likely to crimp future household spending (Graph 7).
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