Sentences with phrase «one's portion of the bill»

If you can pay a large portion of the bill immediately, you might be able to get a discount on your health care.
Recently, however, some pet insurance companies have added on express claims that allow the insurance company to pay the covered portion of the bill directly to the hospital.
If you can pay a large portion of the bill immediately, you might be able to get a discount on your health care.
2 miles will be earned for every $ 1 you spend on the supply portion of your bill.
Just the beer portion of the bill is anticipated to create an additional 9,000 jobs in the first 12 - 18 months after it is implemented.
Issues of speed and timing are at play for other portions of the bill.
Generally, just a small portion of each bill deals with the oversight of academic research.
Hopefully, before Republican leadership start round two of the debate will consider some of the reforms to both the food and farm portions of the bill.
The other big charge is for delivery, which lead to my second realization: a pretty sizable portion of my bill is still based on a variable rate.
The point is, electricity providers offering extraordinarily high discounts may be talking only about the electricity portion of the bill.
Home insurance, flood insurance, and other policies are paying for a large portion of that bill.
The Pennsylvania Democrat, who has been working on portions of the bill aimed at reducing U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, also told reporters that for the first 10 years to 15 years of the program, most of industry's permits would be free.
If he does sign it, he can veto portions of the bill — for example, eliminating Permanent Fund dividends entirely — to force legislators into action when they return in July.
Other Democrats took shots at the education portion of the bill, which shifted the regional tallies for charter schools between upstate and New York City, and offered up $ 250 million for private schools in prior - year reimbursements.
With ASCD's help, Sen. Reed's office is exploring which portions of his bill might be incorporated into the Senate ESEA bill to improve on its teacher quality provisions.
Can a ripped Canadian Plastic Bill with 60 % portion of the bill remaining containing both serial # s still get full value?
Afterwards, you get 2 miles for every $ 1 paid on your energy charge portion of your bill each month.
U.S. drugmakers will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the repatriation portion of the bill.
So if you were to impose a tariff on all good imported overseas to drive up the value of the dollar, it would be the Chinese that would end up paying the biggest portion of the bill building the wall between U.S. and Mexico, and not the Mexicans.
But draft legislation obtained by Charlotte news station WBTV suggests lawmakers may be walking back portions of the bill.
The Buffalo News quoted one lawmaker as calling it the «Monday night massacre,» but Cuomo said he doesn't think he vetoed a higher - than - average portion of the bills.
We urge Special Master Sheila Birnbaum to extend the boundaries for eligibility for the Victim Compensation Fund portion of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health & Compensation Act to match the same northernmost boundary for the healthcare portion of the bill.
The pension forfeiture portion of the bill would apply to all public employees who are sworn in subsequent to the bill's enactment — they would also be subject to the hefty financial penalty of up to twice the sum they unlawfully collected.
(Hochul cited her votes against portions of the bill when running for reelection in 2012.)
«Just when it looked as if he had struck a truce with opponents in a 2 - year battle over legislation — passed this spring by the House of Representatives — that provides guidance to the National Science Foundation (NSF), Smith yesterday reintroduced the most contentious portion of that bill as standalone legislation.
The spending measure, which would fund the government for the rest of 2011, now goes to the Senate, which disagrees with many portions of the bill.
But its analysis of the NSF portion of the bill is stunningly brief — and entirely positive: «The Administration appreciates the Committee's support for NSF.
Although teachers have «unitary dues» where they pay once for national, state, and local affiliates, the state and local portions of the bill vary greatly and can be quite significant.
For example, your health insurance may cover a large portion of the bill if you're having reconstructive plastic surgery to correct trauma or a developmental defect.
When you know a substantial portion of your bills are already paid for that means you're already kind of in a «no lose» scenario.
Ohio state Rep. Ronald V. Gerberry, sponsor of Nitro's Law, H.B. 90, in the House of Representatives, reported that a deal was reached with the Senate to pass major portions of the bill; those provisions were then made part of the budget bill, H.B. 59, which was signed into law on June 30, 2013.
People need to realize that the lemon law portion of this bill will sweep up responsible breeders who adhere to stringent breed health testing and AKC rules!
On top of this, clients often incorporate aggressive auditing procedures on bills as a regular course of business and a whole subclass of professionals earn their living by disputing portions of the bill, thus negotiating them down on clients» behalf to the detriment of the law firms who issue this bills.
If you would like to examine the legislation, I've created a PDF of the relevant portion of the bill; and I've done up what I think is a fairly accurate flow chart of requirements for entry without consent.
Attached to this email should be a separate spreadsheet for each child showing the date of the medical treatment, the uncovered portion of the bill, the amount the custodial parent paid (if different from the uncovered portion), the medical treatment that created this bill (to demonstrate that this treatment was medical necessary), and the running total of unreimbursed medical expenses for that child for that calendar year.
The consumer protection portion of the bill changed how auto insurance companies in the state could rate — that is, determine the risk posed by a driver and the subsequent premium associated with that risk.
Many U.S. based health insurance plans do not cover their members when they leave the U.S. and they apply out - of - network charges for travel outside the health insurance network area, which means the traveler pays a higher portion of the bill.
Your policy number can be found on the «Payment Remittance» portion of your bill next to the due date.
Congress gave the regulator flexibility in determining what a qualified mortgage is, but it must be no less than the standards laid out in the predatory lending portion of the bill, which includes such concepts as underwriting based upon full documentation, ability to repay, and limitations on fees among other things.
A large portion of the bill focuses on raising the Systematically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs) threshold from $ 50 billion to eventually $ 250 billion, which would exempt these institutions from enhanced standards that were put in place after the financial crisis.
Afterwards, you get 2 miles for every $ 1 paid on your energy charge portion of your bill each month.
Select Energy Plus as your electricity supplier in Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts or Pennsylvania, and earn an enrollment bonus of 5,000 after 2 months of service, plus 2 miles for each dollar spent on the supply portion of your bill.
Specific portions of the Bill are subject to a shorter - term review, for «requests by mature minors for medical assistance...
Among other options, the savings could have paid a large portion of the bill to rebuild the nation's aging nuclear arsenal, or the operating expenses for 50 Army brigades.
Trump highlighted the portions of the bill he supports: the nearly $ 80 billion increase in defense spending, a $ 1.6 billion boost to border security funding and a cash injection to fight the opioid epidemic.
The company's portion of the bill (hotel and recreation included) came to about $ 50,000.
During this event, if anyone at your table ordered wings, a portion of the bill would go directly to Family Service of Chester County in the form of a donation.
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